- ___ WW AP mi " . . . . . a. . long run the Executive will - _- "hm M Bl la never be 'tCT, "the Bitt Brother." t g r. nc ir's summa " n My one of Mr. Maguire's ambiguous b1l'l'll'lrn', tul public 21eieseutrif,esttothd,t 'l%l1,','iil he advised the Government to gm; by disclosing to the public as; ttty, all the facts on salaries to the pub- :what basis and at wh e 7 non, lie. "mle will be less trouble--lestt 'executive omeers at salaries the; suspicion," he contended. igong to tend to air/ug;',,',"",';): Is it' The W: Statement. 'for their tasks if they are .negdezeal Ptemier Henry's statement on H dro feel that in _their work they are to be officials' m. in part. 1flfug itll up as targets for criticism at the "True it its that, through all these or nee ot people who have little years (since the inception of Hydro) of t'l2. C'Oncopuon of their work and this Legislature and the successive Ad: u 1e 1a" oresDOUSibm ties which rest, triinistrations have stood back of the sport: hem. I say. advisoclly. that 311:1??? vgith a helping and sus- ifwwea galéggaigvthe 11ast to be ti:t.riied an . To enst . . . rca regard for -e confidence. to stabilize it? 33:51:23; very. Purpose there men serve. kt structure, to maintain at low levels apnea trom all that, it the domestgé lf, tlt g; necessary funds, the Prov- R1313: oi: 3:0 f,', g'rT'iv'li.y, ar'? to be ce n. as it were, . . ' e o0r C this Hour, 1 tttiid',") the scheme :31: [1123:3131 wager; £33211? I feel not. C the hrous ut its munici s . 'mee iS not tht? fathe- in the public mind 'tifiir,uijgoggd.f. t: mother of the undertaking. Ilt a: taking iniold Ontario is looked upon it inttu1lrjeieiri. which has (03131"! as a mun cipal venture. n many directions. It , "To what is the success of this vast tg, an Interest to see that all is well l undertaking largely attributable9 it gii"t" of the huge monetary stake it is, in my opinion, based upon Gi/con" " in a creditor or surety capacity. I {gene which the Commission and u22g"lgir" their; municipalities,) . . ac . tt,t,1d2otav1Pl'l'tt'att',1 mot o',"",',']?,)); 2Ttife"rtaottigi) /',grfg/ffd,el's' 11:23 I mind. That free er ect to be served in he '- mmmels, divorced from)"; 3:353:11] ing made public some of the internal Tdt; devoting all that; time am; tetirg 1tremt1nia/tiltl'inumji, adminis- ene es solely to th C no e people first) the staff of the. Commissiolh wavgafmlit' to ti consulted, and are they not the: free to work with an ttthusias e me tum through which a demand for! sigh-it ltoward a goal which 'i'))","',.,,'"),', $113313 ttlotus hof Shem matters! o ectve the carry . . em 0? prise which 4itlgPt5eot'lro2:n/i's'ttfnr; Opinion ls Invited. l vmrho fit of the people ot this Province "I believe such to be the case. andl "Vat?" served. in that belief J am satisfied the people F the kn ibis spirit of freedom. with of the municipalities will sustain men on edge that so lone To ascertain whether or not I , devoted themselves 'iviiLl.ofJ,ri'isd/,l"ii," correct in my view I invite the fugg} their task, it has never been it ue tioning municipal body in these mat- minds of any of the Hydro a I _ " lets. through its executive to d li their status would become 33$ tin at whether or not they feel it, to 15:11: ' in POlitical spheres, and that mittICCd- the interests ot their undertaking that lite vitally affect their personal T' information as to the salaries of the tionship with the Commission 'io,' id chief ottieials should be made public become the subject of public dis a If they. after consulting those they sion on the floor ot the Assembly cus- 2treer',fatt,1. that it is proper to be Sees Danger to Unde . e, n tf. this Government nor "If one stops for mun" td't,euf't'lfl'rt of" have any further me tha a minute to con- matter, and I am sure r t phase in the matte . . all parties will equally be satin d possible to see with what d r, it IS with the decision thus mad .4; e whole undertaking may be $353,"? the servative applause.) e. on- any Government which has 'iiii; 3:23 "But tor this Government, of its Sponsibillty upon its sho 1d " own accord and without an u " . . "5 the relationship between the: tgtg.','.'., from those whose interests are served . on and its staff in a diseusaic 5 and for whom the enterprise is con- the J/tg, of this House. hr n on', ducted. to insist with the Commission m toad any one suggest for a mo- that. it place on the table of this 1f,lll, that institutirns such as our House information as to matters hi and insurance corporations to which are not subject to Government w eh the whole world points ' or Provincial control would t sa be gwle of successful 'eUd'l2t,rs/"lof/.' beyond the bounds not only ot yore. 5 upon sound lines, would be as priety. but ot power ot any Provincial Tflied/g,', they are if the full light Administration. . howledge had a t n C upon the internal and 2,t,i.,p,rnc'. tfit'"')', in Commission. . laFiOns which exist between iii .. m very sure that the munietpal Stitutions and their staffs") cse in- executive has but to ask the Commis- "With all the peculiarit' , .ts'._'. sion tor any information in these attach to our h%117 Is,' "then i matters, and it will receive it. To the with all the never-min at"; "taking i present, our municipalities have found Criticisms which 0pm}: 'J. unending bit possible. to rest full confidence'in ownership continue io 11:11:12 oi. public" i the Commission. and there has never tHydro structure in a on 11mins: the i set been any occasion when it was not JO undermine public whistling Cm?" Ii9lt to satisfy completely the people genterprise, it is essential innit-e in the .of all our municipalities that the der long and decide wi pl new pon- Commission and its whole organiza- tum inside out all mes} J {more 3" 1ee.e ready not only to serve but a? and day-by-day 1:311 nal {he'd- '33,?rry out the behests of those they w ich exist in Ge Jy,y,ieyi lps "e. subject them J'"ihenfSe,)1t.r and or gigrefotre. I repeat that matters prying eyes and ea ' . g Ind na ure now under discussion and to cause tha rs ct its enemies. are not proper subjects for disclosure the t to be done threunh ior debate u n th channels ottl " p0 e floor ot this this Legislature in: body politic which House. but are for the municipalities . s. and the Commission first to deter- mine. It is of equal importance that (we, in this House, while we protect the interest which the Province has in.the great Hydro undertaking, do nothing which may tend to destroy it or to break the confidence which the lmlmicipalities have in their enter- ! prise. It will be time enough for such idisclosure when the municipalities I express a desire for it to be made and ithrough the channel through which ithey function in such matters."