Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1932, p. 4

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Fe b.19 » OIM h '" " ' ur. m TeR vg s "I know lt'.' y hard," said thé k The present President, Thomas | "Which one?" Mr. Nixon asked. Premier, "to Towco w the andly Bradshaw, with others, incfwm Mr. Henry--The Leader of the organ. forh bought ug the majority of the [ R2"tY 2s we recogniz: him. . M What year is that clipping?" asked | | fop le'j'";'yt $ :toc . I paid $112 a share | Taxation Questions. f f'-lsmc'l'air. an pn8 y--three shares of stock only ~'"The people of this Province are @P13,, said Mr. Henry. o _if, ornk DSIQ. , With the other ai.|| not fools," he went on. "They know h .C.," said Mr. Sinclair, and the| §157 1 was paid off at the rate of || full well where their taxation comes ?},r roared. i « I had been receiving $2 a share, || from. We have no direct taxation, J e Liberal apathy developed int0 | | or less than 2--per t except two or three million dollars. pen heckling. "Order!" called the | | ings per cent., on my hold-- | Every tax is for some form of service. Conservatives. k taeng If you don't care to buy the service, I think we might have order,"|| "Whispering" Is Alleged. | you don't pay the tax." | remonstrated Mr. Henry. | "There has been whispering | _ Mr. Nixon--Did you ever hear the | _ f'Order!" called the Speaker. | throughout this Province, and I could. | 10*!¢ talk that way when they were | _ "We were just debating," said Mr.' if at all necessary, bring evidence to | **,f° P O q; | | Sinclair, blandly, "whether Mr. Hep--| show that there is an inspired | Mr. Henry--Not likely--it was so | burn made that speech at Preston or | whispering campaign rather suggest-- | mxoy yeals ASC, -- Oakville." Opposition benchers . ing that I am something of a scalla-- I am proud tht'lt during this time . laughed loudly. |'wag," be went on,. "and that I made of_ stress andhstram the people have f Prroduces Chi some $50,000 out of this deal." said so littls," the Promier averred. f s cago Journal. 'This explanation wass ;'1"' a ; | "They are trying to live within their 1: Here and then, the Prime Minister |Premier said, "not so mucg (; hr: | Py are Auxine: a commen--sensemiek aunched into his charges against | personal prot;acuon mS for th or my | They are taking a common--sense view Mr. Hepburn. Producing the Chicago lt,lon of the position 1 hoin as the tirst | 1 As mear ho tntk at an on conmnnag journal, the pages of which are | citizen of the Province." NSE S 149 | Sine sfen't e es To maw veuk labelled _ "Reports on | Municipally [ ~ "L have heard ail. kinds of wild [ or in iten themeeives but they nike Owned Utility Properties," he said that | stories. I have been told t! 2t 1 theit w ns Tong 4s 'doemiie anld it had now become Mr. Hepburn's !own company was at the h 1(:11L LN s e 'oos in s in mach textbook, and wondered if other copies | Toronto milk coxfibine I h;\?o bof 4. tr:{;g' o 4 ;oath 'to a?"'{ The mubicls had not been distributed around On-- | for twenty--five vears, a dairy farmer, | Aepenemuacd o+. ml.}g'a'.c t «ot 'nline." +eplH and I know nothing about these al~ | Highway Work in Nerth: 'sm"mrnt got mine," replied Mr. | legations. As far as our company is | _ '"'We feel that we will have ade-- "Kor mine." said Ni : concerned, we have gone from | Quate accommodation in Ontario for ._.lv mine," said Mr. xon. : strength to strength: we improved | all who are eficted with tuberculosis," o understand it costs $5," said | our position. Three years ago, when | he stated. Expressinz his happiness , ie Premier, by way of reply to &n | the peak prices came, we were good | that the Province had been able to Opposition interrogation. enough business men to know when | CMTS on work on the trans--Canada ! i 'Ca:r; bu\l it hm:ierMherg.' Ullein. at . to sell. | iitllgftm&v sg dembggngly. ho declared that price,." laughe r. Sinclair. "We all know. if we w an.. a ere had | ittle friction in | Ki is3 i k ym eena mt oo o tributed to you," returned Mr. Henty. ; of supply and demand "Today tne | Of fhem in the North for the first "This is Chicago's contribution to Mr. . demand is far less than the supply. txtmgfi had entered well into the spirit HC'&}'}"{"\ (;.'