2e e e S Ee rameneaeaerrreeaeeeaalle March \> | not realize that in 1944 his taxes were in arrears. When a mining company offered him $5 cash and $25 a month for an option, he grab-- lbed at "some cash which looks big * | up there." Shortly afterward he \vas' * iaccusod of selling a farm he no Afhele Teachers longer owne & & i lre('oursg';:']c:n(: :::(:)x'fc(l):rng '?cpti:adhinn(:! Ross A. McEwing (Lib., Welling-- | for tax arrears. N & \ _ ton N.) demanded that the Ontario ! "And the company promptly sla':\'-' .f:'vovernmegt take §t(€ps tot;ee:' :hgt 'ed claim on this farm and came| not one Communls orfx 'GIS g x 'into possession of it," said Myr.| permitted to teach in any school or i Grummett. "Here was a man whol college in this Province an'fi thus 'had put most of his life into ""'I |poison th_e minds of youth. |land now losing it. There was noth-- | | 'The police couris were ho p?acr\ | ing he could do." | |for youth .10 obtain lts'first lessons i When Aurelien Belanger (Lib.. [|in law, said Mr. McEwing, yet that 'Prescott) demanded the name ofi |was where the only lessons on ithe company, Mr. Grummett said:| moral copduct or common lawl |"Thc Hollinger Mining Co. The| WEre received .hy them. In '1hoi 'acquiring of lands, however, is schools, he said, was the plaf-p' \done by the Noah Timmins Ex.| to be taught the Ten Commann-' 'ploration Co., a Hollinger sub--| NSCUV!S and _ the common . law| sidiary." | of the land. Until that was recog--| i 'To meet such conditions and| nized and.acted upon, the nation |help such people, Mr. Grummett| WoOWu!d continue to "reap the harvest 'said he felt the Department of _ WNith !t is getting now. :Lands and Forests should open a| . 1 !cnow that we have tca('h.cr.s |"settlers' friend branch or officer| in this Province who are atheists |to advise farmers what they should: &4 We .ha\"'e teachers who are \do. Entire areas had fallen into C?mmumsls. said Mr. McEwing. 'mining operators' hands, he said. "Every one of them should be dis-- \with many instances of 15 to 20 missed immediately,. We _ shoula farms in block. Most, he . said,| "NOt allow them to continue to pois-- were purchased, but some were: On the minds of our children. I'm obtained by "unfair methods." In| T€ally serious about this, and I larea was all held by the company. steps to see that not one atheist or | Small townships should be con-- Communist is permitted to con-- solidated into one big township to| tinue teaching in a college or school 'eliminate cost of local government.! in this Province." If farm sections were altered from| The words of the tall, slow-- mile--square to four--mile--by--quarter--| speaking and usually mild--spoken 'mile areas more people could be: member were applauded by both | iserved by fewer roads. To bene--| Government and Liberal Opposition | Im municipalities, mining taxes benches. Earlier, he had assailed | 'should be revamped. ending the! the Government for not aiding ag--| |freedom from taxes until morei rlcultl{re to a greater extent and 'than $10,000 profits were made by he criticized Agriculture Minister} 'a mine and the allowance of add--| Kennedy for having said in public, \ing to expenses the cost of explor--| address that Ontario had 50,000 too | 'ation work done elsewhere. | _ many farmers. | _ _Mr. Grummett then tabled a sub-- "I was amazed," he said. "I | 'amondment to the Liberal amend--! couldn't believe my good friend | 'ment to the Throne Speech motion, would say that. What we need is | 'condemning the Government _ for 50,000 more farmers on our empiy | \{failure to inaugurate low--cost hous--| _ farms, producing smaller quantities | 'ing, adequate health legislation., and not lone farmers trying to| stabilizing of farm prices at a handle 500 and 600 acres each. With | 'level to assure fair return to the, _ more farmers on smaller farms, our | 'producers, institution of a 40--hour farm labor problem would be \work week, and an obstructive at-- solved. As it is, with talk of a] titude at the Dominion--Provincial 40--hour work week, our farmers Conference. face disaster." '