March 9. School Board Vacancies. Asked if the Jud gi Another bill to go to the same com-- B s en d T ge would be given mittee was one of Mr. Sinclair's, which + axes fi&ifisfinfit;g" the time beyond six would prevent Boards of Education nuating cireumstances, filling a vacancy which occurred Colonel Price stated that some such ftastsomer.s 19 Be Included ©mssnstrn e wou w the appointments to be | d made to fill the gap at other times. of the House and committee, Mr. Sinclair stated that he had in-- With part one of the new act pro-- troduced the bill because a case had f viding for mortgages which do not arisen in Oshawa, where a member n ea 0 come under the overhead--cost sections elected for two years, had resigned the Act of 1932 will be repealed as the within a month of his first term being principal--on--mortgage provisions are | up. and the board had filled the va-- mm e qiabiont _ OO "O"n prpoad cancy, although there was an election ; -- A on. ithin In. He thought in h Applf'catlfln tO COUI't W|th' Summary of Clauses. w a month. He thoug suc « cases the vacancy should semain for the out Cost, Hearings A summary of the clauses of the few weeks necessary, and the electors in C new bill as read to the House by given a chance to say who should in Lamera Colonel Price is as follows: represent them. leninn ovenihine nngeo iess The Mortgagors' and Purchasers' First reading was given to bills to . -- Relief Act, 1933, is divided into two amend the Threshers and Lien Act.. JINTRODUCED IN HOUSE parls. s | and to amend the Marriage Act. Both . "Part I. deals exclusively with cases s i haxg ?fien explained before. | mmenn in ie en ce wafre ag} {)nterest, taxes, insurance and e opening of the House, k other disbursements have bee A |G. H. Challies, 'p,ovmcm m,{'.';'; Freedom for Demands Not but there has been default in the S:y§| | took issue with a press report of his A ment of principal. ;{en}a.rks %x'xh 'tl'uelsday % %n reforma-- to Exceed Six Months-- "Provision is made that no proceed-- | tories. -- "Wha stated was tha ings can be t |\the number of prisoners had def' Lender Safeguarded agginst a mortg;{ggr g; ;:xx'lcttixralggg | creased 20 per cent. in two years, and nheircmmencomernieithors cnercremien under a mortgage or agreement for | that there had been a considerable s s sale which has been made before the 'gggiea:zectgs tm::nst:?.'zx:ce' én mmz the Virtually a six months' 29th1day of March, 1932, or any re--| s ¥ 14, an 1932 * newal or extensi 4 | was 30 cents. ml also b;:ointed out m:: holiday on all overhead of the sams, sw(')i?hg:flt 23'5 ;',fi;fic';';};':l | the decrease in numbers of prisone to the Master, i | and per diem cost meant a s':\ving :; Charges on mortgaged homes and in al?%ffiermcéflfitg's',"fr% ?)fisg??t;s" the Province of $580,000." and properties where the ; to the local Judge, ol Ses F Alna . :a 5 : _ ""The reason it is made applicable | owner resides is proposed (In | | muy to mortgages, etc.. executed betore f the Mortgagors' and Pur-- Izg"us%ttg £oe ins fnie tnes ns agps 5 + l6 3 e that was the date that the 1932' chasers' Relief Act, 1933, IN-- | act received Royal assent, and because | troduced in the Ontario Legis-- lt;gns énade after that date are con--| r e nrnay. |Sidered as 'new money,' and were| lélture )lelb)t.e.rday by AttOrney-- | based upon present economic condi-- | 2 eneral Price. tions and depreciated values: and,l dudge to Appoint. i titiices be ghex on fopcooing The act is in two parts: Firss, & f s Y provision to exisnd the Act of 1932, to make mortgage loans from now or r which was effective for one year, for a reasonable amount. and, second, the new enactments "Under this part, the Judge is given which relieve th> morizagor from pay-- discretionary powers, and after hear-- ing interest, taxes and incurance, with | iDE all the facts and circumstances, is | approval of the local Judgo in counties | empowered (in proper cases) to grant' and districts, and of the Master in | a stay of the proceedings or may allow ths County of York. }the action to continue. This part is Steps to be taken by the home-- 'szatlctically a re--enactment of the 1932 ownsr or farmer who finds himself in * aifficullizs are of a simple nature. If }Cases of Default. ho cannot pay his taxes, interest or i« Y P insurance. he musi write to the mort-- | Part II. deals with cases where gagee seting forth his reasons, under there has been default in the pay-- oath: if the mortgagee fails to agreel mgp%h&f interest t,axgs or msiurance. upon terms, the latter must reply to : is new, and permits any ie moraagor unter regiuersd tll | |Taile 0. make payments ol interest . and then the applicant may apply to| rest, the Judge within ten days and give | | P"OVided (D he owns, resides upon the morigagee two days' notice of his | intention" 'The Jucize will then hear| 2N3 occupies the land covered by the cas> in camera and may or may | such mortgage or agreement (2) and not grant the applicant freedom from the mortgage or agreement is made payments for any period not exceed-- P°fOor® the 29th day of March, 1932, uo SX months. I Tr;ere is no aAppeal ?e is fintltled to make an application from the decision of the Judge and no . .'°T, relief, eourt costs are to be charged to either .\ (TM°LC, 876 Soton Sn Tonncclion party. -- with hiS ap ¥% evi sented i pplication. Belicving that Hm"égg;et;n!l'r?;shaxigblnlvae!'(::s;ncgfii | in a great many cases, some satisfac-- Terence with Queen's Park nowspaper--| {Ofy artangements can be made be-- men and explainsd the provisions of | tween th: mortgagor and the mort-- e new legislation. He declared that| Bages, or the purchagen and seller, as is was th#* intention of the cGovern.| Whe case may be, the first step pro-- ment to simplify proccedings under| Vided in the act is that the mort-- the act and to prolscs both the | gagor or purchaser must make an f e + 7 ' application to his mortgagee or ven-- mortgagor and the mortgagee in so 5 j Tar as Wwas DosSib! tgagee | _ dor, setting out his circumstances and posslb.:e. _ all the facts in connection with his -- _ Lender Not Forgotten. | lcang Ttge l?eCt p,;g'r'idesdtha'%h by ret;t_u;' nder the ac | While he emphasized the plight oll C on lnhon } the homsowner who was overburden--| forén Ofd "ppnfiaf,'fnf es bf,f ';fin:e ?' fed with many costs pertaining to thsi (Sifanis for r o anchoul P--4 legitimate extension of time on L plicants for relief without cost. | pagss. ho 'wiso 'meld. thar the> small | onore ins purtics cabnot artive alany | money--lender would receive due con-- :};':?wrfact?:rya rgge:;r:;%t i"fi'fid" f{,'é' * ideration under provisions of the bill| | prings al ' : i th P _ brings along the second step. In such | t" Ave ';'""h the new powers extended | cases the applicant is given the right o the Judges. to make an application for relief to . In explaining the effect of the bill ! _ the Master in the County of York, and :{tel'téhe Juflg{:g had e;ct-ended th:;t 11{3 to the local Judge in countiss and e _ mortgage or a certain districts. period not to exceed six months, the "As there may be a number of § Attorney--General pointed out that cases, after all the facts and circum-- when the time limit was up it would stances are considered, in which the > be necessary for the mortgagor to pay applicant has not a proper Case, in monthly instalments at least 75 per which would justify any relief, pro-- cent. of the aggregate amount of over-- l vision is made that before any mort-- head charges against the property dus ;gagee or vendor can be brought be-- \ | in any one year. fore the Judge. such applicant must