Former Highways Minister Leo« pold Macaulay told the House that Chester S. Walters, Controller of Finances, had written him, confirm« ing his allegations before the Public ' Accounts Committee, that January > accounts for medical aid supplied f | reliefees in the Toronto and met-- | ropolitan area had not been paid by | , the government until the middle | | of April. Mr. Macaulay did not know | where the fault for the delay lay-- esnt io s possibly with the Ontario Medical _ . i' + Association--but the situation, he V | ELG"OI' Appeals for Definite held, was unfair and unjust, in that | % * many of the doctors concerned | Action as Last Estimate earned a great percentage of their | Passed: Farm Jobs Are living out of this relief work. | | o .. I don't see why the honorable i | | AVOI'Ob'G. Says Prermer members should get all worked up P | teaiamarie e e e ces tover thsis matter," observed Prov-- | | 'incial Secretary Nixon. "Many of i HINT FO R TRANS'ENTS |thom probably did not submit their bills until February. Why, I know | of doctors who have been carrying Premier Hepburn yesterday ac-- bills on their books for fifteen | ceded to the request of Toronto's years." | former mayor, William J. Stewart, ' 'I'But not against the government," | to consider--now that the Legislaa |82!4 George S, Henry. , | ture session is over--the setting up " of an invitation committee to evolve | ways and means of more effective \| dealing with Ontario's unemploy-- | ment problem. | The Premier gave no undertaking that such a committee would oper= ate, but he promised to consult Mr. Stewart and his leader, Col. George | A. Drew, on the question, at the earliest possible opportunity. ' Mr. Stewart's appeal, which was, % in the closing hours of the 1939 ses-- sion, a modification of his budget debate advocacy of a general gov-- TlY ' ernment conference on the unem-- ployment situation, was made as | the House voted the last of the { government estimates. In the de-- | bate which ensued Mr. Hepburn took occasion to repeat . an oft= ' stated claim that no transient jJob= The third session of the twen-- less needed go without jobs if they tieth Ontario Legislature, which pro-- ' went looking for them seriously. y p dlay rided more Much, he said, had been made in rogued )eSteld?'\' pr}on Treasury the House of the eviction of men -- harmony between the Treasury from the Coliseum hostel, and of | benches and Opposition than in any | the possibility that these men would 'session in recent years, in the opin-- have to walk the streets of Toronto |ion of veteran political observers. ' poorly clothed, hungry, and poten«-- The House sat.thlrt._v-three days, tial criminals With the spring received ninety--nine bills angi pass-- weather opening up, and farmers -- ed approximately eighty--nine of and even farmers' wives working them. In 1938 there were ninety-- fourteen to sixteen hours a day to _ eight bills before the Assembly. This | make up for the delayed season, year's session was slightly below - there was no reason that he could average in length. see, he said, to worry about these There were fewer flare--ups on the "able--bodied fellows." A trip to the floor of the House than at any tnmg' country--if they chose to make it-- in the past six or seven years, ant e despnes --.-- would, he said, soon supply them those who anucu;;ated_ bn;{z.rpbuel:\n- scheme which may be enacted by with v . s between Premier 1. % o l'oebuvc;'rks" :};,zngce;nservati\'e Leader George the Dominion Parhamen.t. $ ¢ vt'nced. Drew were disappointed. With few . Wider powers vested in the n h'AS éhe Prime Minister concluded exceptions, an atmosphere of amia-- ,,,.;, Municipal Board in connection , is observations, former Attorney-- vaded the -- deliberations : j nd annexa-- General Roebuck rose Lo speak. ::(litylhri):l:\f'as reflected in the gal-- """h ama]ga.m.atl:).rtl'ss asubject to | -- '"Now, Mr. Chairman," interrupted lery attendances, which were below tions of municipalitie d5 the Prime Minister, "there is a mo-- Inormal. ratification by the Legislature, tion before the House for the com-- On a few occasions tempers broke A measure to improve police serv-- mittee to rise and report certain res-- d charges were hurled across _ i ; empowering the olutions. I want to be tolerant, but :':; ?ll:)m'. bmg for the most part the| 1ces in Ontarlo.l t dpirect inquiries I ask you to put this motion." proceedings were mild in tone. The| Attorney--Genera o t ngy "You're very tolerant," said Mr. fact that some of the legislfltwnl with regard to police activities, a | Roebuck, "where it concerns your»-- was highly contentious made the ab-. granting extended authority to| self, but you're not very tolerant of sence of fireworks all the more police constables in pursuit of crxmi-[: the right of anyone else--even after ;-ommcndable' it is generally agreed. nals. | talking for three--quarters of an hour Legislative Highlights. An amendment to the Corpora--| as you have just done." gI8 ; ive highlights tion Tax Act, reducing the tax on : S of the legislative highlig tio -- 1 hs. thei * .of ?}Tee sessions are: paid--up capital and increasing | J e in the gasoline tax | levy on income. * 3 An lr.lcrease'lht cenls ahd _--the |_-- Highway Traffic Act amend from snxbtoke:ié the municipalities| ment providing for construction of h:nd:lfirea(:f the increased revenuge the new divided hig}EwaysdaS ax'l;'!:leit w ty f one--half a mill 0n ijes for through traffic, and pe P the form o nLS ting the government to assist in thle i C S. P « '"Approval of an unemployment in: | buitting and maintenance of dever surapr?ce act to make effective m,opment roads in the unore Ontario the provisions of any|sections of Ontario. *A S i e e