Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Feb 1931, p. 3

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gL °5 " ' SR : ® t h' k t' C m a| nUrban. Centres Derive ar e lng a p g More Benefit From _ » _ Highways Than Do _ Rural Interests, Premier f Or nLlLa 1IO _ Rural Interests, Premier _ Tells Delegatlon---Clalms' s ' | # ® ® Begins Imimediately Gts iaUVs ty 1e ' ® + egl nS _ in Proportion Than Do Province to Locate Repre--! 'SUBURBMAN PO-- ' sentatives at Strategic WITH GRE AT G ARE Y WERS Points in East and West UNDER CRITICISM! ymmmsesmemes | tO Ad' ance IndUStry TO AVOID ALL REDS A promise that the Government would] Nee en oi nrareremontgamieg give careful study to the whole question 4 e of taxation for highways was given by GROWERS I' AVOR Premier George S. Henry to a deputa-, » y a tion representing nearly all Ontario ADVERTISING ' LAI\ w0rkerb warned HOW t0 urban municipalities at the Parliamenti ho rreprne ermmmnges Picket, and Not to Buildings yesterday. Further than this Announcement was made yesterday Oppose Police :')romt,l;ei of a study of the question, the | yenlerday eputation received no indication of the by Hon. Thomas L. K""""d-"aM;m"t'gi! PP Government's attitude toward the re-! zi' ;egr;z&?x:;i;)cll;:xztrirsoatntlfcl Pro':/incol" § quest that urban municipalities should fls Soportment would take immediate! WALK QUT AT 10 O°CLOCK teveive some reliet in oSE of Siourogn| steps to "go after and get" satisfactm:vi wl S t ns hi ue ierauieiang roads markets for Ontario grapes in Eastcrn| * 4 : | % # While the cities want relief from tax-- "nfizi':'f';flafiar&fi&d Kennedy s:ated. Meanwhile Communists Plan ation for suburban roads, the counties to locate representatives of the Prov-- Blg Day it POIice were also asking for relief. He expected | ince at strategic poinis and have them to hear a deputation from the counties maintain close contact with the grape Say So next week. "I hope they won't ask to growers here in matters of prices, sales, be relieved of the whole of their taxa-- shipments and other factors pertaining M en tlon"tor roads, as the cities are request~-- | to the advancement of the industry _ After months of organization, the In-- m%'h h%eObi;?:Vth-l_ is i * in general,. Appointment of the repre-- » x 7 + e benefit of highways accru ar aenst:tlves ma)? pcomt' as a step in the {;;?::olr;:é ;:gjfsorg:eg'e'?;mro;f:si more to cities and centres of business marketing program advocated in the makers out on strike this morning at than to rural interests, said the Premler,[ recent Somerset report, or it may be 10 o clock & after tracing the history of the devel--| made 1mm'edxately--"on its own hook, Acting on instructions from officials opment of the suburban roads system;: so to speak. f the unl bers of the Strik A property assessed at $5,000 in the city | Parley With Growers. of the union and members o ty iwould derive benefit from highways to| 7's statema ; Commuttee, which is representative of, far greater extent than a property| Colonel_ Kennedy's statement WAS, ayey factory in the city, the workers 4 | made to The Globc, after a conference| SVE '8¢ ryt t 8 ib & thelr jobs similarly assessed in the country. Pre--| which he and the Agriculture Commit--| Snd then at 19 ooloes fy fibe Oottinier Henry noted tnat the system of| fee of the Legislature had with NI282TA! machines for the Labor Lyceum, Spa-- Ité.'iing urban municipalities for roads ant.l.hEsse;egtr gpe g;oxz;;'; ?lf)()t.h{:,gui;.':;:o:}! dina Avenue. | beyond their bopnd?'rics' was dllafi?re?t of T OXt t?aisocf(x:fo(rmrobt'w c'omm;t';c! The strike brings to an end efforts|| in Ontario than in the Sn.ates.t e{r;)h.,, l".-y. addressed by E. TF Pai'm"l' dirf"C%,;')l" on the part of the Provincial Govern--| for instance, paid 170 x;rv CCI]C. 0 Th e or"the Government's exporimental frui:) ment extending over the past two weeks | COStS ofitt.he trcfmdstl nl o o m mougffiic station at Vineland: by C. W. Bower of, to settle the dispute without a cessation | i Weifte' w ellens. coy acrg'--;lmf'onr T eek. the Vineland Co--operative Company: by| of work. 'The Government, through | ydsc gh we'er!a ;Sf;et;e tyhe necessity Captain W. C. Thompson, Vineland| Hon. Dr. Monteith, brought employers 'e'fm h ege :r?x'é:ion of hiehways of the grower; by Arthur Smith, another grow--| and representatives of the union into || esent oire and COSL.. 'Phe iehclevel er; by Ira L. Graham, Chairman of thc' conference, but was unable to find & | grid e at Hoge's Hom'w Premie; Henry Essex County Farm Burcau: by Joseph} basis of settlement. { cibeg as an example of a hishways Smith, Saltfleet grower; and by vari--' ' T ect al t "' for the Benefil uf ous members of the committce. ,pro,.e?' e'most soleiy ior Lhe benefil of With no United States market left ithe baso> for Ontario growers, the Canadian mar-- | Want Less Taxes. ket had to be improved, according to I R is r Mavor the consensus of opinion. By newspaper 1&3:?13 delgfi;g;ifnc? sgul;le;}? "\i,xgg .:F'aied and radio advertising and gencral co-- that t¥1e Delieved the tixr;e had éome operation of the Agriculture Depart-- t arelievg urban mur;'cipalit*es of taxa-- ment the growers could, they felt, sell t?on for the buildlng' and n'laintvemnce four times more grapes in this Province of suburbar: roads. He produced clip-- :3:? tg%;}:;;&o:c':;gc ?'Lgf(::;ap::-\;egt pings of various'edi(orials to show th_'.'it $ \;vu .keen in the \Vbste;x; Provint(,:c*pnn % e mevapete an ns iprovines" alI}I d::)"y & > 5 m vi k C- well as the_ East, and only by "boostin; ; 32355 a&e rillénpf'ihr;cirl;'limol? Ctehc- gagoline the Ontar mi prtolsum could ""; Ontario k taxation which provided that the roads fl:::eeriogawfiich Cfi":fa"';i'_: (MiEimge iess should be paid for by those who used itled ties. isit Lhemseives them, and in proportion to the amount enuitie .P Wint 6t --c lthey used them. Protest Pending CDu y--Cut. s Strong protest was raised by the Toraento's Burden. growers against the reported impend-- Toronto Works Commissioncr R. C. . ing intention of the Dominion Govern-- Harris stated that Toronto was paying ment to lower the duty on Australian for 235 miles of suburban roads running wines and to permit concentrated grape I for long distances cutside the city, one juice to come in from Australia free. |\as far as 28 miles. Since 18925 the "If this is to take place," said one 'city had paid $5,000,000 of the cost of grower, "we'll have to pull out of the these roads. He urged that, though the grape--growing business." 'c!ty should bear some precentage_cf "If the grape business is ruined," ! the cost, the precentage was tco high protested Arthur Smith, "the Niagara 'at present, He also said that Toronto Peninsula is ruined." ; would petition for a return of a part of the gas tax. j _ Alderman Frank Mitchel of Windsor argued that some limit should be placed on the paving of thoroughfares under the suburban roads scheme, and the urban municipalities should be given some control of the development. f Besides Premier Henry, members of the Cabinet present were: Attorney-- General William H. Price, Hon. Dr. |John M. Robb, Hon. John R. Cooke | and Hon. Paul Poisson.

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