Chief Coroner Dr. Craw-- ford. Creates --Precedent in A s ki ng ~Professor Klotz and Drs. Herbert Bruce and F. N. G. Starr to Attend Myrtle Rogers Inquiry ASK QUALIFICATION FOR ANAESTHETIST S An invitation which vitally affects the medicai profession has been issued by Chicf Coroner Dr. M. M. Crawford in eonnection with the inquest tomoarrow nizgn into the death of Mrs. Myrile Rogers, aged 40 years, who died on TFeb. 21 while under an anaesthsiic at Et. Michael's Hospital. 'The Chief Coroner's move is in many yespects without precedent, but in view of the present state of the public mind in rogard to deaths of persons while undergcing operations, he has a desire to conduct an inquiry in this case that ill know n bounds, in order to have &ll the facts disclosed. Dr. Crawford has informed many of the most noted medical men and sur-- geons of the city of the nature ¢f the inquiry tomorrow night, and has asked their co--operation. Vrominent Men. Among those invited to assist ars Professor Osker Klotz. pathologist of the University of Toronto. and the Toaronto General Hospital; Dr. Herbert Bruce, and Dr. F. N. ~ G. Starr, well--known aurgeons. Dr. Crawford said last night that he was not propared to say, until this evening, whg would come forward, but he has arranged for a sitting Tucs-- fay night, and, if nesessary, ancther on Weanesday. While there have boen inquests in & number of anacsthetic cases in To-- ronto, the Academy of Medicins and the Ontario Minister of Health, Hon. PDr. Forbes Godfrey, have been prose-- cuting other inquiries, the latter being chiefly into the merits of United States ether. In the United States there have been a number of deaths of persons under-- going operations, 'and the Governmeont officers at Washington have been mak-- ing a special probe along the lines of that ordered by Hon. Dr. Godfrey, No reports have yet been made public, but both here and in Washington it is claimed that the results have shown that there is nothing wrong with United States ether. Should be Qualified. 'The investigations of the two Gov #+nments, The Globs has beon unoffi cially informed. points to the neces sty for the employment ut every opet ation of a spscially qualified: anaes thetist. P * Last wock the Academy of Medicine announced some proliminary findings in connection with cases of deaths un-- d4er anaesthetics, and the Council will shortly issue a fuller statement em-- boaying all the findings. Some of the Tellows of the Academy are desirous of naving the Ontario Government ap-- point a Royal Commission, but at the Parliament Buildings it is claimed that there is a feeling that when the re-- sults of the inquiriecs, made: by Hon. Pr. Godfrey's experts, are made known there will be no further demand for such a Commission. tom>row: Quebec Is Rumored to Have PROVINCIAL CLAIMS T0 POWER OWNERSHIP WILL BE ALLOWED? Federal Authorities Said to Have Agreed to Alloca-- tion of Rights CONFERENCE RESULTS (By WILLIAM MARCHINGTON.) (staff Correspondent of The Giobe.) Ottawa, March 9.----"Real progress' s made at yestcrday's conference re-- sarding th> roespective rights of tht Nominion and the Provinces of Ontaric ind Quebec in connsction with wate: powers and navigation on rivers, like the St, Lawrence and the Ottawa. 'The Government of Ontario was represent2ed by Premier Ferguson and* Attorney-- General Price, while Premier Tascher-- eau and M,. Lanctot, Deoputy Attorney-- (Gieneral, represented Quebec, and the Dominion Governmont was represented by Premier Mackenzie -- King, Hon. Ernost Lapointe, Hon. James Malcol¥. Hon. Charles A. Dunning and other members of the Cabincet. The mecting was held in Preomier King's office, and lasted several hours. The cbject of the conference was to éctermine the rights of ths Dominion and Provincial Governments, respsc-- tively, on navigable streams, without resorting to ltigation, and the discus-- sions were characterized by frankreoss and rsasonableness on both sides, with the result that a basis for an am'cabic sottlement of the points at issue appsars to be within reach. Ownership of Surplus Waters, The Provinces considered that th intorests of navigation arse paramoun! on streams like the St. Lawrence anc the Ottawa, but firmly maintained tha after the requirements of