Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1946, p. 1

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°e narch 15 Bill Gets First Reading Legislation to create the ~Iqgng--M_----w--------e----w--«--en--semmamummtsusec--ammecc--umecuts expected Department of Travel and Publicity to develop Ontario's tour-- ist trade, was contained in a bill e &1 +% introduced in the Ontario Legisia-- : Ive ppOSI lon ture yesterday by Premier Georg»e | Drew,. Accompanying it, and also ' e e introducing the future minister of | er on I en(e the department to the Legislature, I 2A was another bill to regulate tourist t 6 camps which was presented by Hon. ' rew equeste ' to rovl e Arthur Welish, at present Minister | Without Portfolio, A call for closer co--operation be-- e | The object of the department is tween Legislature leaders, with the e orm Ort 0 '0 iconlainold c¥ "}S fn'st' pl'o?ostul:{ Premier taking Opposition leaders § io on e se sY "into closer confidence @uring zon-- & [( Q']'a]:lo bf" .(*n('ourz.lglng "n(.i 'ploi- sideration of future legislation," :m.m'"m lm['n'O\emedmt:s' m.th;;i:i'l(;t?:\; and a demand that Government ;m((lis o'f..zfu'or?;'n(')eda tlor::m.is.lq an(l' gradually take over marketing and ian Sf('il\lt('eks('oth:l ub?i('izin \Of the cutting of forest products, were Spp(-ifj(-a]].\- p]anned to foster re-- 3 zto u_nter'dd trvy pnd of fhe ",_3 voiced in course of the Throne form rather than punitive methods %tour.l.s d dus fhlha advantages of | Speech debate yesterday in the in Ontario penal and reform in-- fmu"?s "an ° £ § € Legislature. stitutions, a new Department o' ,Ont;mc'w. horizing t inister to | A. Chartrand (L., Ottawa E.) Reform Institutions was proposed | Atm. &-iutlon'zmg "wdr:m\rl.r ad-- held that closer co--operation be-- yesterday in a bill tabled in the | undt'.'r.m}'(' :;) rl?l(i'ci]z(;n' Oonta;io tween Government and Opposition Ontario Legislature. erv 6 8 f is j stifi Ir blie v * a 08 s i ::l C l?g fovid puthat agenaltv of is Jjustified, not only in the public Under its provisions, an entire | e act provi es' P y interest but by vote of the people, ¥F F frscgs )0 r be levied any person * section of the department previous--| $100 may be levied on any I because, he said, only 45 per cent y inis y rincial | "who distributes within, or sends * 1 ly administered by the Provincial | Com: omario any -- t; 3 of the electoral vote appointed $6 Secretary will be transferred to a} tario, any advertising mat-- o s d 3 { from On. L * 1 f l te of the 90 members of the House. new department. In a two--sen--| l relgm'u: 3 hot'e g s'un?r;me{ fa. For this reason a few Opposition tence description of the move, to be | sorts, fishing, hunting, travel, vaca--| members actually represented, ho hico during d flep | ioni th mmodation or| * amplifiec uring later consider "m.".n.g or ObML accow lt a RB felt, a vast body of voters who arvre ation of the bill, Premier Georgel facilities for tourists whn_c'h C e | entitled to greater consideration. Drew said: "We are setting up a not conform with the requirements Peacs and folevance ate. Alse 8 _ . & fons." T t then| Oe emfe _ato ie department to deal with certain permitsine sstablie 1PbacO der--| preatest needs in Ontario today, institutions hitherto under the ad-- perémts t!';e (;St'athShtr'n?\';t T P o o just as they are the world's re-- ministration _ of the Provinciai' it vepive ;eg};{fil $ iitled The! quirements, Mr. Chartrand said. Secretary. and this new legislation! The second rarig | If the Communist menace is so is intended to stress reform rather Tourist Camp Regulation Act, per--| P : : d 1 a i Minist f Travel and| serious as Premier Drew publicl, than punitive methods in those in-- mlts. t'he es ns o reud ' averred it to be, he said, then "in stitutions." Publicity to establish 'regulgtlons defense of those British institu--| by Oder-in-Coqncnl which will be tions which he supports" the Pre--| Probably Mr. Dunbar | minimurp requirements for camps, mier should take some action.| Later Premier Drew explainedi and which may cover certain de--| When Labor--Progressive Leader A.| that it was not possible to name a| \ fined areas. It also permits muni-- | A. MacLeod asked: "Do you mean| Minister who would lead the new| \cipalities to enact further regula--| a padlock law?" Mr. Chartrand| department because the Legislature tions as to standards, and to carry | replied, "I suggest no --specific| still had not authorized its estab-- out inspections and enforcements, thing." | lishment. It was assumed, however, with authority remaining for the F. O. Robinson (CCF.. Port| that because Mr. Dunbar intro-- Province to also inspect and enforce Arthur) gave a survey of forest| duced the bill he would be the first its regulations. y, conditions in the north, and held. head of the department. Classification of camps into that private competition -- caused The bill briefly describes the de-- groups defined by standards is also unnecessary havoc, with exploiters partment and then authorizes the authorized, with authority for the of one kind of timber destroying Minister to administer, and to con-- minister to order the "display of all kinds as they harvested the duct investigations and enquiries notice of c]assnfwatlgn in a promi-- yieldo. He asked 'for appoihtmenf into, the insGitutions and personie} nent place." At considerable length of the commission to administer at present associated with the fol-- the act then defines what tourist forest resources "as promised by lowing Provincial acts: Andrewl camp encompasses, what shall be the Government, instead of another | Mercer Reform, Extramural Em-- classified as "c_ahms. and outl.m.es' commissioner to conduct another ployment of Persons under, Sen.! regulations which allow the minis--| probe." 'The people, through their !tence. Female Patients and Prison-i ter to supervise the ground plans | Government. -- should produce the |ers Protection, Feéemale Refuge, of any camp, even to defining spac-- forest raw products, he said, sell-- fGao'.s, Industrial Farms, Parole,| ing of buildings and the fire--fight-- ing to processors, thus eliminating |Public Institution Inspection, Re-- ing fevilities which must be pro-l costly losses s 'formatories and Training Schools. | vided. * s

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