A'm\ 10 g t I "\. -- Path Cleared for Separate e School Tax Bill f S.\'AGS in the form of last--minute amendments were cleared from the path of Prime Minister Hep-- burn's separate school tax bill as it passed committee stage and third * reading in the dying hours of the Legislature yesterday afternoon, jusi prior to prorogation, $ Motion Defeated. The main division of the qssy oc-- * curred on a motion by former Prime Minister Henry to give a six--months hoist to the bili, delaying third read-- ing. The motion was defeated along straight party lines by a vote of 57 to 17. According to Opposition protests, Mr. Hepburn himself withdrew an amendment proposed by Hon. Paul Leduc. Minister of Mines, following brief discussion. Several other minor | amendments wore approved before the | tion may divide its taxes on the basis , ® comumittee rose and reported the bill! oOf the general property assessment for third reading, which was given ' °fMthe ;: unit'z:l?;uz-;o moved that '! without debate. | ¥. acal 7 Neither Mr. Leduc's proposeq | Section of the same clause be strlckenf amendment nor any of the other| Out because it left it '"u_'i::gh to a amendments were designed to alter| COrporation to determine w is het-- | the principle of the bill, it was mads ;}:;'mz' 1s recumh 0';:*'&"";';0 on | 3": f ,::f, oo mveg m&,fi;m&s':fl of Catholics among its shareholders. did occur was not bitter. both parties | This an::ndm:a; was go':g:l'" t;'c:e: evincing an eagerness to get the bill | t';:x:; "on:n?s»d t.har??r-ovisx;on WhS je. :!hrough and proceed with proroga-- pawe n?;da Tor appeal if the AsSett-- on , v & * s | r > to be in ac-- Mr. Leduc's amcndment would have | M&Nt Were found not stricken the words "separate schooli ggrrgor:tt'gn he reurn filed by the + supporiers" from the main clapses of The oz-.ly"heat displayed during the the bill, but Leopold Macaulay, 'Tory committee discussion cams at the first member, urged that the words "*'° | and last Early in the sitting, Mr.| vital to the interpretation of the Macau":n" and Hon. George Henry, measure. The words were iinked warned Mr. Hepburn that, if he tried | with the term "Roman Catholics" "to cram this bill through committee| where the bill reforred to "individuals we'll be hers all afternoon. and won't; who are Roman Catholics and separ-- prorogue today." And lattr. W. A.! ate school supporters." The 'Torles | maird. Toronto Tory. complained to elaimed that they ought to have been | the Ghair that there were too many flm notice of the amendment. 1ntenupuom' only (t:l be told by J.hAt_ noth Habel (Liberal, South Cochrans) tha Another Concession. the only interruptions thus far had Another concession to the OpPpoSi-- | come from the Opposition benches. ton was in the form of Mr. Hep-- A division occurred earlier, when burn's agreem>ont to Mr. Macaulay's W. D. Black. Addington Tory. moved proposal to raise from one--fourth to | a six months' hoist of Hon. Peter Hee-- one--half the number of shares of & | nan's bill to reallocate Northern timber corporation which must be held out-- ] limits. 'The motion was lost by a vote + side the Province before the corpora-- ' of 47 to 16.