PE C e y O e e A\ov\\ 16 Didn't Mean Legislators PHaineeeotoo oi e erinctiis Ets + ® T herault Explains Remarks W hich T hreaten ® * * to Bring Him Before Bar of House HEN I told German that we Rising in the House yesterday to a whadn't been beaten cleanly, and | Point of privilege, 3'; ?etlsng: | that his gang had had too much :ueged remarks, ::::&g:nm chal-- | money for us, I was discussing OUT | jenged the honor and integrity of | two organizations, and had NO | mempers of a committee of the thought in mind whatever of the House. j Private Bills Committee" FTaNk | _ "rlis statements," declared Mr 'rhera.ullt of dm;:zib'l:': g'mfi' Belanger. "are similar to ones which ors deciare * '12.? o neerview with The'{llobe. *;';F dm*é';mfmebg"'lf ";'; My: Therault may be summon®d | paruaments at Westminster." * before the Bar of the Ontario Leg-- f islature to answer for alleged state-- Members of both the subcommit-- monts, which, in the opinion of | tee and Private Bills Committee, Aurelien Belangor (Liberal, Pres-- | Mr. Belanger declared, had voted cott, cast a serious reflection on | unanimously against the bill on the thre mambors of the Private Bills | ground its sponsors had not put up Committee and also its subcom-- | an adequate case. mittee on the Hairdressers' and i m'Il. too, deplm;t; ll::e tallk g this arbers' Bill. ," declared r Mitchell F. * At the suggestion of Premier Mit-- | Hepburn. "It reflects on the honor chell F. Hepburn, the Liberal and | of members of a House committee. Conservative Whips will confer with | If it is the desire of this House, I a view to appointing a special com-- | will ask the Whips to confer on the mittse to discuss the incident, and | advisability of appointing a special if n«cci.sdary have Mr. Therault mmltwe, and, if nee:esary. have summoned. man summoned before the Bar & On Thursday last J. C. M. Ger-- | of this House." | man, K.C., representing the Na-- tional Hairdressers' Association be-- [ fore the committees, is reported to have struck Mr. Therault during an argument in the corridor out-- side the committee--room. The bill was killed, and Mr. Therault stated in an interview published in The 8 Globe a1 Friday last: "I told him (German) that we hadn't been beaton cleanly, and that his gang * Jjust had too much money for us." "I was simply referring to the fact that the National Hairdress-- ers' Association had been able to prosent a better case to the Private Bills Cotnmittee because they had possessed money enough to hire an organizor to go out and get signa-- turss for their cause, and to afford ciher things which would enable them to preson}; a better case, more complete than ours. I had not the slightes; intention of casting any ;:;ecnion upan the committee it--