Match Me I Sh 1dNat'Enti ' _ --- I Canada Ott O tt Ice Arrange Ottawa 'mo.. ital,S C Lab CodeTalk British Capt' a ' ays onnor a or o e a t . . . . . Labor Minister Charles Daley! British capital should he kept-at, India gomg. putting British work- - told the Legislature yesterday in: home to provide work. for British|ers on the dole. Ye. s.hould. do noth- connection with the new .rrtlePli. iworkers instead of being _"f.'.1.y.r.1ll,iryr.. to entice .leritish capital here. Labor Code, that an arrpointm.ettt Io Canada after the "m to createllt " comes ot Its' "w", accord, li'ell- had been made with Ottawa officials 'ruanis here. Herbert Connor O.K. But we shouldn't go after it. for Saturday, when he hoped "more: (C.C.F.. Hamilton East) told thc,we can create" enough work right finality can be secured in connec- Lecislaturo last night In the Bud-Ibere ourselves. tion with the establishment of the get' debate. Mr. Connor also warned that Can- code." . He took issues with Premier ttda. would have a .market for its Replying to A. A. MacLeod (L.P.. I Drew's plan to have British agricultural goods Just as long as ToronttBt.llwoofs), who said. there, fit,T.rf.., I 4. establish plants in the war lasts. As soon as Denmark was a feeling of uneasiness In the industrla ',li,,, 6mm," Cra. :and other European countries got labor movement as to how the, o'ILi,o I",,)'],'), lworkitigmall has/hack into competition again. the Labor Code would affect collective, tC C, , /adianlmarket would be lost lo Canada. bargaining votes now in progress,; suffered more than the Ca _ .. . . l l '.'.". ainaman," said Mr. Connon' 'lhe derismn of the Government, "fr, Daley said it was his intent oni Ff" " , that there was a time to increase tho race track tax by to make representations to the', You know") industrialists closedP5 P" cent drew from the CCF. Federal Labor Minister in this re-t when Ill?! " .- . iti kc o member tho suggestion that the gard. . down than home factories an n. . . ' . . h teir plants in China. Japan and Governmont should place a tax on It was important that any sue th the other gamble "the stock cx- work started should be preserved. lchangc. which i, just as big a But, Mr. Daley stated. he could give tgamble as tho rack tracks." no assurance. though he believed I Mr. Connor described the Budget that. that would be the net result. _ as a "typieat Tory Budget." .""-----.------.------- The reference to revision of min-j ing taxation was criticized by Mr., Connor. who observed. "The Gov-i ernment. has the gall to shed croco-t dile tears over the mines." It was? l -- his opinion that the "mining baronsi l skicked in to the kit" at election iHOPES CANADA Itime. ' i "He who pays the piper calls the I Itune." said Mr. Connor. eNO '?()()ihf DOG] ------------ '" _ Canadians must decide whether . . . Canada's destiny is to be realized R vised Health Services Bill twithin the British Empire, said Dr. e ;ilobbs Taylor (P.C., Huron) in the . . . !Legislature Budeet debate last nignt. .,s Read for Third Readin 3 "If we are going to be the poodle y g (dog of our neighbor to the south, lint us know about it." said Dr. With four Government 'tmend-ponder Section 6 and Section 7 in Taylor. "Let us decide where cur ments granting tax exemptions tolrespe.ct of 'g1/t""i,teio',',c'(, :2; {destinykis 22021319 be. But. unltufs . :premises as mgi e o r -we ma P a ectsmn. no economic thor. unable to my." belonging t°|occupied as a residence by any such ipolicy can he on sound ground. I certain health services or religiousiAGitG. or adherent upon such. "on" want to tear up the whole groups, the new Ontario act to terms and conditions as may be pre- ,fahric of our national life. I don't 'establish municipal health services scribed. and (4) cancellation on vr'e" want to tear down the good stand- 'passed through committee stage in duction of taxes of persons charged ards that have been obtained. But the Legislature yesterday. or overcharged by error. I want to reach down and raise up The act requires only third read- Health Minister Dr. R. P. Vivian, the low-income levels." ing now to become law. The amend- replying to J. B. Salsberg (L.P.. To- A monetary rebellion was envis- ments by the Government evidently ronto-St. Andrew) said wording of aged hy the speaker, who called for satisfied objections raised by Op- the amendments clarified clauses in a new monetary system to replrce position groups to certain technicali- which provision already had been the present "impossible" one. The ties. made for payment of the health great. middle class of Canada, which The amendments provide for (1) services tax by those receiving pub- up to now had been the stabilizing? cancellation of reduction of taxes of he assistance as well as for Provin- element of our culture. stood in a person who from sickness or ex- cial Government assistance to assure danger of being squeezed out of treme poverty is unable to pay, (2) lsuccess of the plan. Specific de- existence. . . exemption from tax for any class or termination of income would bring "in this liquidation we P.rt m group of persons contributing to a'in objectionable tests, he main- danger of liquidating potential lead- medical or health services planitained. ership so sorely needed.. We must 13) Exemption of duly neeredited) Opposition Leader E. B. Jolliffe have a nati.onal policy from wh eh members and adherents of any reo|expressed "doubt about so much an international policy must stem. ligious denomination designated by power and discretion being invested The lays of installing are over. regulations from any. tax 'iii'iiUGli"ri the Minister."