y l ' maych zo -- en men~~ ym mmmmnmemienss...--s ; f f C * y o T *'AE2nik en _ es | ommunism, Not Labor G His Target sm, roup, His Target, remier George Drew Emphasizes to Legislatu P l e M ow _ Emp J | 1 ie { } is o her h l Open For Advice ue '%3 yotes which san E[NUDS _xotmg' Reviewing some of the eartiee |°f $1,000,000,000, had earned Gov-- IL > > golidly along party lines, but in one | addresses, Premier Drew --opened ernment disfavor,. _ Nothing was ' fi*; of which the Liberal group voted his remarks by expressing willing-- o nleq in tjmfn t tke y map dn 7 ho with the Government against a ness to receive worthwhile advice _ 'XC" PE L s I.,angford: AesI P¥333 f from any member. Typical of valu. SPOken from a knowledge o' long| CCF. subamendment which was able suégestions NErE Those regard. ierm plans, had full knowledge ot1 ,f:: supported h."th? Ljabor-.Progressx\'ef. j ing aid to northern farmers offered fi?; e:}?gfi'\]_ta;?';f\?:&;':'" \}':/hdr.-nb hei the Drew Administration late yes--: / by Victor Martin (L., Nipissing), he becai festy w a eeg't; terday won endorsement of its legis-- -- said, on which the -- Government vifi?fif.eo}°T'Jf§nF:Cffi,nfi\.,'l'ffi] %n,:' oC lative program as forecast in the| p:iadnned ac't'lllt;n}.' h';',(\i'p;)(:&:\l of 9t0°C _ gario had been fortunate to borrow| ::'5; E Speech from the Throne. . ?en:'i:':esst}\\at (;,f Ross J\t/'I;:'lla\:/?lfi;n:E hir:\.']hgcablx.fcrzaothff fl9od of \vork': ,2 Division, ending the two--week--| Wellington North), who had criti-- Z:"a\"; s y veleran students% ' long debate, came after a vigorous ccized facilmret to tejlchl tly'le Ten That.g'he said, Had been typicalf} 1§. . assault by Premier George Drew on "otm:;nan rinesr: $ ;:" o en' t}etl})ad of the material used to discredit! n : communism and, particularly, what do nE e x T overthrew tys !D® Government. Lands and Forest! $#k | uring the vote that overthrew the imnla¥naks c o e | he described as false and mislead-- first Drew administration. a'flm(;mspauon'had also: been criti-- f W ing statements outside the house by _"And, if he will drpp into my of-- ;nez::t 'a(i',f,'mig?f:;'-,o,?'}:fr{fimhfg ;pte-l -- P ; | Joseph Salsberg (LP.. Toronto--St.| fice, I will show him where the ment in all its history. Becaupce a | 1 . Andrew). In the same address, the Ten Commandments on eava ons Royal Commission had been hap. {FX é Premier attacked the C.C.F. sub.. Rodied in the textbooks," said '0e |poineq to study that department JPE . amendment to the throne speech Premier with a smile, as the House |wo« no more cause for criticism 8 s motion for accusing his administra--| IOared with laughter, "I will show _ |;pan would have ~been justifiea | WE _ tion of "obstructionism" during the how we have introduced, se a child / jpa; p, appointed the same type f _ Dominion--Provincial conference. can understand them, those other _ | ; probe of his own department B O "As I have said before, there is Matters of law that he accused US | ns report of the COMMIS§ION WAK i _ every hope that agreement will be, Of not allowing children to learn. not being awaited, however, he de-- I| IWR reached between the Provinces and| -- First of the matters on which the _ |csreq More was being spent on | x the Dominion," said the Premier.| House must vote, he said, was the _ |yesearch in acrial control of in§Cts | [ = "And I wish to declare now that if &ub--amendment tabled by the CCF _ |ipsn py any other Government it | MR agreement is not reached, it will &TOUP. Paramount among its line worid: huge tracts totalling ; not be because of any obstruction--| chaEges was that of "obstruction-- '13,000,000 acres of timber grant: | [ _ ism and unwillingness to co--operate #SM" at the conference. The Primc _ \naq been cancelled in an effort to I[x :;: by this Government. | Minister of Canada had indicatéd _ |pompel construction of mills in On-- IFhem' Rees Efforts to Distort M TT 3 |tario to provide employment. Yet ic Deliberate efforts, the Premier ; no such act by Ontario in the hope-- (the Government was still ready to J declared, had been made to distort |ful and <encouraging statement hfi' hear any other suggestions for im-- uns his demand that labor purge its: |had released as the meetings had, provement of any department or to _ ranks of Communists into a brand--. |@Nded, said Premier Drew. Whence.l provide Ontario with better serv-- | 0 ; ing of all labor leaders as Com-- |he asked. had COs the CCF **! lices. [R | munists. No one, he said, haa| |Clusive information? ' When Mr. Habel had stressed the J O [ greater respect and confidence in Mr. King's own words revealed 'role Communists had played in the [ 'the great majority of labor execu.