o allble l ccotint'ss : s '-----------w----v---------fl March o Net Debt Reducti QVATION MARKS * | . iII! Be Announce ' CH 8 At Fiscal Y End j 1SC a ear En Liberals Greet Financial «_----_--__._._._ ¢ , Statement With Frenzied # * \ *# & Ontario's Improved Finan-- Demonstration cial Condition Reflected by Hydro and T. & N.O., TAX CUTS ARE CHEERED Hopbu"' ASSQI'*S If Parliamentary rules had per-- Gunmmmmmmemmue memmmmemeazmmnt mitted cheering, the excited Liber-- s s als of the Legislature yesterday $ A .r:Pductnor: in the net debt of the ' would have shouted themselives rovince of Ontario will be an-- hoarse with wild enthusiasm as nounced after March 31, Premler their Leader and Provincial Treas-- Mitchel!l Hepburn declared yester-- PROVINCE PAYS |WCr+ Prggie." MitCh"ul E: H"fpb"lfni # a 4 gave a 90--minute analysis of wha day during his Budgot afiflress. The was considered the finest financial Improved financial condition of the statement read to the House in re-- Province as a whole, he said, was cent years. also reflected by the Hydro--Electric The Government followers sensed Power Commission which was daily there was good news in the wind. 'lmpx'oving its position, and by the Eut they had no conception of the, T. & N. O. Railway. scope and extent and significance _The exact amount of the reduc-- of what was to come from the lips tion in the net debt could not be of the Prime Minister. 'The $7,000,-- immediately ascertained because of OO surplus produced such an out-- certain balances which might be P t e e burst of desk--thumping that Mr. outstanding or collected at the end t _ j% Hepburn was forced to stop until of the fiscal year, the Premier A"'nggmen* {Ol' ROIIQVII'Ig the noise subsided. stated. thet | _ Municipalities Now Ready, Frenzied Demonstration. It is, hou'{-\-cr. gratifying to | | _ But when he went further into know there will be a reduction in | Hepburn Al'lhOUl'lCOt | A A infrign ' the net debt. and full r the financial picture and told of > * ull details of the Wnn erern oo ireireffvigets 5 ; C C i 1 is the tax reductions that were to be rccjuchon will be shown in th + put into effect, the Liberals let 5;;:;'"' copy of my address," he MOTHERS ALLOWANCES themselves go in a frenzied demon-- ol h ; waln .l l in pmmmmmmmmmins stration that even affected the Hydro Guarantee Given. P s packed galleries Not having had "During the current fiscal year Ontario to Enact Enablmg much to cheer about in recent the Province has added its credil , * * 4 * weeks, the Liberals greeted the to that of the HMydro--Electric Power L09l5|°"°fl fOl' GW"'Q "sunshine" Budget with an almost Commission and has guaranteed i i unprecedented outburst. It was Hydro borrowings of $20,000,000. _ | Pensions to Blind something to make a noise about, "I am sure there is no fear that s they felt, and they made the most the tprov")'(" wnl:' ei\;c-r be callted ul)';, Announcernent was made yester-- of the opportunity. a on to make goo s guarantee on | The Prime Minister was in goo any amounts borrowed by the Com:--| flay by Premier and Frovincial form. Apparently he did not find mission, which is daily improvlng' Treasurer Hepburn that the new ar-- his figures very dry, for not once its fl;un::al ';:]osltloni):nd will ulitti-. rangement whereunder the Govern-- did he pause for a sip from the mately able to rrow on & | * i | glass of water on his desk. Although swn credit at rates as favorable as| -- M°Nt Will relieve municipalities Tc was obliged to read his speech from contributing to the cost of old« i1 3 will this or any other Canadian C si a hers allow because of the mass of detail it Province. age pensions and mothers' allow-- contained, he gave it sparkle by "The Province, also, at the re-- ances will come into operation on frequent bits of impromptu com-- quest of the Temiskaming & North-- April 1. ment. ern Ontario Railway, guaranteed a Notice of the necessary legislation Opposition Leader George Henry loan of $5,600,000, obtained through was given on Monday by Hon. David occasionally took notes as the one of the chartered banks, and A. Croll, Minister of Welfare and Premier announced a saving or a since this loan was made the T. & Municipal Affairs. tax reduction. When Mr. Hepburn N.O. has reduced the amount of the "Earlier in the year," Mr. Hepburn _ revealed the $7,000,000 surplus, Mr. loan by $500,000 and is steadily de-- informed the House, "it was an-- Henry's face, to use the words of creasing the loan at the rate of| nounced that the municipalities' a Liberal back--bencher, was as $100,000 per month. share of the cost would be borne hy "inscrutable as the Sphinx." Only Others Given Aid. the Province from Jan. 1, 1937. Let once did Mr. Henry break his "Assistance has also been given me say, however, that there being silence. That was when the House by way of guarantee of loan. to the no legislative authority for pay-- boiled over in a terrific outburst First Co--Oporative Packers Limit--| ments for the months of January, of applause at announcement of the . (o.:g. at Barrie, $75,000; the Ontario February and March, the new ar-- amusements tax abolition. | eese Patrons' Association, Belle--: _ rangement will come into effect on vilie, $35,000; the Orangeville Co--| _ April 1." Henry Critical. s t' E Operative M i imi "We took exception to the Govern-- | | Vp arketing Co., Limited, o t \Orangeville, $10,000. I am sure that Pensions for Biind Please. ment raising the amusements tax' 'this House will heartily endorse the The Prime Minister said that the in the first place, and when wei assistance that the Province has Administration had learned with were in office we were on the way | given to these co--operative move-- satisfaction of the intention of the to accomplish what you have done | ments," the Premier said. Dominion Government to give pen-- now," said Mr. Henry. | mumurrmeacmemmmuncmmmmmnes sions to the blind when they attain There was derisive laughter from the age of 40 years. ghe Liberals, and the Prnmp Min«-- "I have pleasure in announcing to-- :;t':':;r:'dl_)road smile on Iis Sate: day," he added, "that this Govern-- "My honorable friend is like a > . _ _ ment is heartily in accord with this, signboard. He always points the another evidence of advanced social direction but never goes that way." 5 legislation by a Libera: Government, More laughter came from the Lib-- and has 'lready uken Slepl toen'.ct e!-als and it was renewed a few complementary enabling legislation moments later when the Prime which will make the pensions effec-- Minister remarked, "I couldn't col-- tive in the Province of Ontario at lect much amusement tax over the earliest possible date. If the there right now," referring to the | measure passes the Dominion House Opposition benches. d before this session prorogues, the When it was all over, the Primeé | legislation will be introduced this Minister, tired but happy, received year." the congratulations of not only his . own supporters but those of sev-- eral of the Opposition as well. He shook hands with many visitors,| % signed a few autograph boo_ks, and | then left the House for a brief rest.| Ts ®