Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Feb 1937, p. 2

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R F'beu.&\';,l 2. 9 I o ~ s ? UJ 4 U Queries Roebuck. | f a e r o % u ' n+s "It was your view we didn't need | * the power and would never use it," | replied Mr. Macaulay. "Then why} o sign the contract? You told the: o w r e c l a + e s House the Hydro Commission was | looking northward, toward power' o developments of the future." I y "If you had listened carefully to I o ove rnmen+ my speech you would have heard what I said," declared Mr. Roe.--} Sm memmce omm ons A buck. % Mr. Macaulay poked fun at the| Couldn't Get Along With-- ;nogum'g:;\t toz;dthe "Iniracle of Cal--] '\Premier, declaring the latter saw | * * ander,' he said. *"power barons | rery | Eu: lf, SOYS Olwa Dlonne.; h F:,or:; (tiho former guardians was fence post." § hiding behind every i anded down two years ago $32,-- The former Highways: Minister| mmonfmg on Ne W; 472.02 "and certain debts," Mr. Croll| and the Premier lfad several slhur' & Personnel of Board °fl said. L but sharp brushes over matters in | Guardians | When this bill passes the Hous®, _ connection with the Provincial debt.| after two years' operation of the It+ was Mr. Macaulay's contention Ts a'fll' we 5(:',3" tt':'";)_o"'r to the offi--« that the Government had taken #1 #8 c'lal guardian e ionne assets now fiftv--four millions fr th Pro-- To BE OUT OF POUT'CS under our control, consisting of \'inz'ial debt and ,,d,{;'é' it io the | Wthmmmmirne sommaemaemiens 554;,0(1_6.39. invested in Government Hydro debt. Callander, Ont., Feb. 24 (CP).--In *" sovernment--guaranteed bonds o two sentences tonight, Oliva Dionne _ Of the Province and the Dominion, A'.!". fof Facts P Emat confirmed an announcement in the -- 2M3 COntracts guaranteeing for two When you talk about Provincial Ontario Legislature that he had be-- Y°B"S &n assured income of $200,000) _ febt -- talk about Provincial debt | come "one of the keenest advocates 4 YP2T. and no debts," Mr. Croll said. plus Hydro debt, and then we will 7 of continued Governmental protec-- Now that they have money-- know the true facts," said Mr. Mac-- . tion and assistance" for his quin~ ®©"NO0U8h in prospect to assure the _ Aaulay. s C tuplet children. Dionne family an ample income "for "I'll read you a financial state-- At his home across the road from _ A!l time--the 33--months--old quintet _ ment in a day or two that will sur-- Dafoe Nursery, where the quints @N!°rSs a new phase in life. This prise you," promised the Premier live apart from the rest of the fam-- Will include education, training and -- "And it will be so good you won't ily, Dionne said: "We appreciate & normal family life," Mr. Croll sug-- like it." he added. the protection of the Government. _ &°Sted. We couldn't get along without it." weoescommee * It was the first admission by the Ottawa, Feb. 24 (CP).--Percy D. slender father that he agreed in any _ Wilson, Ontario's Official Guardian, way with Ontario legislation under who will succeed Hon. David Croll which all business and personal ar-- |as special guardian of the Dionne s rangements for the quints are in |quintuplets, was prominent in legal. the hands of a board of guardians. |political, educational and sports * A member of the board, Dionne {circles here. seldom, if ever, attended a meeting ;. A former President of the Ottawa of the board. ©Liberal Association, Mr. Wilson was Announcement of a change in the offered the party's nomination in gardianship. with Percy D. Wilson, several campaigns In 1934 he ac-- tario's Official Guardian, succeed-- cepted the Provincial nomination ing Hon. David A. Croll, led Dionne for South Ottawa, but was defeated to express the hope "a happy re-- by Arthur Ellis, Conservative and union" of the family would result. present M.L.A. He was also an ex-- He looked forward to meeting the ecutive of the Eastern Ontario Lib-- * new special guardian, and hoped he eral Federation. would work in the best interests of In educational circles he was a P reunion, Dionne said. member of the Collegiate Institute j snn mmemme: Board for many years and Chairman | s The Dionne quintuplets won't be of its Management Committee. He j a subject of debate in the next Pro-- was also former Treasurer of thoi vincial general election in Ontario, _ Ottawa Branch, National Council of| which he said would be in 1938,, Education He was captain of the| ; Welfare Minister David A. Croll: Lisgar Collegiate football team in' told the Legislature yesterday in, 1905 and 1906, and also played bas-- announcing his retirement as a| ketball there and at McGill Univer--| guardian of the quints. _ sity. He also played on McGill's in-- WNr. Croll looked ahead to lhat' termediate football team and its. election campaign, saw himself as| hOCkey team. both Liberal Cabinet Minister and . Dionne guardian, and said: | * "In the heat of that campaign es it nb' ooo somebody is going to start * p'sr:lsing or _ criticizing: par-- D o tisanship will appear, the big + news services will carry the e C e ' Ove r Powe r fight everywhere and Ontario's| A | prestige won't be helped. 1I thir'\'k N d it better that we now remove the | guardianship as tar as possible ; e e s lS C h a r e d from the vicissitudes of party poli-- | * tics." In moving a bill which will have T H A this effect, Mr. Croll gave an ac-' o ono 0 oe uc | count of his stewardship and told | of the fortune th?lt ha's !;,eenf rolled! wa n en n aacea. . ¢ 'up for the benefit of the famous| » 'llnpfants. He revealed, too, that Oliva | C';;'m bY Le°P°|d MGCGUIGY Dionne, father of the quints, was no' flongcr at loggerheads with the Gov--| at New 9°nfrac" .Pre° [emment. and now favored the pres-- ?ared Wh||e Provmce | ent arranzement. T t / __Mr. Croll told an interested House .O'd No Shorfage De-- that so heavy had become the work med by AHorney-General of special guardian of the quints n maine oo anreaarieerinin mngne o that he had had to make a chofice CLASHES Wl % between being a "contact man" for the babies or devoting himself to TH PREM'ER his portfolios of Welfare, Labor and ; Municipal Affairs. At the very time the Attorney. "The only fame which comes to General was telling the House the quintuplets' manager is some-- and the Province at large that thing like the reflected glory en-- there was no-- need for further joyed by a movie star's husband," blocks of power, preparations said the Minister. were being made to sign a con-- y lation Hinted. tract with the Ottawa Valley | ' Toward the close of his address, _ OWer Company, Leopold Macau-- | Mr. Croll threw out the suggestion -- |3Y (Cons. South York), charged | Ihaet at some time in the not too! *' the Legislature yesterday. -- ; | distant future a Dionne Foundation Attorney--General Roebuck vigor--| \ might be set up with money pro-- OWUSly denied he had made such a * vided from the quintuplets' revenue, S!atement, asserting that what ho \for the purpose of aiding under-- had said was that the Hydro Com-- iss bprlvileged children. A share of the: mission had passed the peak and no' money might be devoted to child more power would be needed until' a 3 welfare work, creating a lasting December. -- ul

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