Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Apr 1946, p. 2

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ESS 11100 e 00000 e en e en e eerereaeeeeeeeeeeaa Apri\ 4 , "Will this mean that the Royal # York and King Edward, which were Immed + LocaI vo*es unable to provide members nere Ia e with accommodation, will be re--| fused licenses as hotels?" he asked.! ' "They did not have sufficient bed-- n e e r o r o m e n * {rooms." | Mr. Blackwell laughed with the other members, explaining that, + critical periods could not be con--. owe n er ew c sidered reasonable in determining} conditions. | 4 Joseph Salsberg (L.--P., Toronto--| Local option votes to abolish|sale placed on them without con-- _ g," °M DJ °23 criticized the bill as| women's beverage rooms may be'sont." In neither instance did a leaving "altogether too much to| taken at any time after the nemg""?""m""' '."""'b"!' reply, the ob-- regulations to be defined by Ordm'-' Liquor License Act becomes law,|Jections passing without creating in--Council." He quoted sections to| under an amendment adopted by;d""s'o"S or further discussion. substantiate his claim. | the Legislature last night which re-- Early Passage Considered Mr. Blackwell replied that the| moved the original two--year re--| Whether the Attorney--General sections he quoted were from the} strictive clause from the legislation.| will move third reading of the bill Liquor Control Act and had been Any municipality in which bev--| today was unknown late last night. in effect for many years. It was erage rooms are operated may take If so, it would become law except impossible to know what clubs, 'a "quick" vote on this question, for the formal approval of Lieut.-- dining lounges and lounges were without affecting provisions for sub-- Gov. Albert Matthews--a procedure to be, he claimed, until regulations + 'mitting other questions at a later which could be accomplished im-- were written at some future time. date, -- Attorney--General Blackwell| mediately after the third reading. "How are we to make up our explained in submitting the amend-i It was even possible that the minds on this?" Mr. Salsberg asked. \ment. The original two--year vote|hill might not be given third read-- "I would point out that the mem-- ,restri('tion. he explained, had been |ing this week for Premier Drew, in ber doesn't need to make up his to not alter existing conditions a sharp brush with C.C.F. Leader mind," said Mr. Blackwell. "Yes-- |\ while the Liquor License Board car--| W. J. Grummett, declared "the terday he decided he couldn't make |ried out the reclassifying of hotels.|time when this session ends rests up his mind for a year, and couldn't l In all other respects the new bill, entirely in the hands of the Legis-- decide on the principle of this bill, |by last night's two--hour session on|lature; we do not intend to try ! let alone the details." its clause--by--clause consideration|to rush anything and will remain However, Mr. Blackwell con-- 'during committee passage, is onlhere as long as desired." tinued, the definition of club, se--' \the verge of becoming law. Sev-' His willingness to continue the lected by Mr. Salsberg as an ex-- eral amendments submitted by Op--|session beyond the rumored ad-- ample, was along the same unes: position members were declined hylljournment by Friday came when as under the legislation in effect| the Government, four of them being| Mr. Grummett asked what the for years and under which many' voted down by vocal call. Several\ Government's intention was. He licenses had been granted. In the| minor amendments submitted b,\"commented that much legislation new bill, however, were more re--| Mr. Blackwell in no way affected| was being brought in late, yet an-- strictive clauses to define (~lvarly' its original provisions. |other early session called for today, the purpose of a club and prevent The lengthy, but seldom with a third consecutive night ses-- profit being made by any individual| 'acrimonious discussion of the bill, sion planned, seemed to indicate or group. # | brought two Governnment mem--/a rush to close by the week--end. Discusses Wider Powers ' | bers, W. E. Hamilton of Wellington }"In Hands of Members" Provisions to widen and strength--| |South and Rev. W. A. Downer 5| Let's be frank," said Premier en the powers of the Liquor License' [Dufferin--Bimegce, to their fect 'UFE--iDroew. "The member has a train Board in conducting investigations |ing elimination of special pr?'."b,m?s{reservation for Friday night and is of premises and in all"other phases: 'permltt.lng five Ont'ano cities t°'wondering if he will make it." of the liquor business, such as ascer--| 3 have liquor sale wnthoua a ":0 e| "Yes," replied Mr. Grummett, taining details of ownership of any| Both said they felt that "all parts heatedliy. "And now y 'c be. Blish rere.> dj ted . Bel o hould be treated a]ike;J y. .)ou alg g establishment, were iseusse y | of Ontario s i ; outlets of|COWIng personal I will explain it Mr. Blackwell. He explained that: no part should have new outlels Of}:, nocause 1 am district commander every means was intended to per-- of the Canadian Legion of an area mit thorough probes, leaving no embracing all Northern Ontario. loopholes for evasions. I $ We are holding an important meet-- When G. I. Harvey (C.CF., Sault] ing on Sunday and I'd like to be Ste. Marie) said he wished to pro--| there. I would prefer not to be pose that mixed drinking be made{ kept in doubt." illegal, Mr. Blackwell pointed out | "That is a laudable reason for that this could be determined by} wishing to go home," said Premier local option. Mr,. Harvey said he§ Drew. "I did not mean to be per-- veferred specificially to the clause! sonal. I can only say the period which authorized issuance of ;al * «. mentemememsssice e Sn in | _ _license for a public house for sale} that this House sits is in the hand$s| _ of pospr o premises where "men| of the members." an}di women are admitted." G e moved that it be stricken out. Bisckwell Sintement 'al state-- On a voice vote, his motion lost. In what he called a "general sta "May I say," said Mr. Blackwell, ment about this act," Mr. Black-- ©I can undertake that if any pro-[ well said the legislation left as wide prietor wishes to not serve women,| authority and power to the board hf' will be allowed _10 adjust .hiS{ s _ rith definitions of license to that effect and nothing as possible, yet wi ' will be done to restrain him from| a "very limiting effect." doing so." ' : When Mr.-- Grummett | a s K 60 _ pposes Incregses f e what was meant | as _ f'Spe("al "I supported the bill on principlef services" in the definition Of when I voted yesterday." said Mr.] "dining lounge," Mr. Blackwell) [ framimon -- a fence -- straddling, said that wouid vary according} 10 / qmongment did not attract me and, the needs of an area. A moment ) fyyop ipna intention of the Attor-l later the House burst into laught?r ney--General's bill. when A. Chartrand (L., Ottawa E.), "But I am opposed to outlets pointed out that definition of 2| |being increased without a vote. 1 hotel in the bill prescribed "A $4--) |iniy inat there will be & tendency ficient number of bedrooms to| |to increase drinking. People will serve the needs of the community Inip in for a quick drink in the

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