March 25 CAUSE DEBATE [ Wt h remegerornirnre ' "RIFFRAFF" # Bill Would Empower Mu-- AT "RIF nicipal Board Crossfire Remarks Add The Ontario Legislature Private tf Gaiety Bills Committee, after a stormy s°S-- When George S. Henry referred to sion yesterday, approved a bill spon-- a third of the Liberal membership as IOI'Qd by W, J' Gardhousi'. YOl'k west ..flamau md J. J. GM ju'm w o. aronnine berice" the on "or _ to seek seiisfaction for a personal in-- 'Toronto and York Township over the sult, Ontario's Legislature last night costs of water the city supplies the sat back and laughed until M.P.P.'s township. The bill gives the Ontario sides ached. Municipa Board power to fix the The big laugh was a sequence to a rates. s few words between Premier Hepburn 'The proposed new plan fos arbitra-- and the former Premier. Mr. Hep-- tion applied not only to York County, burn was annoyed at Mr. Hentry, and said Leopold Macaulay, but might ap-- more annoyed when Conservative ply to Essex and Middlesex Counties. benchers shouted for "order." Thus the Municipal Board, if given "I will tell you something you won't the task of arbitrating, would know like to hear," Mr. Hepburn promised how to deal with situations arising Mr. Henry. elsewhere in tihe Province. "I don't care whas you say." Party lines were broken as Toronto "Of course, you don't." And the members shouted their opposition to Premier added something that nettled the measure. At one point several the Opposition Leader. He got up to jumped angrily to their feet when the | protest, and the Liberal benchers next commiittse wished to pass the measure : to the Tories--long--time baiters of the * before listening to additional Toronto | former Premier--chorused for order." representatives | The Opposition Leader back--handed "FPor some time past residents felt his arm in the direction of his tor-- they suffered a great injustice for| mentors, and shouted out: "The riff-- exorbitant rates they paid for water | raff that sit around me." While Pre-- compared with the City of Toronto," mier, former Premier, the House and said Mr. Gardhouse. the galleries started to roar, J. J. Glass Under an aereement between the was up on his feet and blazing. | township and the city, dated July 18, "Mr. Speaker, I rise to a point of 1916, th> city furnishes a metered personal privilege." lsupply of water delivered to the The House roared more. § ltowr:shtp boundary at twenty cents "Mr. Speaker, I think it's unparlia-- | per 1,000 gallons, according to a brisf mentary. I think it's--" submitted by the township. Arthur Dos Rosiers, Fronch--Canadian | _ "The city has refused to reduce this M.P.P. from Russell, and famed Henry-- rate, notwithstanding the greatly in-- baiter of last year, was on his feet to creased consumption of water by the make his first spsech of the session. . ' \township and the fact that this "I'd lfke to ask my honorable friend." ' 'charge very greatly exceeds the cost said Dr. Des Rosiers with inimitable i of water to the city," the brief said. sericusness, "what he means by rif{-- | Agriculture Minister Marshall said raff." ; he lived in York Township, "and when While the House laughed again Mr. } I get my water bills I think I am liv=| Glass insisted he wanted his "personal [ ing on the Sahara Desert." | matter" attended to. ~I Robert A. Alien (Liberal, Toronto) "If he is a gentleman he will ret=--act | 'asked what would happen should To-- it." 1 ronto cut off York's water supply. The former Premier, whose dignity "Just let the City of Toronto shut was now getting near the danger off water to the people of York Town-- point, got up from his chair with a ship and we will teach them a few sober face. | things," said Mr. Marshall. "I didn't know the member for St. "There you are," Mr. Alien replied. ' Andrew's was present," he explained, | "I knew that would come out. That's 'and the House woent off into laughter 's threat to the City of Toronto. We again. * should kill this bill right now." DEBENTURE ISSUE _ MEASURE SCORED Provisions 0' a City of Ottawa pri-- vate bill drew fire in committe> at f Qusen's Park yvesterday, when Wel-- fare--Labor Minister David Croll cb-- jected to clauses giving the city the * right to issue certain debentures. "This year," he told Ottawa ropre-- sentatives, "if you want any of thes> * expenditures you will have to get them by a vote of the people.'" The bill was allowed to stand until Friday after the Minister had put his objections before the committse. k # ©