yeemmt 100 en ie e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeaaeaenaaaae * w«» A()\'l' 3 . B P IS| f B.Il Liquor by the glass will not be|cause he entered after the whips available for many weeks in On-- reported all present, and Goldwin tario, including the cities of To--|C. Elgie (Woodbine), who was not ronto, London, Windsor, Hamilton| present. Messrs. MacLeod and Sals-- and Ottawa, because of the licens-'berg voted both times against the ing provisions of the new Liquor | hill. License Act, which awaits only' Two Government members, Rev. Royal assent and proclamation to| A, W, Downer (Dufferin--Simcoe) become law. and W. E. Hamiltoh (Wellington S.), Given third reading yesterday bY|who had oppesed the bill on the the Ontario Legislature, but only| prounds represented by Mr. Oliver's after a final fruitless opposition |amendment during discussion the effort to insert an amendment previous night, were not present which would remove the pro\'isionsl,md did not vote. Both, however, for granting licenses without a'had upheld the general provisions vote in the five cities, the bill, DY|of the bill otherwise in their ad-- its own contents, thrusts well intofdrpqséq to the fioueo and voted for the future the advent of lounges,| ,, aruri'ng the earlinffiivisions dining lounges and beer and wine ie & f sale in restaurants. | The Picture An effort to pin down the Oppo-' As the legislation stands, here is sition on its over--all attitude to--| the picture for Ontario: ward the legislation was made by| This bill is one that does not Premier Drew when Attorney--Gen-- become law until it is proclaimed, eral Leslie Blackwell called for| though it may receive Royal assent third reading of the bill late yeS--|immediately. Such practice is usu-- terday and Liberal Leader Farqu'iany followed in legislation which, to har Oliver moved an amendment:| hecome operative, requires prepara-- This amendment would have l"3'|tions such as drawing up regula-- moved the clause which excepted"ionsy appointment of personnel, five cities from the regulations that|a;e probability is that it will be no extension of existing Sales OUt | procjaimed in the immediate future, 'Jets could be inaugurated wnthoutlbut for the major purpose of per-- * "'.re'-"""hs locgl option vote ap"mitting the Liquor License Board 'proving such action. . q, ;.| (which the old Liquor Authority | May 1 ask then l£ P bl"d );!'Control Board now becomes) to be-- jotherwise satisfactory?" demande |\ gin reclassifying hotels throughout 'Premier Drew with a broad smile. the Province. "A Field Day" ' This action, however, will not "Oh no, you don't," replied Mr.}|alter the number of existing out-- a form vet to be provided under Oliver. "You're just having a field| lets, either in or outside the five the regulations. Two advertise-- day with this, aren't you?" | Ontario rities. It will merely de-- ments must be published by the ap-- | "Why, I just thought for once termine what existing establish-- plicant in a newspaper in the mu-- |that the honorable member might| ments shall continue to operate as nicipality where the establishment 'have made up his mind to declare} "trye" hotels, which have sufficiert is to operate. These must appear at 'his color." replied the Premier. status to become taverns (under least one week apart and the last The vote then taken was on the| regulations still to be effected by must be not less than two weeks amendment which lost 5i to 22. As| Orqger--in--Council) and which will before hearing of the application Clerk of the House Alex Lewis S@aid ) hecome public houses. Despite re-- by the board. And then the board that on such a motion for amend--| (lassification, these places can be may be busy reclassifying hotels in ment the same vote could be taken| permitted by the board to continue the other end of the Province and as approving the bill. Premier DreW |;o sell beor and wine to an extent unable to review the application said : i 'and under conditions that exist for many weeks. |__"Oh, no, I don't accept that. I1'd | pow, Speculation in the Legislature |like a vote on the motion to rePOrt| T.ounges, dining lounges, rail-- vesterday held that five cities may | this bil}." ue | ways, steamships, clubs, etc., wi'll start having lounges within six or | _ The Opposition chorused: "50| nof undertake liquor sale immedi-- eight weeks, largely because of the | | would we. Where are the Toront0| ayety First, regulations must he _ Governmient's declared _ opinion | | members?" .. | proclaimed defining the services, that tourists expect such accommo--| The second vote approved the bill | conditions. equipment, ete., which dation. The tourist season is im-- by another recorded vote, 51 to 22. |must be provided to obtain such a minent; it is known that Travel All the Toronto members present|jjcense, Secondly, the act defines and Publicity Minister Weish, rep-- voted with the Government, with|a clear pattern to be followed in resenting a normally "drv' riding the exception of Labor--Progressives | obtaining a license for any purpose _ $upported the bill largely for this A. A, MacLkeod (Bellwoods) and| --jiquor sale (which includes beer _ reason. ; Joseph Salsberg (St. Andrew); D€--| ang wine}, beer sale alone or beer Otherwise it is apparent the velopment Minister Dana Port®t,| and wine sale in a dining--room. Government is in no haste to get Who tried to enter the House as the An application must be made on the new h"l into ('f[('l'?, $ motion was being put but was ruled away by Speaker Stewart be--