A bill providing that each city. mu- nicipality or County Council should appoint an auditor. dismissable only on a. two-thirds vote of the Council, was introduced by Arthur Ellis, Gon- servative member for Ottawa South. in the Province llomsed by licensed homeopathic practitioners. was intro- duced by Hon. Dr. J. M. Robb, Minis- ter of Health. Another provision of Dr. Robb's bill makes liable to a tine those who are not registered and practice "for gain" medicine, surgery or midwifery. The tine for the first offense shall be a minimum of $25, with a maxim 1m of 8100, and for subsequent offenses a minimum of $100, with R maximum of $500. Rendering succession duties payable six months after a death, instead of after a period of twelve months. as is movided for in the existing legislation, 3 bill was introduced in the Legislature yesterday by Hon. Edward A. Dunlap. the Provincial Secretary. By the terms of Mr. Dunlop's bill. interest at the mteof6percent.wi11bechargedtts from the time ot the death, should the duty not be paid within the six-month period. A bill amending the Medical Act, and by which the Medical Council shall oonsistof the Minister of Health: one member from every university. college or other body in the Province authorized to conduct a course and grant degrees in medicine, or from any such organization which may be so authorized. together with two members SUCCESSION DUTIES PAYABLE SOONER Interest Will Be Charged if Not Paid in Six _ Months GRAND RIVER BILL PASSES COMMITTEE Cost Division of Proposed Conservation Scheme is Recommended Committee stage approval was yes- terday given by the Ontario Legisla- ture to Hon. William Finiayson's bill providing for the establishment of a Commission to study and bring about more effective control and C0nserva- tion of the waters of the Grand River and its tributaries in floodtime. Through J. C. Cockshutt of Brant- ford. President of the Grand River Board of Trade, The Globe has been furnished with a summary of the re- port which is being made to Mr. Pin- iavson. by Dr. T. H. Hogg. Chief Civil Engineer of the Ontario Hydro- Electric Power Commission, and L. V. Berke. Surveyor-General for On- tario, and which. it is understood. may form the basis of the work of the Commission once the various mu- nicipalities interested have endorsed the idea. This report has been made follow- ing extensive field work on a survey of the Grand River Valley, which 0c- cupied several months and was con- ducted by James Mackintosh. civil engineer. who was emnloyed bv the Government and the Grand River Board of Trade. In part. the summary reads: "The annual costs of the proposed works could. we believe. be properlv assessed neainst the various interests bone- fited: the townships for protection of roads and bridges; the municinali- ties for sewage and water supply bet- terments: also for flood protection: the power owners for improved flow conditions; and the various townships with large drainage systems a: com- pensation for the amount which web drainage has contributed to the prob- lem." Mam H. _ "Not practical." was. in effect. his lreply to the proposal that the stores ibe closed in the depression period. In regard to the question of local op- ition on a county basis, he said that lit was the desire of the Government l to bring down as few changes in the gstatutes as possible at this session of {the Legislature and to avoid as far l as possible all matters of contro- i versy. CLOSE LIQUOR SHOPS, IS I)linliff2()l1 PLEA "Not Practical," Is Henry's View of Prohibition Plan Closing of all agencies within the Province for the sale of liquor dur- ing the present period of depression. and a non-partisan vote of the people, at a time other than a gen- eral election. to decide whether they should be reopened, was urged upon Premier Henry yesterday by an On- tario Prohibition Union deputation comprising Mrs. William Pugsiey, Mrs. C. W. Hillock. Mrs. W. R. Lang, Rev. W. M. Kannawin. Rev. C. J. Cameron, Secretary of the Baptist Mission Board: Rev. R. N. McLach- Ian, Social Service Secretary of the United Church; Rev. John Coburn. Rev. L. Garnet Lynd. Oliver Hamel- wood, F. A. Magee and Dr. A. J. Ir- wm. Numerous suggestions were mad? which were favorably received by the Prime Minister. but on the major requests he said the Government was unprepared to act. his