Mark " Cash lndem it f III Pl _ Studied b O f , Vi ' ' . y n ario. man States A Pr.ox inciar gurvey to obtain In- to investigate fully the possibilities-ass. It could be five vears it formation regarding the possmili-lOf providing such a service. Thislthose factors over which wevhave no ties for the payment of cash indem-iS.iov.erytnle.nt has undertaken to fact-[control should bring this war to a nity for illness to certain groups of:flnd in this connection. . lsuccessful conclusion in the imme- empldycd persons is being under.' T20 Health Minister took rssueidlg? ()'/Y,t . . ' taken bv the Workmen's Com . Amt. the recent statement of E. B.! tl Villa" reviewed the proolems . . pensa .Joiiiffo, can Opposition Leader,f0f medical care, which he said is non Board. Health Minister Dr. R.nthat the health plans ot the Drew "the second main division of any P. Vivian told the Legislature yes.lGovernmcnt. "have been a 'i1)pe1i..l'r1fiiiefit)'llii/ program of health." terrlav. 'mbble at th:] fringe st Ile, of %urlTl:elJ01tnt Study Committee on Hos. . . . .grca es. ro ems." r. ivian e- pitaliza ion an th . , - Speaking m the Throne SMGChiclared that a substantial'majoritylmittee on Hosgitaliezaf'igllilSwgbi'ecgg. debate. Dr. Vivian said that whenip.f the people of Ontario would (:on-iparing reports, which would be such findings have been produced/HT the program to date "quite afready in the next two months, Dr. there will then be an opJortunidil' . ' 'ivi)Pn.told the House. ito discuss, the matter with ti/si/i-,;",',',',',', tt'i'e'et.,'re1t"th touts' . lt'epttrtls "271mg???" that may? I I-, = . . ... i e 'd mts er is e e o owm l ti . ' n recommen a- ,sentames of labor and industry. Heias having been accomplished by minions tor, hospitalization on a re- ;stressed that all the 1Prkmtn't/deer:tmiht: Creation of two newigional basis Io provide for active. iCompensation Board is being askediltealth units. with three more aprm-Pyo.trie and convalescent cases," the lto do is to make the survey. lfzel%:§nq'pl file, and 'lf(if"o'ttal"fi,e, ts'.,tiein,ii.r1tpcedtiitii,, "Tto [lfnd'l'zl' way " . l I Cl e in a num er o o ers; , gnos 1c acl 1 leg a l The third Dari of incomplete} program for the treatment oftmedical committee has been ap- (health program is a cash indemnityiearjy mental disturbances in generaripointed.. It is fully expected that" to an employed individual, not pro- hospitals, advancements in mentaiitheit' preliminary report will be sub- .l9('lPd by any other means. to ('omr "Filler". a fhuildingl program for apitted at lhlle same time as the re-; . .. . . new ype o menta institution. ex- ports on ospita ization. A more, 'pensate "Y lost)?" at W" "mp'tension of diagnostic facilities ortavorable distribution of medical, .of illry'ss, Dr. Vivian said, ln mak';tuberculosis control. promotion of personnel throughout Ontario is de. ling his announcement of the SUP-additoinal tubercu10sis sanatoria 801mm..." upon establishment of atity TPb. "This. proposal has made "s'commodation, control of venereal quate facilities for hospitalization appearance m almost all of the many disease, provision for the treatment fond diagnosis." isuhmiss.iore on health plans. So far. of cancer. the industrial health pro-i Turning to the problem of the no onc' m Canada has been prepaved:gram, and a planned survey for theitype of arrangement that must be protection of food. imade between the medical practi- [ "This administration has under-uit' and lhe people who are to itaken to determine the best way otiroeeive his services, Dr. Vivian said: {providing hospitalization and diag-i'.'Medic,a.l practice must. not be; tnostic service, and to determine tieijeopardize/i.b..y any regimented pro-; chest method of payment for ser.;cedure which would destroy the, lvices, by setting up suitable dem.§peculiarly individual qualities of the) lonstration units," he said. "The im/medical man himself. The method) fplementation of the health unit plan)rnust also allow the patient thei lWill go forward as quickly "as per-widest possible choice in the selec- esonnel can be found and trained.!tion of the family medical adviser.' (The training facilities have already§I am quite certain that the solution! tbeen arranged." .of this problem can come. from thel Z In dealing with the public healthfmedical profession itself. If the program. Dr. Vivian said the suc- cost of services for a medical care' 'cessfui conclusion of the war and-program is to be subsidized by taxau the return to civilian life of many lion. then a method must be pro-l medically trained men and women, vided for the levying and collection! together with new graduates, will of such tax. While the matter is" 'make it possible to complete the open to debate, it is generally ac-l major portion of this program irlcepted by health authorities and; "five years after the conclusion of others that individual contributions; the war. to plans of this sort are of prime;: ' "There is a defined time at which necessity. If individual oontribu-, this program can come into being." tions are to be collected. the only said the Minister. "It is not 20,tevel of Government. capable of so years; it is, more likely. to be 10idoing is the municipal one."