| that amendments to the Dominion's |north, Premier Drew continued, he 1 ) tives, but the avowed policy of ; px'oposals had not l_)een'acce'ptable was forced to deal further with 1 ~®" communism to seek and gain high: !%° any one Provincial Government that issue. The charges of the | _ offices in labor organizations must| 4"4 that amendments were planned. northern member (Habel) might ' not be ignored. Far from obstructing, Ontario had seem fantastic, yet every day simi-- " He then read once again, pausing. 80N€ to the conference in a spirit lar things occurred. The Communist _ to re--read it a second time, that see.. Of eagorness to help reach @gre®| _ newspaper, the Tribune, he said, _ ; tion of his address in which he had ment; in fact, not one Government, had given a huge splash (and he _ { opened the Government's support of !NCluding the Dominion, had evi-- held up the paper) to an ovation _ _| the throne speech, wherein he had denced any tendency to obstruct an given Joseph Salsberg (LP., To-- [\ ' stressed that no one should construe, °V@NtU@! agreement, As he had _ [ronto.St,. Andrew) for "laying _ _' his reference to Communists as an SA!d before, he said, he repeated \Drew's Red bogey." He then read _ attack on any labor executive or. 484in: "Members here would have |part of the piece in which he was _ _ _ member except those who sought to _ (¢lt encouraged to have heard those |charged with branding labor lead-- _ impose the "vile anti--Christian doe. @SCussions and realized the obvious 'ers as Reds. | _ trines of Marx, Engles and Lenin on and sincere desire of everyone | '"May I repeat what I had said?"| bee. ; Canadians." * there to reach an agreement to the lasked the Premier. "Here it is,| ' § Communism and Communists be., @VENtual benefit of all Canada." 1from the official report: 'When I| _ _ came the major subject before the Turning to the Liberal amend-- use the expression Communist may| _ House yesterday. Preceding the, MEN!. he said, it expressed regret 'I say with the utmost emphasis| [\ _ remarks of the Premier, which At Government promises not being this expression is not applied to| | _ wound up the debate, J. A. Habe!l [(Ulfilled. Long strides, he said, _ |any jabor organizer, labor official| . (L., Cochrane North) had devoted. NAG been made in implementing 'or member of any labor organiza--| | . \ most of his more than hour--loag: (he Government's promises. _ A \tion except those whose avowed| i -- A address, as the only other debate NOUsing commission? Not a com-- \purpose is the propagation in _\ speaker, to an attack on Commun-- MIisSion but a whole department had \Canada of the doctrines of Marx,| ' e ist agitators in northern lumber D®°n created and had led in mak-- QEngles and Lenin.'" | - camps, accusing them of kidnap-- 'N8 !t possible for communities to | | I i ping workers, assaulting contrac-- plan and for many of the top ex-- | Rereads Passage | j tors and undermining law and or-- perts to be available to municipali-- 4 Though he could not hope thatj der. The Progressive Conservative ties. 'the St. Andrew member would not: _. group, he said, had no very good _ No Disfavor misquote him again, he said, he| labor record, yet he felt he had to Misleading hints had been cast nevertheless would read the pas--| concur with the Premier's remarks about tha; Dr. George Langford |sage once more. When he finished _ a few days earlier that Communists _ {former Planning Director, when he.: |it, he said, he wanted to stress| | must be purged from labor ranks had referred to 9100000'000 being ithat he was attacking, and would before public confidence could be spent fop public" Wworks over) a continue to attack, those who pro-- , gained by labor. period of years to an e\'e'ntual {ioftal .fessed labor sympathies for the ' i purpose of betraying labor. Simi--