N_-- Macaulay A m e ndment H Ref G; Would Make Councils N"M" : ies :o '"f Submit Proposal | ames" o B?C Pr, (culatie. | Lake Sulphite Firm An amendment to the Local Gov--| o s s ernment Extension Act, which ex--' S E E K S R U L l N G j § tends the term of municipal councils ' wnmmmmmmmmmmmm mm c:::;u';::r;ol itwo -'"::' :"'k""g t Colonel George Drew will ask ' for councils to submit Fiare n tasy A the plan to the voters at the next| that R. 0. Sweezey, Montres! pro-- elections, was proposed in the moter, be called to give evidence be-- Legislature yesterday by Leopold fore the special committee of the Macaulay (Cons., South York), and | _ Legislature investigating the tim-- defeated on a standing vote that ' ber policies of th saw a three--way split in the House. j Poi'cics 'of the: Depariment The amendment was brought for-- of Lands and Forests on his negoti-- wlan:.lug,-erc Hon. Harry Nixon, Pro--| ations with the Government with vine retar, and Acting Pre--| regard to Lake Sulphit mier, had called upon the Govern--| The O it ; lf,e * Cot?'lpa!.w. ment majority to pass sections of | Pposicon ader said yes. the bill when the House was in| _ {®"day after the regular meeting of :omml::ee of |!he whole, in spite o(; the committee that he would seek ecusations of steamroller tactics to call Mr. Sw p'3 * from the Opposition benches. R use dianta pr onl n Ot? Mr. Macaulay called for a stant« tain a complete record of all busi-- s ing vote, and the House split thre ness which transpired from the time » p ree ways, with F. A. Oliver (U.F.O., Mr. Sweezey first approached Hon. South Grey) and Arthur Roebuck Peter Heenan, Minister of Lands and (Ind. Lib.. Beliwoods) voting with foF the Opposition, and Conservative Forests, on behalf of the Lake Sul-- members G. H. Dunbar (Ottawa phite Company, until the time the 'So\:th) and W. B. Reynolds (Leeds) company collapsed. voting with the Government to de-- Most of th 5 sterday was feat the Macaulay amendment. ;' c gpmer ;estefda) e 'The debate, opening up along laken up with reading into the straight party lines, brought to an record letters that passed between abrupt end the complete Agreement Mr. Sweeze_y. as promoter of the t of the Opposition with the Trea-- [l;ake .Sulphue Comqan)'. and the sury benches during their criticism \e.panment o_[ Landa' and Forests. of the Federal Government's war Mr. Heenan, in answer 2 & quts, effort. Arthur Roebuck turned on tion of Colonel Drew's, said that no his former colleagues, and --joined land had been taken from the Great with Colonel Drew and Leopold Lakes Paper Company or any other Macaulay to lead opposition to the O oan> JC furn over to the Lake Sulphite Company, but that certain bill. | 'Time and time again during the land had been turned back to the debate Mr. Nixon called upon his G°"°'""'°'." three months _before superior force in the House to pass "."e Sulphite Company applied for sections of the bill, but the argu-- rights. ments of the Opposition forced the Asks For Names. Goverpment_lo amend the part of "Mr. Sweezey came to me and the bill which included appointed said that he was in a position to ffi:l::?'ls;s;ons twitdh delected 'r?uncnls get certain men to put up about i Sate last:dexp:nt etm"';m-' llhls d;- two and a half million dollars for 8 0 ciock ad-- the project," said Mr. P jJournment hour, and Mr. Cross, a s.')r())O(j)O bond dwasr I;g:?:dn tahT: s o k: ; ; Minister of Municipal Affairs, who would be turned over to the Gov-- "I think that out of this comthit-- brought in the bill, also said he was ernment if they did not go ahead tee should come some recommenda-- ready to reduce the number of With their plans." tion that will prevent such dis-- qualified voters from 10 to 5 per James (?oope'r CLib,, Sudbury) astrous collapses as that of the Sul-- cent needed to force an election if asked Mr. Heenan if he knew the _ PN'te Company," continued Colonel A counC" was lo be turned out aflel' names of. the men "-ho were put. Drc"'. P one yell'. Thc HOUSP rose hefot'e ting{l 'he monev 'or "r 5wee ovy :\Ir' }Ieenan rptused to gl\'e the this amendment could be voted on. "Heptold US SumC HaMes buzt }I. names of the financiers involved, # Conser_va_t_lvir_n_ggms and Mr. don't think it is material who they il;gusol\?l?:ilsgiex gfifii:le:néocs:,l: Roebuck argued that the present were," replied the Minister. man 'Of the committee, fo ru'lin Municipal Act allowed municipali-- "How much did they offer to put Mr. Ledu: said that };e o\;oa:xld gi.'.gé ties to vote themselves a two--year up?" said Mr. Cooper. "Two and a his. rulinv at the next meeting of term if they so desired, and that half million dollars, about,"> said o. j * * he committee on Tuesd ornin this law should not be changed to Mr. Heenan. * COolonel Drew theneie:(}i, ?;Om thg': force a two--year term upon mu-- Colonel Drew then asked that recommendation sent by M Heenar; nicipalities who voted against the Mr. Heenan make public the names ito the Lieutena;t-Gov};rn;'r advis-- extension ;:.st Janu;;r,\'. ted of the men who offered to support 'ing that an Order-in-Cour;cil be Former Premier Henry suggestce the plan. iv} ; j hat the Government institute a _ _/ "I don't passed giving the Sulphite Company tha C . want to make the names rer t i d Crown system of bonusing municipalities :publi('. I don't think it is import-- Faonv:i:r O Dleki ce Ano AMSe Nt who would vote themselves into the 'ant," insisted Mr. Heenan. "B it c harl o A i N ame, iL.the iwo--year was regard-- Tike sonn ut The company brings with it a se R | mmittee rule I must, then I | suff; h K yapeor t as so neces.: . | o o lat Ir sufficiency of capital to ensure the ed by the Government as am quite willing to do so. full realization of its project," read sary. . l arer utd Ti ie aneccoors mnanrmnnemmnt nanlle:en:tl):'el)"' ""?3' Ctol make the |Colonel Drew. "Those are your own m wilpl m'."" 5'}: M océnel DreW: | words, Mr. Heenan, and I want to Ive --FAVE mesm"s r. Sweezey if | know what information you had to em.(.g and if h ® n'a'mest '{' confid* | write that recommendation, as the * % ne says not 1 will ree | company failed yesterday." lease them," said Mr. Heenan. "Mr. "I see your point, Colonel," re-- S.\;ie:zeyw "l'\:ts inotihmg do about de-- plied Mr. Heenan, "and if the com-- ciding s Important or what | mittee rules I will make the names should be published in this case. f j Those NBKE Should of the men public. They were men oo ds should be in the |of high financial standing in To-- recortl« ronto and Montreal."