: snnmemmmmemmmememmentmememmennennenmnmenmnmnimmmmtnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmm= > > ~= . Mr. Downer advocated the early appointment of a special committee from the House--not a Royal Com-- 'mlulon: "we have too many of | | them as it is"--not a committee of | lawyers and doctors, but one of | w successful farmers--to study farm | conditions, and if necessary, go | * abroad and consider conditions and | methods of operation there obtain-- } HOT CRITICISM gax. wlth'a view to improving the M B E i ntario situation. + Be Mr. Downer supported the prin-- LO\.Ie Fea.s t us nded | ciple of compulsory pasteurization, in Legislature, Asserts } but not the method of application C | F Hunt E!Pofl Power to Farmers, _ as provided for in the current Gov-- 01. rraser munter & ernment legislation. "It only ap-- smmammue« NOf to U.S., AdVlCO Of plies to a few cities where there is D " * M L A pasteurization already," he said, APATHET'C. HE TH'NKS utterin M.L.A. "and I doubt if it will ever be ex-- inrmemmmenemimmes Snnmomememememensmnt tended any further. I wonder how Col. F Hunt told. th much the canned milk people paid ol. Fraser unter to e SAYS COST TOO HlGH lopthe ?oviznrrgent--.;i Legislature last night that its mem-- remier Hepburn, his face flam-- i i j Ing with anger, was on his feet at ber§ shou!d ;ake thelrdd;txe]s mor'ei Discontinuance of equipment / once, and cut Mr. Downer off with seriously in future, and declared M credits in November of last year-- |a quick: "We've had enough of was time the "Love Feast" between one month after the Provincial gen-- thf;fi:;es;g:i"sdblt? 5"'9'"5"'5-;' 81 members of the Government and FfHPheees sinuations," Provincia d hi tm oo an oo behebmer -- |Secretary Witon stpptemented: °. Opposition, which had. character-- effect of the lowered power rates "Take it back or lay a definite fred sittings of the House during | which Hydro had instituted prior to _ | PAYK®." cracked the Premier. this session, was ended,. _ | | the el t'l' d on which Premier | I make no definite charge," Mr. Opening the first night sitting of H: l:ue:n ':':;d"r'nembers of his Cab. | Downer replied. the Legislature since the session lne't' had actively campaigned, Rev. '"No, you bet you don't," Mr. Hep-- opened, the doughty member from k. W. Downer (Cons Duf(erix;-Sim- burn shouted. Toronto--St. Patrick cautioned the » 4. ysd House against its "lethargic atti-- coe) charged in the Legislature yes is oR . n terday. _ "Will the Government tude," which, he said, was rendgrmg please explain the discontinuance of the membe'x"s' little more than "rub-- these credits if it can?" asked Mr. !;er stamps" in the legislation of the Downer. rovince. If there were more action and less "Parliament can enact any law, talk about Hydro it would be much irrespective of constitutional bar-- better for the Province as a whole, riers," he said. "It can provide for Mr. Downer submitted. "It seems -- such social reforms as old age pen-- that all we have heard this session sions, or it can provide for boiling is Hydro," he said. "Power experts s the Bishop of Rochester in oil if it seem to flourish as flowers of the | chooses. But here in this Housge field. Each spring brings a new l we are being treated to a love feast c't;op- Muich has blu!t;:\ said aibout in which the term 'rubber stamp' the man in the back concessions, | has become a term of endearment. but little has been done for him. {I would impress upon every mem-- He wants Hydro, he needs it, but | ber the necessity of taking his (o i hat every farmer Aonring o e o ns Hydro s:wl::--efénd there are 166f R';'_""'" Front Berl;ches.l L | 000 of them-- gets it and at the he one--time enga ancer | least possible cost. I would strongly swung into his sardonic attack on recommend the abolition of the the Legislature's apparent apathy service charge altogether to bring | without any preliminary fanfare of about that desired end." | trumpets as he likened the frotnt Scores Power Program. | benches of the House to the twenty-- Mr. Downer scored the Govern-- | four blackbirds in the legendary : ment and the Hydro Commission | pie. ; o ensate, for their reversals of policy on the | Looking over ?he ]egls'l.atx\e p;g- Quebec contracts situation--for the | gram before this House," he said, | "back.to.Nl.'.ra" campaign of de-- | facetiously, "we find plenty Ofi ception practiced during the elec-- | soothing songs for the twenty--four tion--and for their present move to | lmdleI boys lntfge"fronf :e'r;c\hf--'f»'i; export current to the United States, an 've counte em, so my fig--| "Let's export that power to the 'ures are correct--but very little| back concessions of Ontario, and not |\ meat for the people." l | to New York State," he added, "and 1 Raps Government Cost. | 'g'r')eef?tu; o,':'-'-' people a chance to | __Colonel Hunter took issue with | y It. i 7 t in | The whole Lake Sulphite financial Canaus" decioring thet "the Dositit| c':llq;;: "smellsl.l an% sm;l}:s badtl'y]'i" ion spent $500,000 more each yearl . wner alleged. e public i j t Brit-- was demanding that it be investi-- :?n w'ifm]me;to:};antg;?' Gl;%éooo,ooo! gated, and the Government should 'peo.ple to govern. investigate it at once, he said. "Deénurciation of this extrava-- Places Blame for C.1.0. rance is useless," he declared. "We| The Government also came in for | have found that out befgre_. gh:l a stiff panning from Mr. Downer only thing that will cur it i r.: on the C.I1.0O. question. The Gov-- + neclgratbnonthof wa{' :)l:'emiz;l&& eml ernment, he said, was responsible mania' by the people ank 1 for the C.I.0. invasion of Ontario \an average year this Go"emmenlt, ' last spring. "If," he added, "they spends $50,000,000 in icas?reg?t(i onl had enforced a minimum wage act, To n e oo sls puitinee | Last| had enforced reasonable hours and the people of this Province. | fai diti in 1 --_ year we spent $90,000,000 and we | falr conditions in industry, there s r $100,000,000 would have been no occasion for "".l.!nfgi': 3%:');:3"&07"(1 'call tl{e; that invasion,. The C.I.O. is still in tune," he said, "but ' sfore they| Ontario, and here to stay, as can can do that they must be organlzedl onl Semage! which 3e gifen in " some / form . of Dominion--wide| Momer Martin and otnher C10. c To he remmares" of the o cleciorate 1.0, The lethargy o e_ elec lcad:rs t': Oahawa recen}l)a ; Let me concerning the actions of their own l Fay lo N:t 0""'""";' ve %'1"' representatives, Colonel Hunter be-- r"" a '"3'" ind reasonit : lieved, tended toward incompetence, ours and we will have no fear o R extravagance and decay in govern-- the C.I.O. or any other 'ism. We ment. He advocated the teaching of must eradicate the things that the duties of Government in schools C.IM communism, fascism, and the throughout the Province so that .0. Give every home a fair pay men and women could be recruited envelope and general unrest in this for the Civil Service, well versed in | country will soon disappear. the rules of government. El l ) "Not until we can put the C1v1} Service on a plane above that 0 partisanship will we be able to rid 'this House of the turbulent priest of patronage," he exclaimed. | o uk c l o m 74__--4