Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Mar 1934, p. 2

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W*~------f March 2 .' Wepmenemmmmemmmmeprmmmmmmmmmmeinmmmmmemmee ww ... ---- e =--~n----th commemmmmemme n ELLS RP ' 'bt retirement plan, ven as A P J 3 The gross Provincial debt increased P . during the fiscal year from $572,318,-- +/ 'ztga.gf;}; ~+3" P 393 to $592,027,302, a rise of $19,708,-- I s is e 909. Included in this figure, the un-- [ & 2. ' funded debt decreased from $77.715,-- & ... f 148 to $75,859,894. 'The increase in s 3. xfi?'fl | the gross debt was due to: capital ex-- k sys 5.. oOs [ : 1 penditure on highways, Northern de-- .: _ _ ~ae 9. velopment and Provincial public * Cl 1 y t % : works, totalling $6,161,085, and relief . $ im t oe t ons ;ou'!egs. g}n;::ts mdht mt?he mugakl:ipalf e °. _ _ 3 c i : works, whic rou to to > %'*fi@*% § f' Amount Not Included in | $19,146.286; increase in farm loan m-! 646 7 99 f vestments of $6,631.674; increase in * [ :4 e a. . . To i employment relief, $1,9075.854; dis-- . | | m@fi for Province count on 1933 bonds, $685,069; miscel. . | | o ks * * % N | m nznnen m | }aneouS. $1 tl£67£i3;nd7increa.se dmbodt:i <~ es erred assets, ,;887, a gran C _ in s 1933 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS |of $28.683,440, from which are deduct-- 6. _ e ~t2~ * ed cash, Hydro repayments, etc.. of s l t ;9.160%:.;93. with book entries of $635,-- \\')N\ lik emceyt ial { im 6 A ed, 4 ~ @4 aShouneed . Segiesday un _ Spombs [ Net pebt XUprernver000. | .-2.;'____:-':\':;:-_5';._: Ahu UadQA Cag eA | jéb*sa*&» public accounts as the difference be-- |767.475," Biggest item accounting for "*\Q}:*m; tweon ordinary revenue of $51,373,051 |the increase was the higher capital *gy?k'; "-':""?-ffl; >~"* and ordinary expenditure $50,896,626 '"&'%'Zd'?'r?nffég?sfi%'% 052 revenue w *vgfl f§$~< ,:_:_j\ --a balance on every--day running ex-- for the year was made, up'of: The Do-- e > sys o s .AAA pensss of the Governmen:;. Not in-- minion subsidy, $2,941,424; taxation, cuccd in the "ordinary" figures are |Easoline, mines, racetrack, stock trans-- | HON. GEORGE S. HENRY, cap:ial expenditures, which amounced | fers, etc., $22,037,485; licenses, cars, Premier and Provincial Treasurer, Who «0 a loia. of $19,307,357 during the |liquor permits, hunting, etc., $8,455,-- Yesterday Presented the Provincial past fiscal year. 470: fees, Registrars, mine recording, | meonrnmmmmmmmmmmmmm2 0| Tho Diggs o e e etrent U and nenaiics fiiFY: prom neu §1;';f-_7'\)3,;_'7;, ;].;r; of trhe c&""{';"fgj trading activlties', Liquor Control vrovince of direct and public work re_ | Board, $5,515,000; succession duties, liof Curing the tweive monihs ended $8,081.322; natural resources, $1,765,-- J last Oct. 31. The Highways Dopart-- --774; interest on drainage and sundry | mont accountoed for another $3.317,. 10ADS, $211,014; and miscellaneous, | 921, and the rest in amounts all below _ $454,855. f l ' the riudlliksx; mark, -- was distributed digg:degtegggurgrcfi;:g?ziua'gg "3rj p -- | Sp@,f "°-- "Sbatiments of the GOY-- |.| §50,390,020 'and capita! expenditure of | i $19,367,357. | Balance of $28,122,000. $ O;%nasry r?enue"alamounted ttf;' ' s ho Erniolfint [ *h 51.373.052, and cap revenue ' C,'.':i"A'.'fa'l";cf.'.";:.r:*h'?"d";f'gpg,'}'_' $221,072, a total of $51,594,124. The| o ce c | $50,790.69, and toial labilitics _ as g':?&dfit:ge l:fn"'g';e 3!1""0?'?;'.5";'8;' 8urp|us Is Fictitious, Pro-- $594,128,301.82, leaving a balance to ~rrengrmierommrmevsmmtnecrnniinterrecerenatmeteenane e oo O * s | _ | Oniario's credit of $28,722,488.87. On gressive Leader Says | the assct side are Dominion granis = and subsidies, and interprovincial , of Claims 'tund.s tctailing $60,287,457; advances $ | io Hydro, the T. & N.O. Railway and | t t | municipalities amounting to $286,028,. CA P | TA L E X P E N S E s | 943; buildings, roads, etc.. worth ) $252,945,307, and estimated potential [ w npeiy ooo natural resources to a value of $691,-- -- s m yB 250,000, bringing total capital assets | *"Fooling the people and fooling | to $538,974.250. Under current assets | themselves," said Progressive Leader are cash in banks of $8,973,885, ac-- Harry C. Nixcn last night, in discuss-- | counts rsceivable of $6,263,731, inves,t.-1 «4 assail C | ments and cash under tle Agricultura ing "the most'readily flable Bud | Development Finance Act totalling get in Ontario's history. R | $51,056,155, and minor items bringing Indicating to some extent what line _ | the total to $69,451.800. Deferred !be would follow in his attack, Mr. | assets are given asn$3f79.7104. and djrect ~-- » 5 unemployment relief, less amour M i ie y e SUMPIYS T 1 wiition ofl. as $14.045,030, 'a teiat lor fictitious. We questioned the propriety| | thmose two items of $14,424.740. Dis. M listing all unsmployment relief out--' / count on loans is listed as $8,543,747. lays wilth capital experditure, where, | On the oth'r side of the ledger are | they would not affect the surplus on | caplta} liabilities of ism,flfs%&gg. made | e is Capital expendi--| up of: Ontario stock and debentures,| ordinary" account. Cap $522,687,345, less sinking funds of $5,. | : ture, in Mr. Nixon's view, implied a 496,416; annuities and certificates, ' revenue--producing disbursement. $1,077,479; and contingent liabilities,| Cross--entries were employed to con-- bonds, etc., guaranteed by the Prg_v-? ince, $102,103,131. Under this item : Province, claimed Mr. Nixon, deploring has gcp%sitc: wt'lt.h t.hel Prozvim;e %r the difficulties of tracing expenditure Ontario, bonds of par value $2,101,000, on account of sinking fund for repay-- through the intricacies of the immense ment of advances, in excess of cash public--accounts volume. ] ] payments called for under the dobt In remarking that the Provincial | retivement plan. debt was piling up enormously, Mr.| | Current liabilities total $75,859,894, | Nixon expressed intention to press his | comprising: temporary loans, treasury 'demand for comparative figures of bills, $36,620,000; deposits in the loan yvields during the Drury regime.| Province of Ontario Savings Office, He claims that figures for the Do--| $21,546,006; accounts payable. $535,-- minion and other Provinces would' 202; accrurd interest on public debt, show that Ontario financing in thel $9,166,384; and special funds. $7,992,-- early twenties merely reflected the 297, In debt retirement reserve, the 'money market, and that other Gov-' amount provided out of ordinary ,:rnmen'.s of the day got no bett.erj revenue to date, in accordance with terms.

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