Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Feb 1930, p. 3

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Ip <eK § 4 1 ns : F 3 h § j é eé. | 2 th. ----~If the Governmen. was wise in "its Broker P C 0 000C (f at length reports of Liberal meetings day and generation, it would not letl N?. e :::.'"'t;t Attorney--Generai || during the campaign, wherein Mr. Sin-- C _many hours pass, he submitted, before | For lgonhou' "dirty, ° yttersni e' clair md'cud a great Liberal gain in announcing the personnel of the Com--. °°""ln"; / bezh golngy' ar%l:md t-lge ,| the House. Other reports, he read. mission demanded. | Province picking up ramors. Pirst it || forecast that several Cabinet Ministers Question of Privilege. f was against my wife: that she was re-- || Would be defeated. "But," said the R lated to nearly every broker, to Sollo-- || Prime Minister, amid tremendous ap-- When the House resumed for the i plause, "they are all here." And he iedE rom io sofhk "on a mssiinn [ son. im proud of my 'aile. Shew 3o. [ waven his tight hand to eimphigite Nh mediately rose to speak "on a question §0n. I'm proud of my wife. She's re-- | remarks of privilege" in regard to the remarks lated to none of them. ie cAhy s F 4 of Liberal Leader Sinclair made earlier There are," he wont on, "a lot of; He recalled that Mr. Sinclaxr had re-- in the day. Mr. Sinclair, who had low--down hounds who ring my house | ferred to the Conservative "handbook chided Colonel Price for not being in And my wife and tell what is going to/ used in the clection. And so he re-- C 'h@s ; 'happen to me. I defy the lot of them. | ferred to the Liberal publication of a the House during the afternoon, was N2 en," ed, "bringing, similar charscter. This Liberal oroduc himself not in his seat when the At-- And then," he added, "bringing on ns termed " Podk of it roduc-- torney--General opened his reply. How-- tumors to the floor of this House. What C Wimed 'a book of jJokes, ever, he entered the Chamber shortly g 'l'{ls man the Leader of the OppositiOn | gareasm Continues. afterward. [ * $ kn iNtablanti | _ _Then, back again with criticism of Hon. Mr. Price read from typewritten 'jc é\d"r;nsmc!ax rose, interjecting an ob-- | Mr. Sinclair, hpgdec,ared that the Lib. sheets a report of the aiternoon pro-- * R ; P cral Leader had, in his spsech, sseme ceedings. _ Mr. Sinciair | immediately | _ Hon. Mr. Pricc--I'm calling you 2 bi& | mo be running on a fat tire all ine i asked for the source of this report. The | man. You object to calling you a small | time." Moreover, Mr. PFerguson cor. Attorney--General explained that ; |man. (Laughter.) . y,y | tinued, Mr. Sinclair "ran into the ditch 'stenographer had "taken down" the: Mr. Sinclair--Mr. Speaker, I NS 3 .;)u | when hbe ran into the Attorney--Geon-- Liberal Leader's remarks. 'to ask the honorz';b{c 'fnember to \nt;1- | eral." Mr. Sinclair--Surely you can't spcak'draw the word "big. (More laug.l-f Had any one, he inguired, ever 1is-- to a point of privilege until this is in | tet.) § ithdraw th> worq [ tened to a more pointed personal at-- the public press. "bg" PBal more igusmbecys "~_ C Tieek on any momost than that cnads Hon. Mr. Price--Do you want to pre-- | "PDis. (CLl mote Inaughter.) ; ; | by Mr. Sinclair on the Attorney--Gen-- vent me speaking to this on the floor Mr. Sinclair--Because you usod it in eral? "One would be almost incnnr,-'d of this House? an insulling i nagut tnilhedrace 4 prq | to think that there is some personal Mr. Sinclair--You don't need to get ! e Ho?."Mr. Pnce----'l "if.h?,l,a;' ho f'(fl_'l spleon or venom behind it, " he added. angry. ,,"'?"'1 and the word "big." (Uproar-- The Attorney--Gencral, Mr. Forguson | Hon. Mr. Price--I'm not angry: I'm | lous laughter.) continued, had to deal with difficult