%myaign fund." _ The iaw of supply and demand will réogl}ttekrggx'ie.if it was my frend Mz Smnair" "md you pay " asked overtake all kinds of difficultics I from Brant--" M novip en us Mr. Sinclair. "Did you pay five dol-- am just as sorry as any one, and ijust "No ria:'n wa -tl:; Ig:nry onl Sniney'1 ""(3 tor ""l lt c It pye _ as anxious as any one to find a solu-- _ polated sn'¥," Mr. Nixon Afbet= doo ummtg ;;xe -"'d_flle';' el&jm utmi tion. But I know of no solution of "Or some one eilse." the PremiCr Core | document,. Mr. Henry alles * the problem until we find a market | rected, "wh f one could run oss Mr. Hepburn's ; ected, "who spoke of the three--mil-- neross NMr. HeD for our dairy products--our Cchees¢ | | lion--doll j | speeches "all through its pages." _ It | and butter and milk B(Im.k(')' ar monument in the E'Stl | was, he charged. used by the Liberal | ug fing OuL th La. a." (| 1?: Ni is , | Leader and the Liberal Party "to at. | ~PYDF U0° '0e Lant. _ |, _ Mr. Nixon--What will the total ex« tack the greatest bli y hi "My colleagues and myself are quite pendzure be? U"ld"r'ukinf';'r{: (;hn I\):orlc(i' ,, YRSSHP _| wwjing to carry on," the Premier con-- Mr. Henry--I am coming to that; I ""vou will find the information in-- tinued. "We have put our hands to have the figures. Ne the plow, irrespective of the criticism, Mr. Nixon--Oh, I'm sorry dispensable to yourself and to your - f Y« Assistants," the journal reached to the sniping and the desire of some not The cost, Mr. Henry said, would be | c rerentlo 'on A pM Henry in league with us politically that they just under $1,000,000, and the super-- | io pective purchasers, Mr. HeNYY might have a general election. I know structure of the tower would cost: m:'\'flr Hepburn got a copy for. him | thathbhgse scl>f thinking have not so _ $300,000. Mr. I 7 . ~\ much the welfare of the Province as Durin 7 T | f self." said Mr. Henry:; "why don't you| their own political advancement at no f fer Hreaigs P qedon tndihchen or ... a 3 | y o fewer than 600 men were working people over there get one, too? | heart. I hear that they have picked on the construction, in three shifts ' "Falsehood," Says Premier. out positions in the new Government. © week of two days each. It is ibla' An absolute falsehood from begin-- I don't know what position my honotr-- | he said, that the stoné 1 mpos 6. R d. Mr. H defined th able friend from Brant has tbeen| ; 4 --placing is be-- ning to end, Mr. Henry define e promised. But I do know that my| ng done in two shifts a week. Stress-- journal--from its figures about the | ' % i ¥ V ing the benefit given to the men wh F , honorable friend from North Grey 0 Chippawa development to its state-- has > been ing out the land." He | are being thus employed, and to their ments as to industrial expansion inl > <V4 e land." _ H¢)| families, he said: "I don't imagi | is declared that D. J. Taylor, Progressive | s agine the Ontario under Hydro. "And yet Mr. M.P.P. for North Grey was thus des--| people of this Province are grudging Hepourn will charge the Commission tined for the Minlst.ry' of Game d its cost." | with "being a political machine," S@id | pjsnpries, * B8 "Political capital is being made on' ho. "And use the paper as the ritual Mr. Nixon--It is as well to come the other side of the House," he on which to base his Milton speech." | ty a gefinite decision * : charged, "because we are doing some-- Vigorously Mr. Henry disputed the Mr. H e k AFAI thing to relieve an h = 4 r. Henry--Just as well. | 6 unhappy condi (hgn that the Hydro had gone ahead "We must," the Premier continued, | tion." ":9'0!