AP\'\' $ INTERMEDIATE ,PUWER PACTS _ |pusuic accounts SCHOOL BILL | GET APPROVAL : W 8E DesATED | Sbonrnssc o recienionnrantte nivccomeage | w DRDPP l whimedireniriniiommations \Report to Be Brought In N Industrial Future Killed, | Today Wiivirain eremsreyore y Says Challles 'l The Legislature will have more sub-- One of Four Measures w ----ammmmencmmmem i.ieICt. n:?tbclx; éor cAiebate after today # . "The industrial future of Eastern | Wh¢n the Public Accounts Committee Discarded for This %'t'tflot i:he absolutely degd under the 'report. is brought into the House. i effect 0 power--purchase contracts siti ns $ Session entered into by the present Govern-- ?Opp(:ltml? e Goxemfnent anealelt mt m eirrmanicemen ment," the Legislature was informed | """ Vt Sm '"': the 'h"s'"" °1; the 4 f f Cichad yesterday by G,. H. Challies, former | CoOmmitteo's probes in the Legislature. The mtermgdxatc school bill, wh_xcn Provincial Secretary, during commit= |If they do so this year it will be one was on its way through second reading y j tee discussion of the new Quebec COM-- | mnys ohstars the way Of Easé in the Legislature, has been dropped tract validation, which eventually was |'NV'° COSace in inc way Of BAbVEL + ¥ * 8 Wony + for this session. Premier Hepburn an-- passed. ! prorogation. nounced at the Parliament Buildings ! Two appea's from the rulings of | The committces inquiry into tie last night that the law was one of four Chairman J. H. Clark, Liberal mem-- | purchases of the Timiskaming & which the Government would not pro-- ber for Windsor--Sandwich, featured | * f e € ceed with. an attack on the cont » by Mr. 'Northern Ontario Railway ended yes-- The other bills to get the Govern-- Challies and Arthur Ellis, Ottawa -- t©"0@%-- ment kltflfe in meudmeuioruaqmegiv Tory, during which both Conservatives Documentary evidence was entered prorogation are all in the Hea &-- sought unsuccessfully to draw Hydro t * leliayp < | Pertment. They are the Mental Hos. oramdesioners. Artan Roebneknymd that Jo.hn Clax.k. Exlg;el@xt. lumber | pltals Amendment Act' the Public Hon. T. B, wn into open de -- man. was allowed $882 in sales t:ax' Health Amendment Act. and the neow bate. in 1925 on a 26,500 tie contract. | act 1fm' the {elsslilattifn 0}{ bOUliiSt a::l&mD-*- § wmm wanted to know how It was emphasized, Clark, described The Administration had already put 10 on proposed to trans-- § 4 ¥ s the knife to two or three public bills mit both sixty--cycle and twenty.five.| Lt A Conservalive worker and anvol sponsored by private members and cycle current over the Eastern On-- ficial of a Conservative association, pruned its own program last night. tario power lines. had agrecq under contract terms to The Premicr stated the decision was "The Commissioners decline to an-- pay the sales tax. + made to expedite the closing business swer on advice of counsel," interpos:d He received in all $21.891 on the of the House. ) . Hon. David Croll, Minister of Weli~ contract, which was limited originally Dropping of the intermediate school fare. to 15,000 ties. Evidence was given bill had been forecast at the Parlia-- Mr. Challies then demanded to know -- that the remaindor of the ties were ment Buildings as soon as the big the present power costs in Eastern furnished undsr subcontracts nego--| schcol tax bill was brought down by Ontario, The question was ruled out tiated by Mr. Clark. the Premier last Friday. The Gov-- by the Chair, and on Mr. Challies's J. J. Glass (Liberal, St. Andrew) ernment, it was reported, did not "'i:sr} appeal the ruling was upheld by the associateq with the Attorney--General to press througzh two controversial House. in presenting the Government's brief, | school items in the closing hours of Mr, Chaliies then declared that pointed out that the investigation was the session, and there was plenty of Eastotn Ontario would be industrially directed by Hon. W. H. Price (Cons., indication that the intermediate school ruiinea by the present power policies parkdale) to go back as far as 1919 bill was going to be debated at length. of the Commission, and closed his to the time of the Drury regime. BA argument with the charge that, since The member said he had read files Mr. McQuesten had "said that Hydro of the period and found "many in--. aus in the same relation to the GOV-- _ teresting things," but believed it ernment as any other department." . would not sorve any good purpose to the entire Hydro question admittedly go into them. had been dragged into politics QLD--GOLD DEALERS Game Act Amendment _ Licenses for dealers in old gold are r€ 1i provided in the Municipal Amendment BrIngS OUt SpOftSIIlen l 1 (omnibus) Act, which was being put + en aubar en nveninin wedienonnre crnievs oi ' through the Legislature yesterday. g» j # The dealers are to be licensed at a A sPORTSMEN'S debate on the | "unpopular banning of dogs" had nominal fee. Other clauses of the use of dogs in deer--hunting | CODtributed to the defeat of the | -- bill follow: enlivened the morning session of the Conservative Administration. ' 1. Failure to give, or insufficient, dyaimi & 4 Neither one of the members knew notice of claim for injuries received Ontario Legislature yesterday. The | much about Gsor--hunting, opined . due to non--repair of a road is not a matter arose during s:cpnd reading | J. A. Craig, Tory member for Lan-- j bar to action for recovery of damag:fis cf Hon. H. C. Nixon's bill to amend | ark. But he agreed with his fellow-- ' The only exception is snow or ics the Game and Pisherics Act, relax-- | Conservative that the resumed use upon a sidewalk. ing the dog--running restrictions. | of dogs would sericusly deplete the | 2. A provision permits e Municipal G. H. Challies Tory member for | ranks of the deer. : . , Council to appoint to a Utility Com-- Grenville--Dundas, declared that I.l)(' | The humqnitarian's point of view _ mission persons already appointed by return of the dogs to deer--hunting | was contributed by Arthur Ellis, | it to a Railway Commission and bring was a grave mistake. It would re-- | 'Tory member for Ottawa South, utilities generally under the same per-- sult in the slaughter of many deer, | who told of deer being so exhausted sonnel, thereby effecting t'?co.nomy\;)f he said, The abolition of dogs in | in many hours of flight from pur-- | management. The amendment is for deer--hunting he described as a most ' suing dogs that the hunters could / the express purpose of authorizing the popular and valuable measure. | club them over the head when they London Public Utilities Cam;nls'cx; Mr. Challies obviously didn't know | fell from sheer weariness. His to assume control of the Londo'x' & anything about deer--hunting, Mr. | pleading {for more consideration for Port Stanley Railway operations % Nixon, the Minister of Game and l the decor was futile, however, as 3. An amendment is desizned to Fisheries, declared. He said the | the bill was given second reading. | enable County Council to meet earlier in the year. It may meet the sec-- ond Wednesday in January, but under se the present system a month clapses before the meeting.