navigation have been met the surplus wators balong to the Provinces. This was virtually admitted by the Dom'xqion Government it is understood, and some discussion devoelopsd with reforente to the division of costs in comnection} with works like dGams, which are common both to navi-- gation and power. dams, which are common bo'th to n@Yi--~' nrocceding with the idea of having all gation and power. ! Frovincial grievances removed, and, it _ One suggestion was that if the PrOV-- is claimed, the "substantial progress" inces of Ontario and Queboc underta®e) achieved on Saturday goes a long way a joint developmnt on the Ottawa) toward a solution of the problem which River at the Carilion Rapids, provisior the Supreme Court of Canada was would be made in the plans for @2G¢--] unable to solve. The net result will quate locks to replace the existing]0CkS8.] be that the Provinces will control the which will be Submerg'fi'd and destroyed power and the Dominion will be as-- by th> project now bsing evoived f0") sureqd that navigation rights are safe-- the utilization of the full head of PY®"! suarded. The division of costs will available at Carillion. ' The Provincts jikely be doetermined by expert adjust-- would pay for the powerb works, and th? ors or arbitrators Dominion would pay for the cost Cf » Exgrecs providing for navigation, less the dam-- age to existing property. On the St. Lawrence the situation would be somewhat similar if the Do-- minion and the Provinces conclude an agreement along the lines suggested yesteraay. It seems probable that the St. Lawrence will be harnossed grad-- Divided Power Among Three Companies arc.%li)fi\. y ually as viae markei tor power develops. In other words, thers will likely be a series of developments, like the Beauharnois project, instead of the $600,000,000 for the improvement of the entire waterway between Lake Ontario and Montreal being undertaken at one stroke. The Advisory Board appoint=d by the Federal Government recommend-- ed that work be commenced first on the national section of the river betweon Cornwall and Montreal, and a start already has been made on that section by the Beauharnois Company, which is making adequate provision for navi-- gation. It is not improbable that the Beau-- harnois Company will seek authority to divert an additional 50,000 cubic second feet of water from the River St. Law-- rence. Navigation requirements are met by the diversion of 2,000 cubic fset per second for the operation of the locks. Joint Development Plan. The situation now is that tae Prov-- ince of Quebesc controls the power on the St. Lawrence within the Province of Quebsc, but the granting of any fran-- chiss for its development is subject to the approval of the Dominion Govern-- ment under the provisions of the Brit-- ish North Amcrica Act and the Navi-- gable Waters Protection Act. With re-- gard to the international section of the river, in which the Province of Ontario has a half--interest, no power develop-- ment could be undertaken without the co--operation of New York State and provision being made for navigation. The most economical scheme would be a joint development, in which the Prov-- ince of Ontario would pay the cost of developing its share of the power, the Government of Canada would pay for the works incidental to navigation, and the State of New York and the Govern-- ment of the United States would bear their share of the cost. It is suggested that the proportion of cost to be borne by Federal and Provincial Governments, not only on the St. Lawrence, but on other navigable rivers, could be deter-- mined by expert adjusters. Information obtained from an au-- thoritative source is that potential water powers in the Province of Que-- bec have been allotted to three differ-- ent companies. The Beauharnois has got the St. Lawrence, the Shawinigan has cbtained the Upper St. Maurice River and the International Paper Company has been given the Ontario River. This arrangement is under-- stood to have been made by the Gov-- ernment of Quebec, which, of course, socures large revenues from the fran-- chises granted,. Statement to Parliament. Premier Mackenzie King will short-- ly make a statement to Parliament with regard to the matters discussed at Saturday's conference. MHe has been