_:?1?"11&"'1';':1 Qul%becount(alg priv(alg "live up to our obligations as regards 'Control of Expenditure. | ownership LNaN _ fMLATIO _UIY revenue and expenditure and debt re-- on th in j | public ownership -- that indus-- tirement." This Geclaration Grew | n e subjects of the Highways | trial expansion here under Hydro WAS | forth Conservative applause. "We an-- and Education Departments, of which | \ much below Quebec's industrial eX-- | ticipate," he said, "that we will pro-- he had had charge, Premier Hem'yl pansion: The increase in the latter vide sufficient revenue to balanc I recalled that he had COHStEmUY sought C n i ue to balance the uUg regard in Ontario was two and a half| Budget in the ordinary way, and take to keep control, as far as he could.l times more than in Quebec, he @S--| care of some of the slack from last |OD bighway expenditure. '"Some. of | &('f.liga vet our young friend from year's debt--retirement schome." {;';gset;;ttgle% Otpiz?slte {r}lletwill remem-- | in * af «4 -- H PR e u'a' ons at waited on Elgin/" said her . would, have . the Mf,TL:"g'j,'::t'l'ex::x:"fvgo wanders roung | mE * The Prime Minister told of his , e J c C r &4 ;pcgg_wm usg this (s;l;u 0 xx'r?at.erial the Province as the Liberal Leador is | reqblient, reflanis of pleas. "the DOn« | ca cag: hk lcad fely. to Mibrest orable member from South Waterloo when the true facts of the situation | & PADPY leader, surely, to sugecs} that | (N, O. Hipe!) well El we are on the verge of bankruptcy; pe!) well remembers it. The are alw:ys available to him: Af "he II Ti we ave unabiegto Nees ourx}l%bl};: time that I first met him, I was seek-- | wanle inen. gations, and consequently cannot bor-- '1Jnog t& hold the construction within | Premier Henry Speaks. row any money," Premier Henry as-- |, unds.". He looked forward, he said, | In opening his speech, Mr. Henty serted. '"This is a happy vein for a |f° considerable reduction in expendi-- * said: "Because of the tactics of cer.| Man who one day hopes to be Prime ture, anticipating the conference to in Citl f this Provi :i | Minister of this Province." Declar-- be held next week. He urged, how-- is only ht and proper, as Noas arefor | Ing that those who had before occu--| [ EVCD that it would be just as well not lmme to reply topth'()ee \:vhisperlnge c'ar:-! pied the seat in which he now sat-- to close down all road activities, say-- Mowat, Hardy and Ross--were not |ing: "This is not the time for that to paign which is being carried on, and | iy: 3 Which I assume will be carri e'd guilly of suggesting anything along [ Céase, or we will have an unemploy-- | until a reply is given On | that line, Mr. Henry wondered "how | ment situation even worse than that' itil & reply is giVell. o much confidence, how much backing |at the present time." | E. it is not in connection with any-- | pe has." The speaker made the "One of the greatest difficulties," h thing said in this House, or anything suggestion that Mr. Hepburn's leader-- _ declared, "is to cut down e dit [ J ;Wthh "lS likely to be Sflid in this ship was confirmed, nxt by the will xpend m | House, he' continued. "For some cf the people of the Province at (and yet maintain service for our boys | years I have been honored with the -- large, but at a banquet at which there | and girls " The Premier emphasized | position of a director of the North was present a Senator "who is now 'the nceed for keeping up the present rAx:r}erican Life Assurance Company. under investigation." o standard of education in the Province. | __"A scurrilous sheet calling itself a The Liberal Leader, the Premi@t pjperal Attacks Expenditures 4 | financial magazine made & violent at-- asscrted, had besmirched the name of | | Af % 'tack on this company when we ap-- Liberalism in this country. "Where||, ter congratulating the new Min-- | plied to Ottawa for mutualization of are we going?" he demanded. "'In isters on the honors to which they had | the company, using the reserve funds the opposite direction from Mr. Hep-- | succeeded, Charles A. : Robertson 'to pay off the holders of guaranteed . burn--that's where we are going!" | (Liberal, North Huron) declared that stock, and in this way place the com-- . "I think that the Liberal Leader 'lt would be "good business" to have 'pany on the footing of & mutual com-- in this House is possibly to be ex--| | & Minister of Mines appointed, to be pany, where all the profits go to the | cepted from this charge," Mr. Henryl |f€sp0n51ble "for the oversight of the | policyholders. | said. i vast sums svent in grants." and ex--

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