. - . 'Y "r'"'T'"ierNrt"y"""a" WWWV' - .. .7 . 'trt . April E, ' _ .' 1ireteuulririFiiiiriitFii.istiedwerustto-re - . be paupers under any circumstances. it PM! Mum, m us was no happy fate to be on relief, an Ifet,dutt W oe.ttte- _ "Por men and women in the flush ot F Iml Sweat . ' . youth and strength what a hard, tl " Sh." Mart-breaking lot. It's a hopeless That the former Administration! I sort ot existence." fostered "sweat shop" practices was: , Although in Ontario there had been charged by Mr. Croll. who referred tol a very marked revival in industry and the charter given the Veterans' Sal-i ' business. Mr. Croll said that the hopes vage Corps in 1933 enabling them to', ' that the relief rolls would be sub- tramp trom door to door picking um I stanza"), reduced, had not material- discarded articles tor resale to 'mul.!, , I izcd. "Our experience forces upon us nieiptslititys among relief recipients.; ', I the conclusion that we have on our lie charged that conditions under: l ------ imnds' perhaps permanently. a very which these veterans worked were . arse number of men wh "slavery conditions." I Ottario Ready, He Says, on "Enid be considered 'e,lf,rlya'l,ofe'."t1l't "The fv",v,g.,',1,'?tgti"', said Mr. Croii. - , ' w o are. in fact, now not cm lo able." "not any permitted municipalities to . . Twenty four Hours The Minister turned to tT/'/fii purchase these articles procured un- Notice situation in New Toronto. one of the der conditions almost as bad as slag- municipalities represented in the cry. but actually gave the Veterans' "l-------. "Hunger March" of the afternoon. He: Salvage Corps a grant of $1,000 a; ';"PMh0ES" ARE SCORED 2tgeed at in: Councilmof that. Ellgxilgnfm- seven months prior tothe " si es" with e une - . ployed. "and had the audacity of anti-i "This money trom the taxpayers of . . . jog me to come to New Toronto for' the Province was not passed on to the Munster Blames counc'ls the purpose of meeting the imported; poor vetfrans who were tramping the I . . . mobsters and agitators who had in- streets m order to earn their daily , for Siding With timidated the Council. bread by honorable methods, but was J bl "New Toronto." continued Mr. Croll, split up among the directors of the 0 ess "was hopelessly in default. For two corps who sat in their offices and!, years it had been raiding the Public _ I figured how best they could grind a Utilities and Sinking Funds. until I I little more work out of a returned HE hope that, in the the cupboard was bare. In spite c'._soldier for the miserable pay \they i that, on Nov. l, 1934, Just as munici- i were receiving." l n ear future, the pal {elections were drawing near.' I l? . mom :rs 0 Council increased the: . Il hole quetlon of scale of relief another 14 per cent., ( unemployment relief would liaising Ithe schedule to 39 per cent, a ore the Campbell report. This was . be regarded and taken over nothing has than an outrageous bribe . i as a Federal responsibility, 'l,', tlyt mums?" electors, with the, . . rovmce ca on to pay the ma'or. i rather than a municipal portion of it. J i "; burden, was expressed be- Assistance Asked. i ' . l fore the Ontario Legisla- tA.,. month later the (gouncil canto, i ture last night by Hon ' .N or. ass-maxed an we held a; 1 . . . . consultation of the Council and the! . l DaVid A. Croil, Minister of .un.emp.l.oy.ed. I told them they had tel i Public Welfare. hiring thanf if tite,'." In; line with . thanki- Pr: l res c e or . e Council! I M named to do this if we would tale, ' Mr. Croll paid a high tribute to over the administration of relief. bc- 1tt,,Pr,.trer tor his "inherent liberal- cause they could no longer pay fur lam . in lhis 1tid,'grt',et1s,,uli1,eit? any part. They returned to New To-i ' himse as r o c c- route and made the required reduc-, fare. He was. Pt Minister declared. tions. We then proceeded to admin- ' 'lc',",',',',?,',,',,,'," a 'minority Tlf' in ister relief in accordance with the as " " race con- maximum tor the Province. But, once earned. we had taken over the 'aGi"iiiiit"iiii. Should the Federal Government. tion, the Council immediately passed '! Mr. Croll declared. decide to take over a resolution asking that we increase 1 the entire responsibility of relief in all the allowance to its previous scale. ' lcentres. Ontario will 'be found ready Mind you, I attach no blame to the _ on 2'g,yellt', hour:1 notice. unemployed." can emons ta ons concerning The former Government. Mr. Crolli ; relief in several municipalities were charged. had felt that an unemployed' roundly scored by the Minister. person could not be properly trusted. . "I am well aware that these parades to do anything for himself. Various . and make-seine slegzs were covertly doles of specified kinds had been organized y two-cent revolutionaries. handed out and the Minister charged s-i,:,',',',',"",'),,""):,',' who visualize them- that the effect had been to pauperize selves as pins, Tttttskis or some- the people. . times Kerenskis. "Any real control must be national. These . Lilliputian Lenin: who Society is sick. It may be a major op- . weave their little plote--ther are not oration is indicated. but no munici- .good. hardy radicals. with a broad pality nor the Province can perform .', vision of a better world. but niggardly any such operation. Provincially we "ttttrtruetlonisU with delusions ot per- can find no cure. only palliative." _ 3:333: S333 t,dl'1ttet,",U"L",fhti Housing Sittrattem. ' 3they can to dammit geraly begun The housing situation. the Minister ,it is Governmental. They have learned said. was becoming acute. Because of "hat try consistently damning any 00%" the almost complete stoppage ot low- .ernment they can get quite a name priced house building Edcurming several . V Ifor themselves among the vocal fire- years. a real lack ot mmodation I brands-not that they actually accom- jptvit'iet'irntay',2,entertr'gi1t/'tf, tushan hi .butthe arm: (ii same" as y d just 2tf,f'rdt and in some cities, to safe- Contin . ' Mr. .l gun interests ot both landlords and ! "But h lung sy, dedmd't relief tenant. had established a Aiu-l, I ere is a strange thing about. Lthese outbreaks. They have been' mum rental allowance. Buying and lcccurring in the municipalities where price of fuel had tren. "and! , Bed, i the relief allowances are the most "with the result that within the year l, generous in the Province and in the we shall have been able tosave the GiGiiiiaiiiei where the Province ii' Provmce and the municipalities dofei . . paying the greatest percentage ot tttel P 11lltyyf..whi1e giving better hem'I , easb--ptaees where municipal Jury, mg service. . . . l , has ttttst . l In connection with clothing. stand- , tin at s manually collaps.d. t ter to the T l ards for purchases had been set upl re oronto suburban mu-; . . nicipalities. Niagara Falls. the Border, and Ontario manufacturers had sub- Cities-localities where We a " direch' mitted tenders trom which purchases 1y responsible for the administration: would shortly be made. "01950 at. of relief and other functions ot mu-' , It'.,',,?"', has . . tte to- quality .35": ttieipal government. Por these out- pi.ce. and Her} p.eoaution is hung breaks I hold the m . Councils directly gapongfmrfmw: l The Minister asked the Leiriauturei . Ito realize that, excsm for those whol