A Pnl 72. Mr. Cooke--There never was any ' ; Stoay't ces FLECTRIC HEATERS those contracts. f i Mr. Nixon--Bologna. \ _ _ Mr. Cooke--The Commission takes | full responsibility for every bit of power bought from Quebec. The Com-- 3 mission saw that the power supply would not be sufficient. If the member ; P from Brant comes down to the Com-- mission, he will see the recommenda-- | Gmmamer € gog.: of the tecfinlcal sttl\lft of the ' approximately 3.2 per kilowatt hour, ommission on all these things. f while in the United States it was more lh(lyi:écljriém;d_wégbl fln(li se't,. out on Hydro C'lalrman Slates than 7 C;'Q"z; per kilowgtt. dT%;ré s Mr. y's salary? [ 1 _ | again in , a survey showed t Soncecs ts wir me se . choffeg Pree of Cogp u. ) Ns NB im HidE i riously . xon had state _--_.. / less than 2 cents per kilowatt, while that he understood that it is $35,000 'taued Free Of COSt in the United States it was more than £ R:::r(gggkii':hgsa;zarm Mr. Nixon sermce Charge Of Ten 4 ¢ C'Igl?ctas?x}%gl(;fi?)uéh?"éed, s;aig'd Mr. with having left Wednesday night Cooke, with the cost of domestic power when the estimates were being taken Cent' Monthly to Be in Ontario one--third of that in United 2 d uD. when he !ound' "that he would Sole ".'ee Stat'cs. tr}erecwcrc thx:ce'tlmes as mam{ have no opportunity to attack the applianc:s used here; this undoubted Hydro." wornnmmmm mm emmmamas i ly had fassistcd in 'lc)il'igglngCO down the Mr, Nixon--I protest against this price of power, and the Commission ;t:lat'r*mgnt. It It.shu';\true andi ltmraitt'. POWER IS CHEAPER ' v;fasf e:txgg;u':gg%?gzeslannmg the use oft because ad an appointment, of fur i A ' which was arranged two davs ago. and AS MORE IS SOLD | r--aucea Costs Expected. ' which was with the next Prime Min-- > ie aneientqrees ie rintmenage "Their use will have the effect of ister--Mr. Hepburn. ; i ' reducing the costs of domestic power Mr. Cooke declared that if the 'The almost immediate installation |because Hydro history had always salaries of ten of the officials were in 50,000 Ontario homes of elsctric | shown that, as the load increased, given, the salaries of 2,000 of the _ water heaters was predicted in the | there was a corresponding decrease employees might be asked. "The next _ Ontario Legislature yesterday by Hon. | in the rates," he stated. f 1 step would be to dictate as to what j. r. Cooke. Chairman of the Hydro-- | Asked by D. J. Taylor (Progressive, . the personnel would be. If you are _ Riectric Power Commission. The ap-- North Grey) if a flat rate of three going to dictate the policy, then very pliances. including necessary wiring. per kilowatt throughout the Province | soon you would have the Commission | will be installed free of charge and no-- had been considered, Mr. Cooke re-- in the same unhappy place as the | payni/nt will be asked on the equip-- Pliecd that it would not be practical. | CN.R." s , ment, other than a service charge of J. A. Sangster (Liberal, Glengarry) | _ Mr. Nixon--I wasn't suggesting any-- | about iten cents per month Mr. --What about the 100,000 people of | thing of the kind. | Cooke estimated that the outlay by the the Province who have not enougk} f | Prerpler Henry took issue with MtY. | the Commission on matcrial and labor Power to light A match? Why not Nixon's contention that it was the 'm the manufacture will put approxi-- Use some of this energy and money inherent right of the House to @€* | | mately $1,250.000 in circulation and to z°t more power into the rural information it desired. It was Also | | that the entire amount will be re-- arras? ; . | the inherent right of the Government covered from the consumers in rates Mr. COOke----\ ou Sulely would not | to decide what information should be | | guring the year. want to insist that those who have | given the House, he pointed out. | _ 'The Hydro Chairman explained that | NOt power must take it; many do not I"That is what the Government is | | each heater would, on the average, lwant, power,. | tio 5P thine Mat,aoms oi gecidnd | | The hbout 1 b.p. and. thorefore, 50.000 | Municipalities May Apply. | | .p. wou utilize n I j | it was not in the interest of the Com-- | of appliances wore used. But h an-- | exgl];?n %fi';fi('e'gfimmficfi:fify "é'oui'g mission, or in public interest generally, | | ticipated that nearly 100,000 heaters | i0 rive the inf Hon. | of that pa s j ith 'apply for power, and its application rehuthir he ldnger:\a the butkt of would be in use a year hence, WItD ) woulid be considered by the Commis-- Fn e l oi o000ile "iP ~PU a further consequent usage of POWET. | sion, 'The locality would have to fur-- political warfare. be ity . bad ! 'This, declared Mr. Cooke, would tend nisn sufficiens consumers, however. Mr. Nixon--It must preity bad, | | to lessen the rates to Hydro consumers e stated it might surprise members then. | | generally. The more power sold, th8 io know that three years ago--when cheaper that power would be, he 25* times were better--Hydro was build-- ' serted. ing six miles of line in rural Ontario f Follows Long Planning. evel'sl'1 (xl?y. i Approxixga_tfily %n% ax}d | ission. the One--half miles were built each day in 8 | flm d(ejgl:igg:rfl t;'fif"fif::' s:ri'en otut,- 1932, and already in 1933 there were come of years of planning which dated gggla?;d 600 rural lines planned, he + +tha -- s At that time, he outlined, it was found HyGro Chairman stated there was no | that the average cost of domestie POWer coming from the McLaren l far 16 the Duisiio consumer was |Company, but 20.000 hp. of She 125. power 000 h.p. contracted for would be ac-- cepted this year. On the Beauhar-- M nois 250,000 h.p. contract, 35,000 h.p. was accepted beginning last October, SCHOOL COURTESY VOTE _ }S®SS®ISW ow made. sesouerereunnpietumnipermessecegr & % Husbands and Wives-- of . Catholic Ratepayers to Be Able to Vote for Own Trustees gx> T § The long--sought courtesy vote in | meparate school elections was given approval of the Ontario Legislature in Committee of the Whole, when Premier Henry's bill to ameond several ' elauses of the Public School and Sep-- ! » arate School Acts, was reported yes-- | terday. The bill now stands for . -- j third reading, and will become law in the next few days. t The act is also amended to empower -- municipalities to designate separate | school supporters in the voters' lists by marking "S" after their names. 'The clauses are the outcome of som» wears of endeavor on the part of Catholic ratepayers to obtain the same privilege in voting as supporters . f public schools, in so far as husbands :"..m mfimmw'g'o, trm' ym An amendment to the High Schools | to the legislation coming before the ACt Provides that a foe may be charg--| House, a wife or husband of a publis *4 t0 Pupils who remain in high schools . school ratepayer could vote for mem.-- AOMSET than six years. The fee shall Wers of public school boards of edu-- not be higher than the average cost éeation, but the same privilege was not P€L_PUPi! for education in the high | Jan. 3 to June 29, and from Sept. 1 extended to the wives or husbands of pehool where he or she is attending. to Dec. 22. An exception allows schools meparate school ratepayers in elections Another clause definitely fixes the | to resume on the following Tuesday for their trustees. pwe school terms of the year: From'!' when Sept. 1 falls on Friday. .