MNMUM WAGE SQUGHT FOR ME Sympathetic Hearing Given Appeals by Labor Minister -- minimum wage. Appeals for establishment o a minimum wage for men have received sympathstic hearing from Hon. br. J. M. Robb, Provincial Minister of Health and Labor. "This is a matter we ought to keep in view, to see what steps are possible," said Dr. Robb yes-- terday. It is understood the Ministry has viewed with concern a phase of the present labor situation, in which men who do not bslong to union organiza-- tions are accopting pitifully small wages perforce, or else refusing theom, preferring to live on relief. The under-- standing is that no legislation to meet the situation is contemplated this sos. sion, but the matter will be under continued consideration. Dr. Robb's statement on the subject was prompted yesterday by a visit of a delegation from Kitchener, headed by Mayor Sturm of that city. This delegation supported the move for a SINCLATR TO SEEK DIVORCE CHANGE Notice of Amendment to Act Is Given in Legislature W. B. N. Sinclair, K.C., M.P.P., for-- mer Leader of the Liberal group, has given formal notice in the Ontario Legislature of an amendment to the Divorce Act, which, in his opinion, will rectify an injustice in disposing of such cases. 2 x: 44 "He c.o;lTevfias divorcee actions should be launched and completed in the lo-- cality in which the plaintiffs reside. _ This amendment is the first of three bills, notice of which was filed with the Clerk of Assembly yesterday. He is also advocating abolition of the present practice 5f compelling muni-- cipalities, at considerable expense, to advertise their tax sales in the On-- tario Gazeotte. The other measure sponsored by Mr. Sinclair would cor-- rect, he contends, an abuse in the registration of mortgages and also abolish a certain portion of the rev-- enue assessed by registry offices upon full registrations. @ebru ary