| AGAINST C.C.F. A C.CF. attempt to hold up third reading of the Government's mu-- nicipal health services bill was de-- feated in the Legislature yesterday by a vote of 40 to 33 on a division of the House. The Liberals voted solidly with the Government and the two Labor Progressives voted with the CC.F. It was the second recorded vote of the session. In moving an amendment that the health services bill be sent back to committee of the whole House, the CCF. Leader, E. B. Jolliffe, said it was his understanding that the Federation of Agriculture and the Congress of Labor wished to make representations concerning the bill. "The Opposition amendment is not acreptable tn the Government and will be apposed," Premier George Drew said. There was some confusion when Mr. Speaker put the motion for third reading to the House and de-- clared it carried on the ayes and nayes. Then Mr. Jolliffe hastily presented his amendment. The vote was then taken on the main mo-- tion. Before the orders of the day Mr. Jolliffe asked if Health Minister Dr. R. P. Vivian would read the let-- ter he had received from the Fed-- eration of Agriculture regarding the municipal health services bill, in the light of his statement of sev-- eral days ago that the federation had given verbal approval of the bill, Before Dr. Vivian could cam-- ply, Mr. Speaker intervened and ruled the request out or order as it was not a question of privilege. Liquor Control Act. In spite of several Opposition ob-- jections, the Liquor Control Au-- thority Act and the act amending the Liquor Control Act _ went through committee. Attorney--Gen-- eral Blackwell accepted an amend-- ment offered by the Opposition that the board announce annually not only the number of beverage lauthorities, but their owners. | _A clause which prohibits authori-- ties being issued or renewed to law enforcement officers, Mr. Blackwell said, would be held up for a time when the main legislation goes into effect to permit holders to dispose of their holdings. In dividing the iProvince into districts for operation \of the authority board, there would |be no interference with "dry" areas, [he told C. H. Millard (C.C.F., York \West). He demanded withdrawal |of a comment of "politics" from H. E. Brown (C.C.F., Welland), who asked if members of the Legislature would be prohibited© from holding authorities, ' Opposition Leader Jolliffe insisted Mr. Brown had a right to express his opinion, but Chairman D. Pat-- terson (L., Grey North) advised' the question be put again. "On account of the tone of the mem-- ber's voice, the answer is no," was Mr. Blackwell's reply. The Attorney--General assured J. B. Salsberg (L.P., Toronto St. An-- drew) that complaints against pri--' vate clubs would come before a pub--| lic hearing. |