telling you---- Hes Duty to Perform. | problems, "but the day will come in Mr. Sinclair--If the Government is | When ths guffaws had quieted down ! the near future when the At'orney-- # gcing to the expense of taking a re-- '\ Colonel Frics continucd to say: "In my / General will fully and completsly an-- pori of my speech, surely it can let office as Attorney--General I exercise (swer any aftack made by any one on me have a copy of it. | m{ duty wlthouit f:}:u- or favorr.thlf lmy I his administration." | | relatives come in the way o 0 IJaw One of the difficulties encountered i'w" at Conference. | they will have to look after them-- in dealing with the brokerage situation, This concluded the momentary Cr0SS-- | goyes 1 have many friends--in the | Mp, Forguson continued. is the copflic' .flre a o o Rad. ho Aeocranle" memie: 'brokéragc business, in banks, lawyers, between Fedcral and Provincial juris-- tinued: "Had the honorable membcr'mombers of the House. I say to you "\ict.imis He reviewod the situation as advised the Prims Minister or myself| th;\t. this is an attempt to bring up all ; f -:m&j'm \ig;;r; refcrring to the Intor-- that he proposed ts make personal ref-- thess rén%lesst rumors to prevent my 1:1'(;\'ix:ci:xl Conference of that time. Cremeées, im hle speech this affern00n; | nrosecutint people who are deserving| Thon, as he traced following develop-- i Wiitld have been in the House." As of it I am not anxious to prosecute| mconts, he rccaliod the later confer-- 1 Wws he explained, as was generally pe:'pfe. I hope I will cease to be At-- encs between the Provinces and Fod-- !t'::tjvnc'ox}:fzr:::e egfaiegwge;g(;::gg; torney--General when this Govermpez; eral authorities. | on the brokerage situation. ex"f;t'; m'e ":i {) rotsscué,:'ofr(:; ..plea"'m" Code Not Amended. |_f"And," he went on, "it was pretty Eus,\ b?v&flz'arucg evcpn 'if he wAs at-- Ccmpleting his review up to the ]small fcr the honorable member from v'cl;(:d .bv Eh'e m;mb-r for SOuthl Op. ' present time, he stated that he un-- | South Ontario------*" Ifarlo or 'any other member. or by the | derstood that repicsentation had been "Order, order," Mr. Sinclair inter--| Kers. e would not forket his oath | Made to the Dommin'on Government to rupted. "I ask the honorable member | PTCkers. he ..';0% * 'hp vcgnbflluded "if | aemend certain sections of the Criminal to withdraw that remark. Mr. Speaker.;or omee. o Itack ake on me | COG6, but that no such amendments I ask for a ruling." paqAre flas aniy' & ack tc'"ma d (I)'ll be | bad been made. ' Hon. Mr. Price--If the honorable| !" the fiouse, lef me know, an L ¢ wish to impress upcn this House | member objects to the word "small,"| hf}m' Tt uie is || and the public," he continued, "that I'll withdraw it, but, in my mind, there: Nixon's Contention. ing Nixcn,| this Government siands with its iace lmay be another word--a small word,| . Remarks of Hon. fiarry C. Nixon firm against any type of dishonssty too. | Leader of the Progressive group, on thc' in business that i: can discern. Our |_ ltr. Sinclair--I submit again that ?;g";g}g; aqusstion were brith BuL §oll uctorminition is {hAl the PBE in , the honorable member should name the | * isrigt * p. | transacting ordinary affairs, shall have word or not use the innuendo. E. V(llht-*re, t tht Se:ur.t'\; lf'x agdshPr\- ! honest trcgtment and ample protection Hon. Mr. Price--I withdraw the word , YONHO2 ul he., asx};}d, 4 LI-FH o | against fraudulent methods. The great "small." I v::fl:on fea"':f',e' L.T Q:'C woastx;.i * ?;5; | thing is the protection of the public; Mr. Sinclair--And the cther remark.