f Mavych 3 | > ---h_---_------*__ s » ' » | net price of $9.55 per horsepower. i After a discussion of the terms of | a r es On lr me the contracts and the conditions un-- i * }der which they had been made, Mr. | Cooke declared that "Quebec power is } / | being delivered cheaper to this city R .than power gencrated at Niagara." | Or x a na 'On \ These contracts had also allowed the j J | Commission to sell power 35 to 40 | | per cent. cheaper in the Eastern | A » | Ontario district than ever before. \| |__He felt that it would have been | ' era Sse r lO n ! better if, in days gons by, these cir-- | cumstances had been given wider | ' publicity through the press. "It would | e--xi--__--__--__--. @«zn.rrrremmmmee--zm--mewe=~=--------»-- || Bave BeCI? DCttEr if v;;e h?d c?lled in | % s | mmmmrrnmnazrreraerzrrzrrerzrzzarza2, || tie press and put the situation be-- I House Leader Sinclair Is tha. "al1 ihs myso-- _ || fore them," ho ;emarked. In spite of | % & | that "a e mystery about Hydro" | the dopression, he prophesied that the | Caustic and Dr. Mca--! was rocking the Conservative Party to | new uses to which electricity is be'ng | . s | its foundations, and that the hustings | put would keen up the increasing de-- Qulbban Assails ()ff-.I 2lxécttl']e occasion (t),ii t.h(: n:exltl' Provincial | mand for power. | ion was certain to it so, i | | Peak POWCI' Sales ag did not believe it now. f % | Bays Association Consulted. Deseri t Legisl Long Discussion. :b Fevealintg t'hé cloge co-ope;atitl)n bed = i i R etween _the omimission and the \ 0 g181@a 'byTtYl: l}ggg';'e a;'gt:rgalf v;a., occupied | municipalities Mr. Cooke declared |__ture by Hon. John ) writing tinis to this Hyaro aigument | {hat the Ontaric Hydro Municipal | nas & | Association was consu on every l Robert Cooke Dranhg.x_'gu;nbgnt,."hich started with | pyostin of major importance. He il-- | eoy Mospaltne Ateworks of last | lustrated this by stating that, al-- | Mz toke. in hC -- ':il:&thlf; gtfep tfii though the hoadqu:}:rters of the Com--| | ¢ # K & misinn had been housed in thirtean| | STOP THEM NOW B,"'?g" debate." and had _ numerous Pul'dings, no a--tion had been taken| | » private members as well as Cabinet | ;).,..~4 the --constru--ctio ¢ ow HE CHALLENGES Ministers warmly engaged from be-- I ut' nz v"'fhf'v'"é'r{% 'if; "o.ha ,,13;,." | ginning to end. The Beauharnois con-- | ::,;;,,,° "oniy" hat o y oo en se eiihe en e cnen ieavent mt atthen, | tract was not mentioned directly yes-- ' ,.'M,;'..".,;'i the l';.';,.,{'mi?;'. ,.?ncfm::;?;d 1 Government -- Spok |omiclahy, was srted to disouse ft. or | [oX of the executive of the neso--iation . po esma.n |by Premier George S. Henry, who just bl:zg'rt the new building should be _ Says if Any Ontario |ietore the Snsl curtain waded, into | ""0ts wixon--Did not the Leatsiature *~ xs a re make a vote for the new bui 2 _ Industrialist W a n t St " WWhen 'the Hrake esumates were! | _ MY. Cooke--ves $1,500,000. but the ' a reached durin _ | Commission would not proceed with it Power at Price Off-- mentary estirga.z?se :;';g'lg fi{.'s'g)&lfie :'isst(};cciztl;ge consent of the municipal rose to refute what he claimed were f | gegk}furrent Is Sold tol erut)nieous statements being made in | Exrort to U.S. . .8. certain quarters regarding the export Dr. McQuibban, opening his ad-- e Can Have It' of power to the United States and the | dress, remarked that 125,009 horse-- | Smememmmmmmmmnmmmemmme l lmKort of powerf fr;;lm1 (%%%l:)ec U power was expoerted by the Commis-- | e 3 revenue o ,100, annually ) sion. Ee quotsd authorities of Uniter ]Ch}al?m John Robert Cooke, Acting | was received from the export of off-- || States power beodies and enginsers t« | rman of the Ontario Hydro Power| peak power to the United States, he|/ the effect thet if this power were cu: | Commission, stated yvesterday that the| said, and applied to reduce the price|, off it would be a calamity to manu-- \ Commission had decided on the re-- of power charged consumers in the' facturers in New York. One Ameri-- | habilitation of the Dominion Powerl Niagara district. This off--peak power, || can writer had said that if this powe: and Transmission Company's system| he said, could not be used by Ontario | ) were stopped going across the border in a way that would allow utilization ' consumers. "If any one has the || New York manufacturers would be at-- of mo:g of the off--peak power now | courage to move, and if this Legis-- ;ltractod to Ontario. The Commission, CX'II'%T: w(f)?km}e'evgggd vsvgtxtl:is. tike R lature passes, a resolution which !he said, generated power at Niagara ' matter of two or three years to com--| 3igltnll'?ctdext}gistllere\;sé;rsemf;?e ?