Ile'""-""""-" 7'7..-- w W Mane H lb P . q IH Ith Bill DREW tiittjaiif POVIHCIG ea I . H Id Ke to 'Sound Plan' DR S'COMMENT' e t Y If '; Specified health services pa1sit.?yy'ie in 1939 and only 3,665 this , I ! financed by limited grants from tite.z:a;c33:r:e;t1:2 1i?euti27ce,e, INTEMPERATE 5 Province are ""0"qu for Ontartoll'mo graduates since 1939. A simi- . municipalities in a hill glVClt f'I'St'lar situation exists with regard to Charges made hy the Ontario reading in tlu' t i',',' 'Wunperance Federation against the infer J.1.t'pfurf.'1i)d,n, the Liivs'l'lt/loni'deref, hospitalsg. fo - Provincial Government in connec- tion will enable municipalities or. "The services required to fulfil tion with the Dominion's with- combinations of municipalities toian adequate program," Dr. Vivian tlrawal of beer restrictions were obtain for .their residents '""""diieiutit: ,"t11t21tihota1oti"'itcahl)iof,t,' 1ugorously denied hy Premier George services. e, . ' _ .....'. t.1. ' .a.F" I, . beam; bill is designed to make itgcare. nurses, physicians, specialists, "Vi" Itt tho Loijslature yesterday. possible to render such services asldentists, etc. These services will Reins before the orders of l day, are now available, within the pres- be eo-ordinated through a Health thr Promirw took mum exception to em limitations ot our facilities," Dr. Services Board, representing the "elements ,ttrilsut,sd lo the Fed- Vivian said, "and to create a sound technical and professional person- Walton in The Glolw and Mail. plan for future expansion as deo nel performing this task, This The Federation's statement chats- sired. It is obvious than an overall board will be appointed by the yi. tho Ontario Government with Provincial plan at the present timee?yt,y,ntieovty,,1,tr, in Council faith]: to t'o-op"ritte with reasotw is not possible." and will be responsible, through able 1"iut."i.ll"n.1 Ottawa; with Opposition Leader E. B. Jolliffe the Department of Health, to the 1tliliziu,u the situation for party al. questioned introduction of the bill people of the Province. wrung". and with "NOW"? to fit?" ...,, . c, . . "it'll" that mine ty-tiv l ie no s 'gtseJio',i,"stm'Jdelt.r 0;): 3:112:11; 23.," Compulsion. . 'in order to attaiit the desired emit plained that the measure had been ._P, Is not the Government's inten- "That statement is without the in course of production by the Gov-511mb. he said. 'th force upon any slightest foundation, in fact so tat-l ernment. after extensive survey,ylrea a servlce it doty; not desire. Rs this Government is concerned."'; since last Aug. 25, and that it goesiln some areas there is satisfactory the Premier told the House. "It is: one step further than the OppositionitoverNre .oi.some trt the residents to ho hoped that the statement) bill in iltat it provides for financial through their own insurance plans. issued by Mr. Irwin does not cor-, aid which only a Government meas- Where such plans are meeting the realy interpret the attitude of other, ure could do. needs of these groups it_Will not momburs of the Canadian Temper-' Later, in an interview. Dr. Vivianlbe necessary to dispense Ivith them. ance Federation. This Government , pointed out: "The facilities for iifiii.9,t,io,r might, Pyever1 desire t.o par- is opposed to intemperance. But in.. lering an adequate service are sev- ticiet.e in _y,tfl,,e or 1n part tn the tcmtt'l'ance is not limited lo any terely limited and restricted at 'iii/mei/eta! plan." . . . one particular activity of mankind. Spresent time due, first, to the lilo: The ctyr.t, the Ministtr said, would Intomperanco in the use of alcohol icreasing demands on our normal vary with the SERVE" desired, and intempernnt-e in public state- 'supply because of the war and, sec-'basea on sound princi? f/or m.u.; monts are both objectionable. only, to the fact that our usual tual benefit. The municipality will "The intentpmate and inaccurate facilities in normal times were in/be able to obtain such services as statement issued by Mr. Irwin will 'adequate to fulfil the proper needslam available by raising the neces- not hrilt lo cure tit? intemperance :in many areas." :sary funds through a choice of tax- of another kind of which he com- There were 4,480 physicians miatton. . . plains," the Premier continued. ' "At the present time," Dr. Vivian "Thic Government is not going to pointed out, "some areas will be be dominated either by beer inter- unable to raise the money. To as- on. or hy intemperate advocates sist such areas. the Provincial Gov.. of any special cause. ernment is prepared to pay. limited "The cause Mr. Irwin professes to grants based on need. The finan- serve will not. be advanced now or cial assistance will be increased to at any timo by challenging the in- aid with additional services when tegrity of those. responsible for pub- our normal taxing powers are res- lic affairs without an atom of evi- tored and the facilities become dence to support his statements. If, available. instead of issuing improper state- "The mumcipality obtains the ments of this kind, Mr. Irwin would specified services at a definite cost sponsor a vigorous program of edu- .by expressing the opinion of its cation. he could help to further the 1geetors through .a simple major- cause of true temperance and would ity vote. The contract for services have the support of all who believe will be in force for a trial period in temperance and not fanaticism." of three years. It must then be re- . Imoved by an expression of desire ,from the area itself. . . . The con- ;tract can be terminated by a vote .of the people on the same terms as the service was obtained." ' Whether the bill to enable mu- ;nicipalities to establish health serv- iices is accepted or not, Ontario idoctors will continue to pursue Itheir present objective of provid- !ing the best possible medical serv- ices to the people of the Province, it was stated by Dr. J. W. Mo. Cuteheon, secretary of the Ontario Medical Association.