C e e en e e O e e en es * «* Expect No Ontari on p io Electi Unti er T il After the 1942 Session ession Strong -- representation will be t made in Liberal caucus today for sweeping changes in proposed Milk Control Board legislation and for withdrawal of the bill to make women subject to jury duty. Both proposals were the subject of Liberal discussion yesterday af-- ter notice was given at Queen's Park of the call to caucus, the first that has been held during the cur-- rent session Notice that a caucus would be held was given by the Premier some days ago in a press interview when he declared, with even more em-- phasis than is his habit, that elec-- ¢ tion proposals would not be dis-- cussed, & In recent weeks, the beliecf has grown in the House that the Gov-- ernment will not go to the country , this year. For some time, few if any of the members believed an election would be called before au-- tumn. Now it is felt that the Premier, unless something unusual oceurs in the international field, such as an early victory, will not call an election until after the 1942 sess10n. Both the women's jury bill and the Milk Control Act bill have been subjected to intensive criticism in R the HMouse and both are still await-- ing second reading. It is reported that, taking the Securities Act bill as a precedent, in which right of appeal of decisions of the Securities Commission is given, that a strong voice will be made asking for ap-- peal rights against rulings of the L.\Iilk Control Board.