Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Feb 1940, p. 3

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rieilinatd Fiap ce i.6 *---------------fi--" J PERMIT HEENAN _ "ES"*"*¢ # TO CALL PARLEY CROSS LASHES Drew Wants 'Neutral' Minister to Act; Holds : Lands Branch Probed : «eseunamememmesmememee | MEMBERS CLASH _ Says Toronto Rewards Auaknaiies Him With Abuse After Over the determined opposition Bemg Saved $4.200.000 of Conservative Leader George w_--_--_--__----__.__--. t Drew and a background of acrid IN CLASS BY SELEF | ' debate that carried an earlier com-- I mittee feud to the floor of the| % MA House, the Legislature yesterday au-- | 'The C?ty of 'Toronto was accused thorized Hon. Peter Heenan, Minis-- ef rank .lnxratllude' l?St night wl'fen ter of Lands and Forests, to call an| Hon. Eric Cross, Minister of Munici-- i immediate conference of all groups| pal Affairs, told the Legislature in interested in the timber industry,| the course of the Budget debate with a view to settling major prob--| that the Hepburn Government had lems now confronting them. helped the city more than any other The proposed conference was ap--| Administration in history and was proved by the House when it ac--| rewarded by abuse. * Anees . 9k § cepted an interim report presented | _ The Budget debate, which saw two . "This Government has committed by Hon. Paul Leduc, committee| Ministers of the Crown participate, ; itself to a policy of helping the chairman, and voted down an| is expected to wind up today. The | Municipalities, That policy was ex-- amendment proposed by Colonel| House rose at 10:30 p.m., Farquhar | Pr°sSly limited to the budget re" Drew. Under its terms, representa--| Oliver, U.F.O., South Grey, moving !qun.'em.enls of the Province, We have tives of the pulp and paper indus-- Adjournment of the debate. It is : redistributed the tax burden to try, independent operators, trans--, believed prorogation will take place | accomplish that purpose. But upon portation companies, power produ-' Friday. | lave all--Provincial and | municipal cers and labor will be summoned to| _ Mr. Cross labelled the civic ad.| Rovernments alike--is this wartime a round table conference "at an | ministration a "city hall beef trust"l responsibility of retrenchment and| . early date." | and asserted that every municipal.| economy. The Conservative Leader objm'lod' Ity, with the exception of Toronto,| Municipal Debt Reduced. to a clause in the report naming | had met its nroblems and met them || The Minister of Municipal Af-- Mr. Heenan as the Minister em--| well. He lashed out at the use of|| fairs contrasted the plight of thei powered to call the conference, voic--| the word "banditry" by Mayor Railph | municipalities in 1934 with their sit--" ing the belief that, as his depart--| Day, when the announcement was || yation today. From 1934 to 1938 the ment was still under investigation,| made of the reduction in the PrO--|| ne debt of the municipalities had a "neutral" Minister should be| vincial subsidy. | been reduced from $484,000,000 to given that authority. "Fine words from the mayor of | | $400,000,000 and today the per capita The Minister of Lands and For--| a great city to a Provincial Admini--| gebt of the municipalities was the ests, he declared, had been in a| stration that has helped them more| |owest of any time since 1914, he position to call such a conference| than any other Government in his--|} c)aimed. The Government had for the past five years and had fail--| tory," commented the Minister. "No ) prought order out of the municipal ed to do so. In view of that fact he | Government heaped more charges On' ' chaos, he asserted, and the position felt that some other department| the city than the one which pre--|| of the municipalities was now the head should be entrusted with the| ceded the present Administration.| soundest it had ever been. mission. With that end in view, he| We have saved the city more than "In 1934 there was $105,000,000 in presented an amendment naming| $4,200,000 during the term of office|| gefault," said Mr. Cross. _ "Today Mr. Leduc in place of Mr. Heenan. " of the mayor who today cries 'ban--| ; that figure is less than three mil-- "To waste the time of this house| datry.' lions. Not only that, but munici-- and quibble over who is to call lhe' Bays Cushion Provided. ' palities formerly in Gefault are now conference l\ x-idiculg'xx'i.f' .\lr.' "The City of Toronto is faced iable to go out and obtgi_n money at Heenan s.a'id in reply. "This reso--| witn declining assessments," he|| the lower rates prevailing in Gov-- lution arises directly from A $US--| eentinued. "They have no place to | ernment securities. gestion made by me in the course| prow and they want to stay in|| The Government had stood fast of evidence before the committee.| their own back yard and lose their | against increased demands and this The Leader of the Opposition wam-' hx j | was shown by the fact that the De-- marbles to themselves. Does it look | | ed to hire a rink or Massey Hall or| jke banditry when we save them|| Partment of Municipal Affairs and some place like that and have every=} more than $4,000.000? | Public Welfare had cut its estimates body come, but I pointed out that "But where did the tax rate gol | by $5,900,000, said the Minister. was impossible." notwithstanding that assistance? It | | A. W. Downer (Con., Dufferin-- Colonel Drew rose to his feet at " «s us and io. Every dollas [ | E'mcove) said he was skeptical of| that point, but the Minister refused has gone up and up. Every dolla economy that cut $1,000,000 from to yield the floor. we have given them has been a education. ' "Oh, sit down!" he snapped, as | cushion to save them from the neces-- "We must economize, Govern-- the Conserva}ive Leader bc:gan 19 _ sitvy of cutting their own exvenses. ments must .oconomize, b'ut we must{ speak. "Mr. Speaker, I don't want h h 'ily to thilk not jeopardize the coming genera-- to give way to any member who What right had ""', cily 10 LBH tion," he said. haggles over words." of the Provincial Government as Pre--election promises of 1934 to re-- | "l'lam g'is]lnx to ::c}uea;iog of per-- ; Santa Claus to save them from ; duce expenditures, to cut adminis» | sonal privilege," Colonel Drew in-- | 4 i nd expect; tration costs 50 per cent were, he terjected. "I at no time suggested | their own lack of co:rai:'e e ?n t:eir! charged, "gone with the wind." | any such ridiculous plan as that | USs to Put a tax re }10 on | "Instead of reducing expendi-- mentioned by the Minister. My in--| stockings every year? | tures, the spending machine has tention was to call exactly such a "We have saved them long enough| heen working overtime. This Gov-- conference as that outlined in the | rrom facing the realitics of their| ernment has been putting the Prov-- report now before you. $ nicipality: ince into debt at the rate of $72,000 "This resolution was produced | OW" Problems. Every mUnioiP ol' U a day since 1934, when it was first directly out of a statement I made | in the Province, with this @XC°P~| pjacred, In 1934 they were talking to the"{afl_?';d"f g" Opposition in | tjion, has met its problems and met| about the Ferguson Government plll'b committee, r. iieenan repeated. f j A 1e | _ ti the Province into debt at the "He asked me if I had any sug-- them well. I think Ih.at \\;; Tlll l;)a\;' :;x:g 57 550000 a day. . How : fimes gestion to offer regarding a sojy. | had enough of the City Ha ***I | have changed," he said. tion of timber problems and I sug-- | trust. | gested a conference be held. Hig amendment has been designedly in. troduced for the purpose of insult. ing the Minister and the Depart. ment." | L The brief exchange was in many respects a continuance of sharper | clashes between Mr. Heenan ang Colonel Drew which featured yes. terday's session of the special com. i mittee. f

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