weekee "C ym 'Wl" e / ty * e / As f AP\'\\ 13 - §C@tunidi e Hi 'New Lignite Plan: Stupidity" Blamed -- Three Highways ignite Plans . @ o Before Cabinet For Loss of Cattle Will Be Opened ..=~.>==>=--==pzsz ' mtent.an of entering into any agree-- en isineadiqers ments in respect to the production of sussnesmcmmmesscme T s lignite coal in Ontariq without the | itiei imvy consent of the Legislature, accordi Hon. Duncscan Marshall ories ?l'(I)tICIZe' Road PO'IOY; to the statemont of Premier Mi«tdleni'l' * "J8" n 9 | F. Hepburn in the Ontario House last Thmks 0"l0|als Hllrt 0 ta"o GOV night. As the proposal stands at the Market ernment present time, the Province intends to| _ s 2L pay on a royalty basis. Officials of cennmmmmmmm mss uc s aan the Department cf Min's and of the "Stupidity'" on the part of British Hon. Pete: Heenan invited Con-- _ T. & N.O. Railway, the Premier point-- 1 thoritles for the servatives in last night's Legislature | ed out, are interested in plans pre-- and Canadian AULNOTIUCS FYer to attend thrse Northern Ontario' sented by a group with a German| recent setback suffered by the caitie highway cop>nings this summer--and process and ncw before the Cabinet, indusiry of the Province was claimed the Conservatives, notwithstanding. | which will be considered in detail by Hon. Duncan Marshall in address-- gave his estimates a rough ride. % shortly. , us icultur: Com-- Kenora to Fort William, Sioux s ing the Legislature Agr c'" M CC Lookout to Dryden, and Kencora to mittce yesicrday. HMe cited the case Fort Frances routes will be opsned in of an Ontario shipper who sent '05"} the summer and late fall, Mr. Heenan four animals to Great Bm"m-_"' dO said. Consorvatives turned their these thirty--three were ordered de-- questions on the Muskoka Lake high-- | stroyed. " Mis. Miky way; on general highway estimates | "They were not discased," Mr. Mar« and on radio and acroplane expenses | shail claimed. "Every one of them in the Forestry Departm>ont. | had been tested for tuberculosis be-- "Mr. Noad has rosignsd," Mr.| fore it was shipped. Every once Heenan said in reply to more queries | in a while they take a fit to slash about his department staff. "I haven't Into Canadian cattle. I believe it is seen Mr. Noad since I came back,"| P deliberately done." _ f he explained, "but it is my under= | The Minister recalled the case 'f' standing that he is going back to pri-- | another Ontario buyer who purchased vate business." Mr. Noad, he said, | cattle in Scotland. 'The Canadian is a British subject. ' Government posted a regulation that A. H Acres strongly urged that the the cattle must be held in Canada trans--Canada highway be pulled out | for six months, instead of the usuai of politics and regarded as a five--year | sixty days, or otherwise they must plan--not a one--year project. Mr.' be put in quarintine in London, Eng. Heenan was upbraided for promising | "These things," the Minister G°*| |Nortnern work and then throwing | . clared. "are doing more harm to th¢, |myame on the Dominion for failure | marketing than anything that" NAS| _ | or nopmyjations, | happered in a long time.. TC is a piMy | The trans--Canada highway argu--| that, because of the stupidity of offi-- | morts were received by Proemier Hep--| cials here and in Britain, "'.fll g;;' burn was more or less in favor. "It is | ;nglgt:':;cé"cx? I hope it w | f'i}?an;!i;lliy lmp?s';:'.:'."' he said, "for traight p A rine tario t rry on | Mr. Marshall declared he was tak-- onl oaf that Gink amna * Wins Freot these conditions a work of thas kind alcons." Esti-- firs Stops uo Oolreul i British and mates were promised on Dominion as Canada is in need of British an co--operation United States markets. y o m 7 # Prorogation Today | Opposition Concurs in Wish ' s to Finish Legislative Session Prorogation this afternoon was scheduled by Premier Hepburn in yes-- terday's Legislature. As the House swept its last legislation through com-- mittee the Premier asked for unani« mous consent to pass third readings. The Liecutenant--Governor would be f then invited, he explained, to prorogue the House today. "The new members can be present," the Premier pointed out, as he suggest. ed the change in the old--time formula of a Tuesday--after--Easter prorogation attended by only a handful of Toronto members. "I'm perfectly willing," said former | f - Premier Henry, and the legislation of -- the first session of the Nineteenth + Legislature was wiped off the order paper by way of third readings.