h\ QVC\\ 9 Members Sitting Overtime fo Session Speedup SE Indication that the Drew Govern-- ment intends to advance legislation i' -- and the general business of the f Legislature without undue delay C f this session was seen in the House § \ vyesterday when, instead of the usual | h early Friday week--end adjournment. *) T the members sat for two hours and 'fi advanced 17 Government _ bills 5. 1 t through second reading or commit-- N i tee stage. [ *h ¢ Further evidence of a quickening * f tempo came at adjournment when t : Premier Drew announced that there 3};':, would be two night sessions next| c h ¢ week, and that he hoped to conclude| Nh $ the Throne Speech debate by 6 p.m.| 3¥ k Thursday. If this plan materializes,| Te 1 the Throne Speech debate will have| § ' occupied only five days instead of ie f the several weeks which it cus-- e | tomarily takes. [ 6 3 I Conclusion of this debate will} Damage Diminishing s WR | clear the way for. introduction of| The Minister explained that, with A P & the Budget at probably the earliest; the abolition of "open roasting" stage of the session in many years.' methods, and installation of high ?', -- Premier Drew said that Monday _ smokestacks, much of the fumes I 3 would. be .devotcd to consideration €éamage of past years had disap-- o ue : of legislation. and that on Tuesday; peared. But he said that sulphur a W. J. Grummett, CC.F. House Lead--! fumes had often denuded an entire $ [ & er, would resume the debate on the| countryside of foliage and that "to e | motion to adopt the Speech from| this day some areas are completely (34%. $ the Throne. The House will sit| parren." 4) , Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and | '"Now," said Mr. Frost, "Interna-- C f the hope was expressed that the' ¢tional Nickel and other companies C debate would be concluded by 6p.m.. have huge smokestacks which take s Thursday. fumes high in the air. But there Oe ;' Precedent Broken | _ are occasions when smoke drops Ks : # The Government also broke pre--: own and blights crops and trees." :\. t cedent on opening day last Mon--. Me said 587 damage claims had been { éay, when, instead of adjourning . Made last year, e | after the formal ceremonies, it went R. H. Carlin (C.CF., Sudbury) $ { rhead to introduce 32 bills for the Criticized the amendment as "total-- $ House's consideration. ly inadequate." He urged that there _ [ Among bills given second reading _ WCre only two solutions to the T | i yesterday was Mines Minister Les.: Problem in Sudbury -- that the y } lie Frost's amendment to the Dam-- Government should _take '"bold : d age by Fumes Arbitration Act, af-- E°PS" and ask the International $ 1 fecting mining centres in the North: Nickel Company to remove the gas, R $ such as Sudbury, and an act re--| ¢" that a "proper board" would be f f specting marine insurance, which <Stablished with adequate farmer E$ 3 Attorney--General Leslie Blackwell: ¥epresentation. Thousands of dol-- BW | explained provided for a codifica--, 4ars' damage could be avoided, he P @ tion of the marine insurance law| £Aid, if the company would install| §X# :34 long overdue in this Province. This! Eas--extracting equipment. Farmers| e . he said, would make the codified Of Sudbury, he said, demanded that| e | law available to insurors and in--: the "devastating sulphur fumes" be| f 0 surees alike, whereas, until now, Fremoved. "You are working either| P $ they had had to go to the common: 30r the farmers or the mining in-- law or to textbook writers. _ _ dustry." he declared. "How would f i Mines Minister Frost explained, 304 like to waken in the morning [ 2 that his act would provide the first And find all your garden crops| 2 | o appeal court for thousands of farm-- burned to the ground?" | ers and others in mining areas: Though a special committee had m | whose crops, farm implements and| Yeported that development of lig-- Caga metal fences were damaged by sul-i rite deposits at Onakawana in f q phur fumes from mining operations.| Northern Ontario, long looked to a 1 Appeal will be from arbitrators,! 2s a fuel source for Ontario, was 3 t from. whom there has been no ap-- "not economic under present con-- & $ peal, to the Ontario Municipal Gitions," the Ontario Government f § | Board. | feels that experiments should be | Mr. Frost pointed out that for| Continued, Mines Minister Frost told years claims for damages against' the House. He was replving to al B mining companies over sulphur! «uestion by A. A. MacLeod (LP.,. 8 § 1 fumes had to be taken to the Divi-' 'Toronto--Bellwoods) regarding a 8 ' sion Courts, causing hardship to n»newspaper report of intention of A claimants. Later, agricultural repre.| Chicago interests to conduct experi-- j sentatives were appointed as arbi. men's in Canadian lignite. Mr. trators. It was felt, he said, that tol Frost said he knew nothing of the avoid any possible injustice, a| Chicago interests or their process, , court of appeal from such awards) but promised to make inquiries im-- should be provided. mediately.