The Premier's mini topic was relief ammunition. He recounted the com-1 biocd out)"; of Dominion. Province" and municipalities: 1930-31. 814.000.- 000 in public works and $5,000,000 tnl direct raw: 1031-33. 814.000.000 in public oath and $24,000,000 in direct tenet: 1932-83. o total of $31,000,000. mostly in direct paymrnu. foliowg the decision ot the Dominion a Provinces to diertontdttue the works sync teen. Total payments over the three- year period were appr'.ximri).v, 33L. 500.000 by the Provmee, 828500.000 by the Dominion and $29,000,090 by the municipalitirs. _ . -. . The burden k year. and Mr. H 1933 them had t on relic! in the I bet 396.000. and 400.000. lit R'", 4tt0.tt0tt.h, r»; glad to say that there had been a definite improve- mnnt. and tttis was borne out by the rise In ty.? Domlnlm emulnymmt in- d::: trem 77.9 1:) Don-tuber. 1932. to 83.2 in Dtc "at". P. 1933. All lines were ttfNstt'tr--: _.. Ire. she]. azrirut- Ptr?. leather. luttt'rerirvt. even construc- Progress Claimed. ,"1 appreciate." continued the Pre- m!er. "that: we have a long distance to go before we are satisfied with the number ot persons in the urwrnplorcd class. Many. ot course, never are eoaunuouslr employed. and axe saus- tted with: certain pu_mbeg ot months: l. a brighter side to the picture tum during many months past. "We ot the Government are con- ttdent we are carrying on to the tull "tufatttiott ot the people of thht Province. in spite ot the charts ot our friends opposite with a board of strategy in some anteroom feeding them ideas." He further twitted the Liberal command with: " don't know whether that board of atrategy has risen to the height ot . brain trust tuse, rtt. -- . . L A I .54 work in the year. But I an proud to report this progress ln anneal: times. As we move into spring and summer. I am Contiticttt, that there will be many. out of work for two or three years. who will and continuous jobs. and so take care of themselves and their tarnoes., the ambition, I gm iii.GGr"ioritrsriit Vthe vast, majority ot the people in this Province. There is a brighter side to the picture than " don't quite know what is their present tendency. swinging now to met left. now another way. For ourselves. let me tell them that we swing to the! right, and with the right." I Mr. Henry then moved his subg amendment. 3 Finance: Criticized. 1 WIN) the thumping which followed, the Prmier's motion of subamend- ment had d'cd down. Charles A. Robertson. Liberal Whip and mranber tor Bu:on North. tool: up the Oppo- sition eudgeis with a SD01 eh stressing rural criticism of governmental ti- nancc. Mr. Robertson stated as his first premise: "I am convinced we have no overproduction of commodi~ 1 ties. but rather an underprcduetion of purchasing power." Monev he defined " something which. "like our utili- ties. should still be tht servant of the people. and instead it is our master." Shining to more immediate ground. the Liberal Whip said, ot - the recent bond flotation: "Such Cn'ut'"tt". is draining the country ct ep-h that should be used for )eqitimav tttrinecs. for Industry. tor bunding and for tbs 9:941:0th rtt cotnnodi.ties." . ' L The rtteets cf the loan had been far-raching. Mr. Robertson asserted, and it had beecttt" almost impossible tor u mar to tut the legitimate cram: he needed. "With the present inter. est we have today. I am convinced we are never going to be able to pay our mortar debt and let busin'ss "pang as It t!tytu.ld.." ttye we??? -..,._... -- ___ "Ne-------" 7 - from Huron North declared. "I tu.iig I an not overstating the truth," he said. "when I say that this Govern- ment has Mortgaged our future. ("s- sipated our rcMureet, and thrott'ed In- dust-ry try extravagance and misman- mutant." a .lmrcaalnz tttir ry. In March of a 483,290 persons Mac: in Noam I Decrmber show Februan'g TM Free Spending Alleged. . Reierring to 3 recent speech to the York County Council in which the Premier advised supervision of certain local expenditures, the Liberal Whip outlined what he charged were Gov- ernment ctttravagttntes in public building and road building. "The su- ik',,',")',',! the Premier speaks of has en entirely lacking. It was, 'Ask and ye shall receive." the Liberal Whip claimed Referring to the Min- ister of Welfare. he charged that, al- though the Old Age Pensions Act had; been put on in good faith, "too many abuses; have crept into its operation, so that it is increasingly costly and ever becoming dircrediutbe." Increases in municipal education costs and debenture debts. which were branded as "due largely to a vicious system of grants. both tor teachers' salaries and building": the completion of normal courses alt/er probationary period, and the diver- sion of highway revenue. coupled with On The major body ot Mr. Reigning- ton's speech was devoted to the Lib- eral leadership of Mitchell Hepburn. Prefacing his argument by admitting that "We have heard from the Op- position and how much more from the newspapers that this Government no longer represents the people ot the Province." the Conservative member proceeded to expound what he termed elementary principles of parliamentary gm'emment. -- _ " "Thcy tthe Opposition) have surven-s tiered themselvcs and their mandate; to speak for the people to a man, who has no right or mandate to speak; for the people ot this Province," he} charged. Asking on what authority! tho 0mxr<itinn based their loyalty In: sum lradr'rship, Mr, Heizhington as- segted: "These people, sent to the Lehts1atttre for a certain W, are not performing this purpose."