i e c esssefesara t es e o o o e e e e e e o o e on m en ~ == dpiecst e sscceelliliif ONT AR Would Divert River. | In the development it is proposed ' to divert the river above the dam | and consequently it has become BY PR necessary, and the pulp and paper mmpany is in agreement, to supply It with power corresponding to the e amount they will lose by the divers-- i Dl'ew Loses LOflg Figh* OF IRON DEPOSlT l\?[:-n:'h';' agreement ]n\'j,!\ tha the * , a $ iver project be maintai | {Of D ir e ct Bé"Ohflg ready for use in event that v,?,n:l,l,'r?) l R')('k px'njm'l, should fail. In the * }a vr"'l\) voting for members of the Esfimafe l00 Ml"lOfl m:.an"mb',lr' s;fifi, S'mvh Rock has | armed forces, both men and women, i agreed to bear the estimated $1,000,. in Canada and overseas, was ap-- TOHS Of Ore AVCI'OblO ?'r:?p ';','A-:,'nl";)r'yf:"'\h.'\'}dr'0 transmission | TT rthi nAvar | proved by the House in committee W es t of Port Al'thf the cost of the 1'..5001;_?:(1\.,;3(,}(]0;]?:3 £ stage last night after the longest L pulp and paper company requires debate over one single issue which . L"gl.'la"\"' action tn assist in the during the term of the agrconwné. has vet come before this session dAevelopmeont of tho 100 million tons The line, in addition, will carry the 'Cun\m\.'n ve opposition, led by of high--grade iron ore lying on the estimated 6,000 h.p. required Io'x' the Lieutenant--Coloncl George A. Drew bed of Steoep Rock Lake, 142 miles mine operations. c | and L. M. Frost, Victoria, persist-- west of Port Arthur, was launched _*"The Government has no hesifa-- ently, both in second reading and yesterday in the Legislature. tion," said Mr. Conant, "in recom-- last _ night's committee -- debate, A torney--Goneral Conant, sponsor mending this legislation to the pressed the Government to provide of the bill dealing with essential House." for ditect voting for those members agreomeonts between Hydro and the of the forees stationed in Canada inferested -- companies, -- said that, who are eligible to vote in a Provin-- while engineers' estimates placed a clal election. two--year's minimum for completing Throughout the discussions it was the development, the same estimates stressed on both sides of the House predicted that ore, 60 to 85 per cent k theie was only the desire to use the fron----the purest ore on the con-- system which was most practicable. tinent--could be mined and turned e The Conservative Leader advised Into war channels within a year, as that, through Ottawa,. the co--opera«-- the lake waters receded. tion of the various units stationed The bill outlines four agreements, in Canada, outside of the Province he said, between the Ontario Hydro be 'secured. and that the vote be Commission and the Ontario--Min-- | taken directly and in the same man-- nesota Pulp and Paper Company, 'nPl' as Pr'n\'rin'i for the taking of "'\'"" and the SI".';' Rock Mines !lho votes in the military camps in z.nd the S"";"bi n,\-'-,] Df'\'pmp?:b"; Onrarm. .ampany . yaro an( Steep OCK * % s i Attorneyv--General Conant contend. Mines R""I.'h(' puip and paper coni Wl" Wldefl Pro+ec+|on, ed, and in the final analysis the pany and Steep Rock Mines, COHCH* Te||s H o use ' House supported his \'xm\,.t:mv bhe-- In MIvey, NC 88 d 50 "".E" on Lons cause the Ontario vote was taken }'1,,\,. A:t::d') 2'1"'%0'"';,:"\""1'" ':1" d'l'"' Attorneyv--General Gordon Conant '.,vrnhm thirty.two days of the time h';i : p'l; in d lins ."'"'dn"." l"i'" Intimated in the Ontarin Legisia-- | the election writ is issued, the short. M,."'.\ "f:'.:\_' in ariiling ana eXpPi0HA: ture yesterday that legislation would {f'it.l"',nl\';'l that is provided by any 3 ' be introduced next year to provide | jurisdiction within Canada, "the Priorities for Materials. further protectinn to deserted wives l;flj:'f"\ 4""'1'xid not be nh'ildf" to revolve f "We have been 3\7,,,,~d_" he said, in this Province. | fast enough to get the votes in the "that the Dominion Government will Mr._Conant did not specify the | ballot boxes." grant priorities for the necessary form the legislation would take, but materials to develop the property. indicated it would broaden existing In transportation, it is fortunate that | protection. His statement was made the lake lies four and one--half miles | during consideration of a bill ad-- * from the main CNR. line between | vanced hy Welfare Minister Far-- Port Arthur and Rainy River, and% quhar Oliver which would order the railway company has given as--| husbands in some of these cases to surance that a spur line will be | report monthly on status of their built." | support payments. In the third main factor, the Hydro Mr. Oliver's bill applics only +o Commission will build a transmis--; deserted wives who either are on sion line from Port Arthur, neares! relief or about tn receive relief source of substantial power, and in Consorvative Leader George A the contract, the mines company Prew urged that the bill be extend-- has placed a guarantee of $600,000 ed tn cover all deserted wives, and far fulfiliment of contract. ' G. C. Elgie (Con., Toronto--Wood-- "This is probably not only one of bine) moved an amendment to that the most important iron deposits on effect. The amondment was de-- the North American Continent, but feated. It is also one of the most unique x in that the ore body lies under Steep Rock Lake and it is necessary, before nre can be procured, that the lake must be dewatered," said the Attorney--General. : It was estimated that 150 billion > gallons of water would have to be § drained hbefore the task is com-- pleted. In explanation he said that at the head of the lake was erected Moose Lake dam and power house, controlled by the Seine River Power Co. Ltd., which in turn is owned x and controlled by the Ontario-- Minnesota Pulp and Paper Co. The power plant developed 10,500 h.p., which is used by the pulp company P with plart and head office at Fort Frances.