DIVORCE COLLUSION TO BE SCRUTINZED BY SPEOIAL OFFIOIAL Government May Have "Watching Brief" at Court Cases Sinclair Bill to Stop Liti-- gants Wandering to Other Courts is Acceptable REBUKES FROM BENCH To eliminate abuses in Ontario di-- vorce procedure, the Governmont will introduce important legisiation during the present session of the Provincial House. Chief targets of this legisia-- tion will be collusion, periury and the professional corespondsnce racket. a case in point. The amendmen: ho | nrop «es would requirs the plaintill to \start action in the district of which e is a rcsident. | t 3 ~ _ Atto:mey--General W. H. Price yes--. terday confirmed that gencral revis--| ion of the divoree procedure is con-- templaicsd. He add:a that tie Gov-- ecrnment looks sympathetically upon the amendment proposed by W. S. N. Sincla.r, K.C. (Liberal, Ontario Scuun) | and prosably will incorporate it in iis broader logislation. _ Mr. Sinc.air'sl specifi: objsction to th» present sys--| tem is that divorce proceedings can| and, as a rocult, the tural districts are| litigants wishing to escape publicity, and, as a result, the rural district is saddlsd with extra expens>. The Town of Whitsy, in Mr. Sinclair's _rlding. is _It is understood that the legislation contemplated by the Government in-- c'udes appointmeont of the Aeqv._nva_igx_l: | _ It is claimed that evidence is tabri-' \ cated in numerous cases, and that | professional corcspondents, using a' | variety 'of aliases, appear regularly as \part of the stage--sotting when false evidence is propared. Through suver-- vision by a "proctor." it is claimed, m:z of these abuses could be elimi-- nated. | of a King's Proctor, who acts in Eng-- lish divorce cases. This official, ap-- oointed permanently, or else brief>d t--mpzrarily by the Atto:ney--General's Department, would attend all cas<s and watch then and later for attempts to dofeat the law. If evidemce of col-- lusion cam> to light, he cou'd recom-- mend annu'meont of the procsedings at any time during ti> next six months, between granting of the decroe pisi and the decrce absolute. | _ _ _ Frequont comments from the Bench, hcsard sincs divores was made a mat-- ter {f)r the Ontario courts, rather than the Senat*, have revealed judicial be-- lief that collusion is the rule rather than the exception in uncontested actions. e y MANY QUESTIONS NO LIQUOR AGENTS, ANSWERED IN HOUSE : SAYS GOVERNMENT Bill Not Received for Legal Opinion on Last Loan T. & N.0. COSTS during -- the Logislative sessiocn Af| Queen's Park yesterday included the| informaticon that th»> Government has paid nothing for legal cpinion on the last loan, but Premicr Henry added: "The bill has not been rendered." The query which had beon presentod by F. R. Oliver (U.F.O., Grey South) in reogard to the legal opinion given by E. G. Long, K.C., included a clause inquiring whether any financial re-- sponsibility rested on Mr. Long if thel courts should hold such cpinin in= correct. To this the Premier answer-' ed: "It is nct considered advisab's to' offor opiniens on hynothetical legal questions in the Huse." Twolve millicn cns hundred and thirty--one thcusand four hundred and cighty--iwo dollars and fifty--o'ght conts reprosented the total cost of the TN.O. from Cochrans to Ma»csonce. including 207 miles of railway and necossary equipment, the town site of Mocosonse, and $1,394.716 expendsd on the bridgo and fill at Mosse River, the Premier stated in answor to anothcer questicn. & Hon. William Finlayson confirmed the report of the resignation of Ralph | 8. Carman, Superintendent of Ron--| deau Park. The r>signation, which | was voluntary, will be actopted, and| Mr. Carman will be transfcrred to the Forestry Branch. th> Minister said. In answer to anoth>r quory, Mr. Finlay-- sn said that food, in addiiion to blankots, stoves and utonsils, was sup-- plied to the men in the Rondeau Park camps by R. St. Clair Henderson, Walkorvills, at 60 conts per day per All meats and vogetables are bought from local farmers and doalers. The supplying of foct was not let by ton-- der, Mr. Finlayscn said. A third of an acr> of land was pur-- chased from M:*. S. G. Kitcheon for the sum of $5,000, the Premicor ex-- plained. and this cost covered the purchass of the right of way through the .,.Jackson Wagon Works, and other exponses. Thne briog:e on AJA-- way No.3, woest of Blenseim, was built by a consraci t> the amouni of $15.308; the contract was lot to Hadleys, Chat-- ham, Limitsd, and the total cost of bridge and approach, including prop-- eriv and land,. was $40.104. C The cost cf the ow barn and stables on the farm at the Ontario Hospital at Orillis was analyzed by the Premicr. The total cost for the project, which was alloited by public tenders, was $37.140.20; the coniract for an equipped Gairy barn for 72 hncad cof cails was is. for $29,300. for hncad cof cails was is. for $29,300. for two silo:, $3,900, and for eloctrical work, $1.49vu. The contracts were awarded to: M. H. Braden, E. Woebb & Son, and Ritchic & Mould. The value of the barn which was destroy-- ed by fire was set at $17,000. nSWw grs Feb Yuary |3 to a scerics of qucsiicns GIVEN Orders for Scotch Whiskey Sent Direct, House Is Told The Ontario CGovernment expressed the policy of the Liquor Control Board | toward the Scotch whiskey trade in information preosented yesterday by the Provincial Secretaiy, Hon. George H-- Challies, in the Legislaturs. In answer to a query involving representatives : ard commissions, the Government: stated: "The Liquor Control Board of ; Ontario does not deal with any agen. and pays no commission to any agent,: nor has it any knowledge of any com--| mission paid. Purchass orders for Seotch whis':cy are always sent direct to the actual producer and payment is made likewise." The Government declined to answer another query asking gross sales and Lotal costs of the liquor stores in Word-- stock, Brantford and Paris. "It is not considered in the public interest to divulge the amount of sales or ex-- n>nses by individual stores," Mr. Chal-- lies stated. All answoers referred to conditions during "the last fiscal year." The answer divulged a long list of firms and individuals in Scotland from whom the Liquor Control Board bought whiskey and other supplies "during the last fiscal year." Another answer to an Opposition question revealed in some measure how brewers' warehousos ars oper-- ated. Warshouses can be established by brewers anywhere in the Province, provided approval of the Liquor Con-- trcl Board is obtainecd. A fee is charged, and the board exercisa vision over th»> warschouss op through insp>ctors in cach store ars 102 waroh>ous>s in Ontario. To the question whether the brew--| eries pay fees to licensees to have thei brands sold, it was explained that a warehsuseman, under contract with the breweries' joint marketing cor-- poration collects a service charge on | each npackage, and returns the rest to | the brewory, less 5 per cent., which | goes to the Liquor Board. _ | To further questions the Govern-- ment disclaimed knowledge of who owned warehouses, but gave the fol-- lowing list of operators: Toronto, Georgse Hardy; Ottawa, J. J. Slattery; Lond>n., A. Parsons; Windsor, C. John-- son: Hamilton, Brewers' Warehousing Company: S. Catharines. J. J. Dovle: Niagara Falls, E. PFrasor; Brantford, C. Harkor: Chatham. E. Masssy: St. Thomas, C. Butlor:; Sault Stc. Maric, H. Camirand:; Sudbury. G. Delons-- chamn: North Bay. N. S. Macdonald: Fort William and Port Arthur, W. J. Ai'ker:: Oshawa. E. Donald:; Brock-- ville, E. L. Wratherhead; East Wind-- sor. C. Johnson. rclsss super-- 2 operaiion,