| gence of p,r:'el.l. e r 1'" t va't'"o abpje | for that the brokers can take care oi Hon. Mr. Price--As far as the other| yeaxfi'.xfnq' t',;;'i h ctirta is tgje;r-o:'l {Lg | themselves is gencrally admitted." ie olk n concerned, 1 think we'll lea"¢ [ Prvone agimilied had cromn up under|| There are thies faciore it ti€) Sitdl. that to che imagination. | th ronft ahmdb"i his (g) inion pbaen a | ation, he stated, namely: The discovery | __Mr. Sinclair--I think the honorable| th° 4 ,1: .in f 1 g TT | and prosecution cf the dishonest man: | member should not leave any infer--| n%u.ar (;l.).ef'mActto :\?}lt}iher 1 Price's | the study and improvement of meth-- i ence in the minds of the people. 'cm?fnt?on Othqt (;;ntai'io ;\rasahan-di\ifiz | ogs employed in carrying on brokerag> l Premier Interjects. hor situation in a way that commanded | L':'n:;fét'é':ch "ilzld tuhc'i: t;'e"\";"o't';ahtoul;g Plemier Porguson interjected a_ few | the respect of the public. the great body i| panic be created i'n business $ The At-- ' words of support for Hon. Mr. Price,|Of the pecole, submitted Mr. Nixon, were f torney--General, he observed. could cre-- and this brought from Mr. Sinclair| dissatisfiecd, and unless the Government | ate & patiic ab 29y ie l;y 1mpro;;éx' | the query, "Who is the Speaker, the| Showed a greater inclination to solve | carrying out( 02 . Ahe work of ins on. | Prime Minister or the Speaker?" thie brokerage problam he and his group / iee | _ Hen. Mr. Price returned to the re--| had no other alternative than to assg., HCC. } port of Mr. Sinclair's remarks and re--| Clate themselves with the Liberal group ;Called in Conference. I ferred to the suggestion that he had| 4nd support the amendment to the | So, Mr. Ferguson continued, the Address. | Government had called into conference. a brother--in--law in the brckerag> busl-! Investigation of the whole stock }and accepted advice from, some of the ness, market business should, in his belief, ; biggest business men in Toronto, rep-- "I said that was the rumor," Mr.| be taken out of the hands of the . resentatives of the largest financial Sinclair interrupted. | Attorney--Genera"s Department -- and ' houses, men of affairs, who have inti-- "I have no relatives, as I under--!turned over to a Royal Commission. :matc knov.'ledg:f: of all forms of business _ stand it, engaged in the brckerage busi--| _ At the outset of his remarks, Hon. | development. And," he said, "the Gov-- ness," the Attorney--General retorted. ; Mr. Ferguson heaped satirical criticism 'ernment and the Aitorney--General has He declared that his brother prac-- | on Liberal Leader Sinclair and Pro-- | been influenced in the method and con-- ticed law. and might take a case from | gressive Leader Nixon. "Seldom,." said GUCt of this serious matter by the ad-- \ some broker, but, he continued, em-- | he, in reference to their speeches, !\lge of sane, thoughtful business men, | phatically, his bromer had never got | "have I heard two addresses more de-- , ;'x'ngzgg;dgm;:tofidreégeg;dfi sA any case from the Government. "And," | void of constructive criticism. _ Mr. l Ns Ferguscn ~sane c 46 u. the Attorney--General went on, "he has | Nixon, he continued, had brought l though the éecurito nf'(;- uds Prevention never appeared on anything befor? | forward "a few shop--worn suggestions," | Act had been in yope?ation but tv'lo | me." .\ | but Mr. Sinclair had not produced one | years, it already had been copied by Mr. Sinclair again interrupted witlh | constructive proposal. | other Provinces. Mr. Sinclair had ask-- a query, and Colonei rrice in reply de-- 'Then for 20 minutes he continued to |ed why some oiher form of Act----a law + 'clared, "I have no brother on the"pa)" l fire broadsides of sarcasm and criti-- ;, establishing a Commission between the . roll of S. A. Taylor & Company. cism at the Liberal Leader. He read | broker and the public, to which every #

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