Febv»\g\w\\ 21 Election Promised | If Drew Program: | Not Acceptable _ If Premier Drew's program is not} «= acceptable to a majority of the| Legislature, "then his stand will be referred to the oelectorate,"} Charles H. Martin (P.C., Haldimand--| Norf{folk) told the Ontario Legisla-- ture yesterday. Mr. Martin, return-- ed in the by--election held during last Lauds Labor Board' «ession, made the pronouncement| Mr. Martin paid specia! tijbute to in opening the debate on th« flge gvolg ';)f P};Of. tJacobBF.nl:lelmag f R of the Labor Relations Board an Speech from the T'"""f" in mok | its enviable record of prompt and ing the Speech's adoption: he wa reasoned judgments. He praised seconded by H. K. Scott (P.C., also the Government's health and Peterborough). highways program. The Highways 'The Drew Government, Mr. Mar-- Depgl'tment.had improved 226 miles i tin said, had implemented the 22 of hnghway.m 1944. points on which it was eclected. Commenting on "talk from Otta-- Since it took office, he dGeclared wa" of a national flag, a national "this Government has shown con-- anthem for Canada, and a Pan-- vincing proof of its ability to giv« Amevican Union "with a view to sound, progressive administration weakening our British partnership," I+s pla#orm has been no mere lis | Mr. Martin concluded his address of idle promises. The Speech fron by declaring: "As long as our Union the Throne was a record of real ac Jack shall wave over this great complishment and is a forerunner| -- Province, we shall continue to sing of an advanced legislative program 'God Save the King'--and mean it." The Government has exvloded th« Politics should be forgotten in a Idea that a party platform is some united effort to plan for the post-- thing to be forgotten after an elec-- war, Mr. Scott said, in seconding tion. the motion for adoption of the "If Premier Drew's program is Throne Speech. Planning could be unacceptable to a majority of this carried out only if individual par-- Legislature." he said,. "then hi ties were forgotten_ stand will he "."m'"".:'. 101";1':" °".T" "Forget this eternal sparring for tnratn"and in his position artil: political advantage," he urged, egtce. "and remember that the electors Grey North Verdict gkent us hore to legislate for the haFap A present and the immediate future. . He need not refer, he said. t° _ Let us make this Ontario of ours not the deficiencies of the Ottaw a visionary Utopia, but a real one." scene," but he believed "there i * * little doubt that the verdict 0o Home Owners Helped » I » x1 m 3 ?hr:}c:uox:ttg- "i:I t};:o':';:?t':r:'-d;::tr::; Reviewing j Government -- policy, future." B f Mr. Scott said payment of 50 per # _ ; s cent of education costs would Speaking of the war situation, Mr greaily aid home ownership in les-- Martin pointed out that 44.4 pei sening the burden of real estate cent of Ontario's potential military _ taxation. The scholarship plan had etrongth is in the armed forces as rided the move toward equality of against 20.8 per cent in Quebec. Heo educational opportunity. Since the complimented the Government on tourist business was one of Peter-- Its assistance to agriculture and was borougzh County's biggest "cash compliemented "our taste of bu-- erops," he asked that roads be con-- reaucracy in Selective Service which structed into inaccessible lakes to gives an idea of what regimentation make them available to visitors. really means." The Hydro expansion program, he He warned that returning service-- #aid, would do much to keep the mon "will not fit into a ready--made younger generation on the farm. bureaucratic plan that is not Brit--. He suggested that study of the Ish." eutdoor life be included in the, Also, he said. a conference of the achool curriculum, interesting chil--| Provinces was necessary soon "if dren especially in planting trees.| we are to avoid postwar chaos," be-- possibly with a specialist lectur--| cause "Provincial Governments are ing from school to school. | the best guarantee of national Debate on the Speech from the| unity since they reflect the views of Throne will be continued on our population." | _ Thursday afternoon by E. B. Jol--| C liffe, C.C.F. Opposition Leader. 1