Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Apr 1944, p. 2

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# AP\'\ \ 5 ' HEPBURNWARNS _ M.P.P.'s P O.A.C OF HEADACHES .P.P. s Propose VUV.A.CL. .After a two--hour debate, high-- ies opthenge o7 js congritdtion. hHighways Mis ied e on on + ality, the Drew Government's act to cett guided t?xe Agriculture Depart-- amend the Milk Control Act receiv-- ment's estimates through the ed second reading last night in the House in supply yesterday, substi-- Legislature. 'The act enables a milk tuting for Col. T. L. Kennedy, who producers' association to collect fees has been indisposed for the past from producers to pay salaries and several weeks. Mr. Doucett was expenses of officers of the associa-- able to furnish the answers for tion. 'most of the questions asked by Mr. Hepburn opposed the bill as Opposition members. giving power to a private organiza-- Miss Agnes Macphail (C.C.F,, tion to levy a tax which, he said.i East York) suggested that it would was beyond the powers of the Legis-1 be a good idea to adopt the Ot-- lature to do. He insisted also that| tawa practice and have Deputy the measure should have been in--| Ministers and other experts sit on troduced as a private bill. He saw the floor of the House during con-- "many headaches ahead if you estab--| sideration of the estimates so as lish this dangerous precedent." to be able to provide the Minis-- Attorney.General _ Leslie Black-- ; ters with the necessary informa-- well explained that the measure was tion. in the public interest, and so was She and R. A. McEwing (L., Wel-- properly introduced. | lington North) were in agreement Highways Minister George Dou-- on the view that the Ontario Agri-- cett, sponsor of the bill, said the cultural College at Guelph should Opposition was "splitting hairs," emphasize one and two--year courses since the bill was similar to schemes instead of the four--year degree for marketing of cheese and other course. Most of the graduates of produce. O.A.C. went into industry, where Support of the Liberal -- group their specialized knowledge helped came from Farquhar R. Oliver (L., industry to "squeeze" the farmers, Grey South), who said he hoped all Miss Macphail declared. farmers would become effectively or--| Mr. McEwing said O.A.C. was out ganized. The CC.F. Opposition also| of reach of the average farm boy supported the measure, Opposition as a result of the emphasis on Leader Jolliffe declaring he could training specialists, He believed see no new or startling principle in the Government should give assist-- it. ance to farm youths in much the * same manner as financial aid was given to those who came under the youth training scheme. ¢ Too Many Farm Experts in Toronto; 4 6 L ¢ Miss Macphail Asks Decentralization Decentralization of agricultural, A. St. Clair Gordon (L., Kent experts now "centred" in Toront0]|West) di j C ks 'was advocated by Miss Agnes Mac-- j ds )th lscu::utf ine ;ugi:; b; e£ sub 'phail (CCF. York East) during s10y, onE ére should be some 'discussion of agriculture estimates definite understanding on policy in the Legislature yesterday. and did not believe it should be Miss Macphail said that too much|necessary to subsidize the industry. money spent under the head of ag--|\Premier Drew agreed that such riculture did not get back to the| matters should come naturally un-- farm. She urged that instead of|der a planning board and recalled having agricultural experts located|his efforts to have a Dominion--Pro-- in Toronto, there should be substa-- vincial board appointed. "I heartily tions located throughout the coun-- concur," he said, "in that there ties with graduates from the schools should be some long--term plan un-- of agriculture spending some time|der which those engaged in indus-- after graduation on back concession|try should know what to expect' work. from vear to year." |

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