0. t £5.53: - in , ardson's atlii"tr,.e had been iitiN -.d., _ C l s', ' Government. funds. he "id, "Nara my plied. " wasn't really afraid. but I I "itii/r" sign. . Then he stated quite frankly thought I'd better go." , Y _ ' that, hit guild not read or write. He "When I was making the statement," Pt 3 c. uid that Gamble had met him in a he continued, "they asked if they could _ - . gamer: tag? asked him to sign the put down that I worked tor Richard- per. u at he could not remembe son and was paid by Government money. whether there was writing on the They wanted to put it down, but I said paper or not. Gamble. he said; wanted no." but I offer to put it in to the commit- ,hiill to sign because he was "checking Mr. Sinclair wanted to know if he tee," Mr. Sinclair retorted. ' up on Richardson. had anything to drink on that day. "Oh, put in what you like." Mr. Fin-I I Mr... Sinclair then spoke ot the "am. "Oh, I was pretty good, but I made home layson retorted. "It you didn't bringl davit statement ot McMahon before all right." McMahon replied. " had Gamble here Its your own fault. Put' E. Montfort. McMahon said that he some drink of my own. I didn't have m the affidavit. We're not going to gas" 31:" a 'set,1t/,'.'mi',ht',t,' informer: in any with Gamble." kick}; bYou've kept the House over a: s presence, lg o lis usi- . wee , ut we've tried to be fair." [ ness relationship with Richardson. But, Explains Refusal. Mr. Sinclair maintained that the said he. they wanted him to wait while McMahon was asked why he had re- Legislative staff would have to be kept they typed the statement on another fused to give a statement to Mr. Dicker. on the payroll until at least Tuesiiay' sheet of paper. He said that, lv, had the Government investigator, when he anyway. i, told them that his horse was hungry went North to inquire into the case. "If you hadnt forced this they'd have' and he wanted to get home. So. he McMahon said he had come into the all been away." Mr. Finlayson replied, continued. he signed a blank short. of Junction to meet Dicker, but that Raw- "You've cost the Province over $2.000 paper and they put the typing on it linson, who kept a store there as well for this farce." afterward when he had 30110. as Richardson. advised him to avoid Mr. Binelair---Ycu're getting- 31000 Not Read to mm. He Says. Dicker. "He said they might get a hold extra. "Was the alldavit read over to rout"! on me." McMahon added. "They might Mr. Finlayson-Yolo the sam". he was asked. . write anything down after I signed." Mr. Sinclalr--Who's taking $2.000 out, "No," he replied. "Rawl'mson had experience," Mr. of the Province? Mr. Finlayson said that Montiort Finlayson observed. Mr. Finlayson-You arc. was another Liberal Association Presi- McMahon stated that when he was Mr. Sinclair wondered who w'lulcn't dent. just as was Gamble. (coming to Toronto Gamble and Raw- say that the "exhibition" before he "Well." said Mr. Sinclair. looking at linson had advised him to see Mr. Sin- committee wasn't worth while for a 'ewi l.t.he witness. " don't believe a word clair. It h dollars. ' that this man is saying. I must frank- Again questioned as " t e number "And," the Liberal Leader declared" l, ly say." or drinks he had had when he made "it the Minister doesn't prosecute some', l "He's your witness. not mine." Mr.ihis statement b: Montfort, the witness one he will be remiss in his dut.cs.1 Finlayson retorted. implied: "That/s something we dont Either witnesses were perjuring 't'ii'e'i"ii?.l, Then Mr. McMahon said, in regardikeep track of." selves or there was a faked-up aitl-r no the "affidavit." that a little ot it, He declared that he nt'y'ersaw the davit." ' In)" tgreen read to him. But. he tip- 1'yi,rj,tt(',,1,. se,ti','g1,u//t,i,lo 613:1. "11);; "Petty Matter." l i care ' no one told'me I was taking in? e ,"a'? c . g . ' I Mr. Finlayson declared that when his tan tyffidavit. He also stated empha- Cramblo Tare him a copy. tically that ne had not been "sworn", "That was part of Gambie's deep-laid depart"??? Ill. PE?" attacked _1,1,'i" had when making the statement. 51710:," Mr. Finlayson interjectcd. 'le/t his b,vfis'/sie"ltditl: 1:18? foutn '.. ":11: When he was asked about the date McMahon. continuing to reply to e/vase 1asdlltseh,?.nii'l,'c)fd 'sp/sled. b ,t,'i, when he made the statement he re- questions. declared that he, Richardson again ly. a r. Int? air m 0,9" plied: "Oh, I can't read ii. write, and Kydd had travelled to Toronto responsible for delaying the House With. and pay no attention to dates. When togethor, but that he did not talk the? a petty Iytrttr . l I want to know a date I ask mv case over With them. 1 I don t give a continental for thei Wm... " y "And ml never saw me until you; responsibility." Mr. Sinclair replied. l, l "Do you want, to see some of my saw me here today?" said Mr. Sin-l A111 want to know. I? my depart- writing?"" he inquired naively Then Clair l ment clean or not? Mr. Finlayson said. he fumbled in a pocket and said: "That/s right," McMahon replied. l "I have been 1ii.te1i1e1...,e1tjr,1,ei?,ire..sl u ' . ' louder the most adverse criticisms, Mr.1 Its on a permit, but that s no mat- Duties as Inspector. 