_ . ke) 8 q P id l allure to row e l, ob Insurance Scored, i H h/ fi L I t . uf ouse o Ion ost Failure of the Hepburn Govern- . ment to implement its oft-stated, elet-tion pledge to provide unem. pin} ment insurance at the 1933 session of the Legislature was . t scored _\esterday hy Opposition _ Leader Macaulay. who alleged that, i Premier Hepburn well realized now, I that Ottawa wasn't going to do anything ahottt the matter. and was consequently confronted with the job of 's.xrruting Provincially what . he had told the people he would oAgtl',.t'ng,n; 0nd,}: tfeteht. angry carry nut. "He true to your prom . .tres ure, c arge a 'e ppo- tsrs," Mr. Macaulay prodded tho sntton benches were "reeking with Treasury heneltec. corruption." Mr. Macaulay demand- A straight wnttt-of-confidonre ed a retraction, and the Speaker. on amendment to the Supply motion, appeal. laid down a weighty deci- mm ed by W. A. Baird tCons.. High sion, to the effect that if the Min- Parkt. and doplorinR the Govern. lster had referred to the benches "Will's twitter! lo place an insur- his remark was in order. If he re- mit-e plan before the House. was ferred to the men who occupied the defeated on a registered division of benches a retraction was in order. "C, to 22. There were several can- The incident dissolved in laughter, tttnkvrous (WW? incidents. Particu- and Mr. MacBride demanded of the l Lnrly when Hon. Peter Heenan. Min. Opposition Leader acceptance of his l ister of Lands and Forests. and statement that the Provincial Gov- nne-time Federal Minister of Labor, ernment was attempting to do accuse," the Opposition benches of something to bring about unem- "rocking With corruption." and ployment insurance. disgustedly throw some documents The Premier then reread his let- on the floor of the Chamber. with ter to Prime Minister King, pledg- the sharp rebuke to tho Conserva- ing Ontario's support to a national 'tirrs of "You make me sick'." unemployment insurance scheme. Mr. lieenan said that no one "That was our position then, and . could take Mr. Baird's motion that is our position now," he said. certainty. and that it actually "But," objected Mr. Macaulay, "makes me laugh out loud" to see "what does Ontario propose to do Conservatives got up in the House if the Dominion fails to get the and advocate unemployment insur assent of the three Provinces (Que- ;mm. Why. said he, when he had bee, Alberta and ew Brunswick) in..." in office at Ottawa, he had to embark onanrtionalscheme?" wtitten all the Provincial Prdemliers Macaulay Doubtful. """m'dmn tho 'ylyst""y an re- The Premier i e hasi mier 'i-'crizuson oi Ontario. he admit. that Mr. McBrigga Iliad "Liens tf. hadnt "Y"" shown him tho Tur'. 'G structed to prepare legislation for of rrpl.ving to .m" TPr,C1ttt."'..n.: this present session. He said the a?" 2'90"; 33:31:32; interest m Ottawa Government had clearly lion. M. M. MtTBrideui Minister of 3353132; its intention of doing Labor. stated that when he first as- "The Premier is an astute Poli. aumed office he was directed by tician and must know what is going Premier Hepburn to devote time. to on at Ottawa. 'Why not call a spade the preparation of an unemploy- tt spa.de? Don't yon.know noth).n.tr merit insurance bill. Then, he ex- is going to be done In CREW? this plained. came the request from Ot. year about unemployment Insur- tawa for a waive: of Provincial ance?" asked the Opposition Leader rights in that field. It was given. "No, I don't. I only know that 3 , he said. and he claimed that the Government usually carries out Province was ready to eo-operate, what is indicated in the Speech; and it was most proper of the Prov- from the Throne," replied the Pre. i tnee to await Federal action. mier. He pointed out this pledge» The Opposition Leader, without was definitely made in the Ottawa! wasting words. claimed that att Throne Speech. l Brampton the Lands and Forests) Mr. Macaulay referred to the) Minister and the Premier gave a' works program statement of Hon pledge that if the Ottawa Govern- Norman Rogers this week. He said ment did not bring in unemploy- he had studied it carefully and fail- ment insurance this Government ed to find any reference to a con- would at the first session. crete program that would be of .. Asks Why Promise Not Kept. benefldt to Ontario. The Premier " ' . - a ree . Why hasn't 1ht.fio:,',ei?ynfl car g"I take it," said Mr. Macaulay. ried out this promise? he demand- " h t litical corres ondents are, ed, and he emphasized that, despite t a J"', h n the 53y iiiriiiipGr, the promise. the entire answer that eorrte.' w e . y d ad as a door-I Mr. Heenan had made to his elec- asp, insurance ts as e tion pledge was to throw down a In any event, he claimed, he felti paper in the House with the claim, b . th ttention "You make me sick." it his duty to ring , a hi l . "I would like you to be true to of the people of th'i/2,"i','2.,',ee to t 35: your promise,' he hammered at the situation. Mr. ep urn "ami, Government benches. agreed.