Ma'r t'..'\ 'Z%fi' [erenmmenremmemmmemmmmmmmmenmnthnmemmmennmemmmmmenmenmenmenpmmmmenenennnnneaieieeiienenmm mmmememmmnammemmmem mmmemeieh ""'"--_----___--_'--_____----____-_._ | paving program beginning about the | second week in April. Oxford County 'Councu passed a grant of $24,700 for lperma.nent. work in town. The town will also have the privilege of having the first concrete road yet laid under = the county road system on Tillson Ave-- enc hetienncae |nue, at an estimated cost of $22,000, § ' and bona fide residents will be given the Brantford Deputatmn Re. preference for work. Adjoining this % road, the county will spend $4,360 for ceives Favorable Reply ';esurracms on to Otterville and $4,000 %, i % or resurfacing west to Delmer. The From Highways Minister | rignways Department will also start -- Sommnmersmenomemonmmememmemmntosmucs x')iav:?sgtgdal\gdr 1 e:ggmmlles from the town Srings $ lim oun n on the Ingersol!-- (Special Despatch to The Globe.) Tillsonburg road, recently t.akegx over Brantford, March 27.--Hon. G. S.| by the Province. H>nry, Minister of Highways for On--| Tm y -- tario, gave an encouraging reply to Brantford's representatives, Mayor | Beckett, Ald. J. H. Matthews and Ken-- neth MacDonald, who were in attend-- ance at the Department of Highways in Toronto to p:tition for the institu-- tion of public works in this district to relieve the unemployment conditions. The Minister promised that consider-- able work,. starting early this spring, would be done on the St. George and Burford roads, also that some paving would be done this year on a shorter A Brantford--to--Toronto highway. Since the bridge in Paris is not likely to be rebuilt soon, the Minister said, the Burford road to Eastwood had really been made a detour, and in view of the increased heavy traffic using that road, considerable work would be done on it early this spring. Although it would * ! probably not be paved, a more perma-- | nent surface would be put on. The work | would be carried on without closing the | road. \ __1If the Counties of Brant and Oxford 'wanted to undertake the paving of the | Burford road now, but felt they were unable to finance it, the Minister said, | the Government was prepared to ad-- | vance them the money for that pur-- pose. \__The Government also considered the | possibility of relieving Brantford -- of some of the traffic by the extension of 'the Dundas Highway by Governor's | Road to St. George. That would make 'a nearer road from Brantford to To-- | ronto than at present exists, and the section from Clappison's Corners to St. George would be paved. This route | would not touch Hamilton. | Acitivity at Tillsonburg. ! Tillsonburg, March 27.--Tillsonburg i will be the centre of an extensive road--