'SInclair said 'ter. When Richardson, the next witiness.' "Why isn't Gamble here?" a Con- "Motel" Written Baekward. took his place before the comm tteerlservative member shouted. Mr. Sinclair began questioning him aS1 "He wasn't summoned," Mr. Sinclair . I he" smiled at the commit" mm"; to his duties as Government Road In-' replied. "There are 100 Tories here who rs and told them that when he had s 'ad t . hi h . , . " . ' ' spector and the ro'a sys em in wn c idldnt know enough to summons him. come to Toronto he wanted .0 know l 1 d rt Mr Finla son Seve' " . ' ' o . hi 1 ti 1 ... . . _ " pa'ye. a pa . . Y 3 Why didn't you summons him.' Hes is oca on, so ie wrote on his liquor . . I t . de took to ex lain the . ' t it wher h w q . '9" 1rnos un y' . . p iyoul President. your correspondent, its" the wcfrdse JT 'edt/fi, 'e had l system Mr. Sinclair said he wanted Mr. Finlayson said. plained He 'gs,o,'dy'ldwltlf, Dari-"1:801: l to get the information from Richard- Mr. Sinclair read what he introduced the committee He had scrawled down son. The Minister. said he, could tell as Gamble's affidavit. In it, Gamble "letoh." Mr 'rGiiyriii' looked at this about the ideal system, but he wanted; stated that it was not a blank paper f . to see how it worked out. Mr. Pinlay/ signed by Kydd and McMahon. He de-, gr a t',ntt'len,t; puzzled. Then he laugh- son declared he was just trying to navel clared that McMahon and Kydd had' e . o r members laughed as the i Mr. Sinclair understand the situation} signed it after reading it This Gamble meaning dawned on them. Boon the I "Go on and examine it without under-l " ' ' ' committee rocked with laughter l . . ,. - . F statement was sworn before Montfort "Wh " . . .standing. he told the Liberal Leader. on March 31. Mr. Sinclair handed the y, said Mr. Pinlayson, laugh- "That's Just about what I'd expect d tt Mr Finla son ing. "it's 'htgtel' written backward." And . " ocumen O ' y . ' . .' . from a Minister of the Crown, Mr. 1 d tha it could another jumble of letters beside the Sinclair rctorted. 1oeri,e1ie,1Tfr'iu?i'tc, a; it 'ii, not in' letoh finally was. discovered to be 'Mr. Sinclair wanted to know Why'lcourt. and that it was not a statutory,' reverse writing of Walker. Richardson had asked Kydd tor Cram-id 1 tion l . " "??Retlet1" McMahon continued, ble's letter. "I wanted it to show who! 853:3. "i"t"'to me, then," Mr. Sinclair" 2/iy'l wiry name; that's it I m pushed this thing from the start," the said. i . ' " .5. t t . u " . . . . " y . . Mr. Sinclair wondered how he kept,' "mm-9 s S a If , . h No. "Mr. Finlay son replied; we'll Did he know anything about t e hold it , track of days of working so that, he ' - . . statement made by McMahon to Mont . h ' would get paid for his time. "Oh, I icrt? he was asked. Information ."t tr?" . 1. , 1 scratch it on to something.' McMahon He replied that when McMahon and Mr. Sinclair objected to Mr. "may. explained. ., _ , . son's suggestion that he had informer. Kydd and he were coming to Toronto tion last February He stated that he No Government Cheques. l on the train McMahon had told him ot his iiiciiiiiifo'n on March ll. ', Continuing. in reply to questions. he, that he had made the affidavit. "L'. Finlayson suggested that the}; stated itivel that he had never been l Mr. Sinclair referred to an item in . . e, [ , pos y ect committee adjourn. He thought that paid in Government cheques for work It"? 1927 public accounts that the Gov- the committee had been guilty of "a' done for Richardson. lemmem had paid Ri.ehardto.n, $1.000 childish exhibition" and that a day had' Questioned as to further details of 'fort 0321i; s,t'Sjr','gt't; 1f"tt,'ltr.t',tyiiiii wasted. ', what happened when he at ned the' Sta ed t a e 1 no reca Rt, u " , idea, all well and sheet of paper for Gamble in gthe pooh! he was pretty sure that he had never go'if,"ti1fssii211lir rimmed. "Why trr', room, McMahon grinned and said that' made such a big sale. jubilant?" l, he had used his permit that day; in fact Not Out of Government Money. "1'm not Jubilant: I'm just sick of it." ; "..e had been drinking. "You see," 1.1el, Mr. Richardson. in reply to Mr. Pin- Mr. Finlayson replied. "We have found explained. " lot of fellows just got in I' layson. stated emphatically that he had out that there was an attempt to get: from camp and I knew them all. ' il never paid McMahon or Kydd for farm Richardson. It was a piece of spic- : [ h Had 2idrd his permit in Toronto? " work out of Government money. This work."s I i id th t h i ht a mi 1 e was a e . concluded his evidence. Mr. inc a r sal at. e mg . i "No," he replied. "But I want to get' Mr. Sinclair told the committee that have something to bring before tht?! /'nld f,Lf,t £03"; "if ifhldcah" m. he had an affidavit from Mr. Gamble. conimétteet. m k 'll try again: but , W y e a trone WI l "You should have Gamble here," Mr. " on' m you a .' jGamble to make the statement before F'anlayson declared. we'll investigate anything." Mr. Finlay- Montfort. McMahon declared: "Jiml " could have given this to the papers. Ison replied. So the committee ad-. _ look after me." l "What did he neon by that?" Mc-l . Mahon was asked. ' ' "Well, maybe they'd put me in le) , 'ttlink,'" he retorted, and again the UGGiittee room was tmed with laugh-l ter. I _ " "Whom did Gamble mean by 'they'?" N'" he was asked. i "Oh, are». m." McMahon re-