At the outset of his speech. Mr. Newman defined tgtteraliattt'a attitude town-d its leadership and its allies. "Mitchell P. Hepburn is not dictatine our policies to us." he deciaimed. one was greeted with "Oh, oh!" from various Conservative benches. "I didn't vote for him at the conven- bon." said Mr. Newman. while Con- servatives pounded desks ironically. "but I will say this: He has done more to stir up the spirit, ot Liberal- ism in Ontario than has any man we've had for some years. He 535 in with us and gives his opu- on. but we are following policies approved by all Liberals. In this House we are fol- towing the leadership ot Dr. Mc- Quibban." [an Procedure Attacked. Before entering his plea for the tuner. Mr. Newman criticised the Government's methods in floating its recent loan. " loan which was prac- tieallraboetus. Issytheseloane were not competitive because they - summed for before the books were open. even before many of the advertisements which were paid for had appeared." tttttttgated tar e world "with an abun- dance and not much to do." Gov~ emu were blamed, capitalism was blamed. As tor the Liberals. they "do not wish to destroy capital. but would like capital to bear its share unload. Wedonotwish to deem commitment. we merely wish to chance the Government." Regarding uncmNoyment relief. he "tinned that the winter months - not the time for 'pturbulldintr.i The Comment. he said. had made: sadly Waste mements tor', winter relief this year, but was womb; in: to spend money later this "tw-- beceme an electim would be coming on next summer. Domains the enlorced idleness in which mm was finding new. be Other speakers of the sitting were: 0. B. Shield: ahmservative, Toronto- Woodbine). who championed Hydro and raked the ire of Progressive leader Nixon: and W. J. Mucky (Liberal. Bruce South). who objected to the increasing power ot bureauc- racy in the Province. Fro Per Cent. Cut. come. and it the cut were made retroactive tar two years. Ontario wank! sweep forward on a. new wave of mummy arising from farmer: pun-bases. He suggested that prottts from the Province of Ontario Saving; Branch be tttpred to meeting the cost at the interest-reduction. and eattmated that net loss to the Gov- ernment mid be $2.800,000 in tour was. _ Be pictured the situation it let the farmer revivlfy Ontario trade. William Newman (Liberal. Victoria, North) urged upon the Legislature; yesterday m continuing the Address' debate. Another item in Mr. New-7 man's contribution was his assertion that the Liberals in the Legislature, did not have their policies dictated, to them by Mtcheil F. Hepburn.: M.P.. Ontario Liberal Leader. 1 every taranei were enabled to mini 8500 ip needed imprtnmnenta on his MORTGAGE RATES MIGHT E ll)lhllRIll), LIBERAL DEGLARES Way for Development Board to Help Farmer Is Indicated Mr. Newman figured than. if 2 per cent. were lopped from mortgage in- terest of the Provincial Mammal Devehmmept9erxt for two years to LEGISLATURE D E B A T E Cu: the mortgage Interest me. and it, Mr. Shields tctackcd Progressive 1. Leader Nixon at length. charging that ytgir Adam BPS}: had referred to him 2: "as the worst enemy ot Hydro." Mr. ,iNixon challenged him to produce , proof. and the member promised fu- il ture compliance. ll Tories Get mam. After claiming that bureaucracy was a prawn: fault. of trsvemments, he made some answer to Mr. Shields! championship ot Hydro. He recalled Mr. Mackay lay the fault tor un- employment directly at the door ot the Ccnservative Government. He noted that Premier Henry had men- tioned the 482,000 people who were living on charity "through no fault of their own." Obviously. he said, such a condition must be some onc's fault, and he could think ct no others more responsible than those who had been in office in Ontario for the last tout years. awning the plowing matches at Owen Sound last fall. Among adver- tisers' exhibits. he said. he found one rp:ns::'cd by Hydro, which contained "a mochanical woman pumping water for the cows." This he regard- ed as a direct reflection on Ontario tarm life. Women no longer pumped water for the cows. he said. Hydro or no Hydro. Windmills and gas en- gines long had done that Job. _ ' Rcgatxiing the Government estimate that Ontario farmers w:qu produce crops worth $500,000,000 in 1934, he observcd that east ct this produc- tion was $400,000,000. The profit was not profit, he said. because it would be absorbed by Federal and Provin- cial taxes. "Why pick on Hydro?" Mr. Shields asked. Barking back to the days of electricity's advent. he said: "It was amazing to see how soon the wircs were in every little home, and those humble homes were as brilliantly lighted as the castle I,tt the hill." The member for Woodbine claimed that "Today we have a system in the Prov- ince of Ontario which is the great- est in the whole world. and we are prcud crit." The tanner he - u debt-bur- dened. Iastmt his insurance. and mood with the prospect at continued low prices. He did not bionic the former tor willing money on small luxuries when times were good. and he warned the House that the rural standard of living was steadily declining. He then advanced his proposal for a re- duced mortgage interest rate Mr. Shields. the only Gwernment contributor to the debate yesterday, coupled a brief appeal to keep Hydro out ot politics with an analysis ot Opposition personalities and policies. Referring to pre-SBssicn reports of in- creased Liberal activity, the Con- servative member charged: "Our friends in the Liberal ranks have not lived up to advance notice." Just before the muse rose Premier Henry moved the appointment of E. J. Murphy (Torcnta-St. Patrick) to the Jurors' and immature sub- committees ot the Legal Bills Com- mittee. Standard of Living. ebruarN IG. Ministers of two independent congre- ktions--the People's Church of To- mm and the Open Door Evangelistic Association of Hamilton-would be permitted to conduct marriages under an amendment to the Marriage Act. notice of which has been given to the Ontario Legislature by Argue Martin, member tor Hamilton West. The statute at, present confines the right to solemnize marriage to clergymen of specified denominations. and member: of both the. congregations mentioned in the amendment, have found it neces- sary to go to denominational ministers when they wished to marry. Both the Progle's Church and the Open Door ran have very large memberships. The pastor of the. former is Rev. 05- wald J. Smith, 22 Kendal Avenue, Toronto. and ni the latter. Rev. F. H. Ferris. AMENDMENT SOUGHT TO MARRIAGE ACT . Would Give Right to Pastors of Congregations Here and in Hamilton