{ffg?;i; Falls and cexported at a small rate, piete. lHe explained that the Do-- | nower tiners afre no contracts made !l and at the same time imported power i minion system is now developing and | g is Cor 'hi || at a "nice" rate. 3 s | by this Commission which could not ¥s & + | distributing 61,000 horsepower. BUt| no cancelled in twenty--four hours," | Cancel the contracts for this ex-- : the Commission had decided that it nc Geclared. Most ofythis off-- 22; | bort of power," he challenged, "and j | was better adapted to a "peak--load" ' -- ; PC&% |give us the power generated at *proposition. By rehabilitating the powler. he cont:lnued. Yas Sxportcddfa, | Niagara." | Dominion system and co--ordinating it | N&Nt, when there was no erl?an hm: l Hon. Dr. Monteith--It's off--peak | with the "off--peak" power now ex--| :t _"°re. w1'th regard to ot e'rlt_ 82 | power. ¥ | ported. the system could distribute ?}?-g)tt?;ktpq" er e;porteid.t'he exP é'mcet(f | Premier Henry said that the origi-- 200,000 horsepower, an increase of| °N2' tR&t was under ;xs '_';\g COP rta ° |nal contracts of the Ontario Power | about 140,000 horsepower, and at the| asSumed by the Hydro when it t0o9k | Company assumed by Hydro Were fOf same time save for Ontario consumers| °VC" Other privately owned plants. 100 years. off--peak power now exported. Can Use It in Short Time Hence. fIf these contracts for the export _--_____--= 'Tigd < is re. | Of Power were cancelled, Dr. McQuib-- Stirring defense by Hon. John Rob--|, NDS" thgmHg dro lgyi';;ma i a&f,.. } ban asserted, American indu?tries ert Cooke, Actingy Hydro Commission| PAPilitated, which wou e S NiE _|| would come over to Ontario, 'The Chair . of Ontario's sale of _| of two or three years, it would be | _ , / in i . man, 0 ale of off Ai 'of k rer im | Liberal Whip also criticized certain peak power to the United States, of 1t.si able to use t off--pea Do"lfl 2. | Experts of the Commission for services undertaking in connection with the| Ontario and sell it at $13 a horse-- | rendered to Quebec power interests Quebec power contracts, and of the | POWCT. F a working side by side with the en-- "general healthy condition" in which | Hon. H. C. Nixon--Have any ON-- | pineers of private power interests. the Beck--built enterprise finds itself tario manufacturers now the Drivi-- |~ 1r "moQuibban deplored what he today, counled with an equally stub-- lege of accepting or refusing this Off-- | jurmaq ing efforts of Mr. Cooke and born charge by Liberal Leader Sin-- peak power at the same terms ON | ns ydro Commission to hide behind clair that Mr. Cooke had not only which it is exported? | the record and name of Sir Adam failed to "annihilate" (as predicted for _ Mr. Cooke--If you name me @ | pacr ang to shield themselves and him) the McQuibban charges of last manufacturer in Ontario who is will-- | their bargainings with Que{)'efl power week. but had, on the other hand, ing to accept that off--peak power At | interests behind a ut{tement that Sir actually confirmed them, featured | the price at which we are exporting | Aqgam once nego*izibéd for the 'pu"- | yesterday's Legislature debate on t,he[ it, he can have it. | chase of Quebec ~power whez; as fxe voting of Hydro items in the supple--) Regarding the contracts by the | pu; it, "gir Adam no longer can speak imentary estimates. | Commission _to purchase Queb>t | for himself in this regard." In between the Hydro head and the\ power, Mr. Cooke explained that in | The House knew full well, and so | Opposition chief came more McQuib-- 1923 a dearth of power was foreseen | did the Hydro Commission, submitted ban--made medicine--a stiff swallow, for users in the Niagar®A district, the Northeast Wellington member too, for the Government benches--in | which had 72 per cent. of the popu-- that had Sir Adam been alive toda); that it contained further allegations) ration and 85 per cent. of the manu-- these Beauharnois and Maclaren con-- (Continued on Page 2, Column 4.) facturers of the whole Province. tracts never would have been entered | Names Rental Figure. tnCs \_ Referring to the contract made by Faith Becoming Shattered. | the Cox;,lmissimldw;th tlg Intema; ;gr.DCa;)}:eQ haga referred to him, ' tlonal Power an aper Company at sai r. McQuisban, as a man who | Paugan Falls, he mention%d thalté %he knew about as much about the Hydro | company was paying the-- Commission question as "@a bae on thse street." | $30,000 a year rental for a transmis-- "We'll, just let me tell the honorable | sion line with a total load of 30,000 member," said Dr. McQuibban, "that horsepower. When a second linec is the childlike faith of the people of | bpilt, it would pay a total rental this Province in the Hydro enterprise | of $90,000 a year. Deducting this | is becoming shattored." * | rental, he said, thecompany laid down | Dr. McQuibban said he had "rolled power at the Ontario boundary at a " ~ptat ¢ f