* s Mar. 7 ! f with an eve to trans--Canada estab-- lishment as to future tourist business. I Much of it, some day, may be incor-- porated in an Ontario link of the proposed trans--Canada, but the actual J lcrns;-Dominion road itself is--as far | as this Provinte is concerned--still | years distant, it is said. That Mr.} Henry and his Cabinet associates well | [ |realize its remoteness is indicated,| | critics contend, in the Government's | 1 & | persistent failure to. name the long-- | | disputed "middle link" -- that is,| | Neeatiineimmeremmemmentiresss v.'hr't'nr;r the route from North Bay westerly shall course by the lake !Cost of Present System ISs _ shore or via the Ferguson Highway, h ocnhnrane an earst, | $12,000,000. It Is What of 19332 Sald The Northern road construction ac-- | (-(,-mj)hzhed to date, however, has Smmmgntioomiiepommmsmmrine served rl'fl' primary purpose of taking carr of the transient jobless of the + ATTITUDE OF OTTAWA _ larser cenires, and, although it has meant a torrific drain upon Treas-- | w 2 _2Z22222zlllzk _ uries, the two Governments, Provin-- | That the Ontario Government, at (i:?'l d'"'d,u?ot"m"ion-lttpl)eatriquite sat-- k + £ isiied wi he results obtained. That : the o»mmerwemen..'of its next fiscal is, for 1932. But repetition of this year, may replace its policy of unem-- drain in 1933 is, as previously stated, ployment relief distribution with a a bird of another color. modified dole entailing only a quarter Arplication of a modified dole to of the expenditure involved in the the older sections of Ontario would present arrangement, is the unofficial arouse very little opposition, it is felt, rumor around Queen's Park these inasmuch as a goodly number of| days. | m':nicipalities found difficulty in lo-- While no Cabinet confirmation of | cating public works to undertake this the suggested change is forthcoming,' year, and what relief they dispensed it is pretiy well understood that the | was dispensed direct to their unem-- cost to Ontario in relisf this year is | ploved. | so staggering that Premier Henry and |his Min'stry must, sooner or later,| k. | consider ways and means of lightening | |t.he load. | '$12,000,000 for Relicf. | * During the current twelve months| > tusiness period, which ends Oct. 31,| the Province will, according to un-- official estimates, spend between $10,-- |000,000 and $12,000,000 on relief. 'Under the hinted dole system--a sys-- + tem providing food and shelter for the jobless, plus certain remuncration for whatever work may from time to time be required of them--the $12,000,000 | bill would, it is said, be cut down to| about $3,000,000. - Adoption of such a dolse is depen-- dent, of course, upon the state of Ontario's finances next fall, and upon the attitude of the Federal Govern-- ment at Ottawa. So far this year Ontario's revenues have evidenced a steady falling--off. So far, Ottawa has furnished little assurance of a definite nature regarding its relief program $ for another season. Failure of On-- 8 tario's revenues to improve appreci-- ably, plus Cdisinclination of the Do-- minion Government to aid on relief projects to the extent it has done in the past, might, it is understood,; + render imperative the operation of a dole here, regardless of how ooposed' Queen's Park may be to the principle of the thing. + Camps May Close. Under any dole there might fol-- low a general shutting--down of the' Northern Ontario labor camps and a halt on all trans--Canada highway construction, except in cases of road stretches with exceptional tourist-- attracting pot>ntialities. Most of the roadwork of the past winter was laiinched, it is said, not so much ®