Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Feb 1930, p. 2

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_ F _ ' eh lath . ------.- _ 3 _ _ 2. . , . . 3 "e'"""""""""----.- _ _ um _ _ Sl hi At k St D ' 1 g " army efense I _!f?1.r1.tl..t..1yttUrom Page l thlmtlf'? evenly admitted that the Haney blue-. ICU 'cl'.'?, t, tu' rr .. , Sinclair was at pains to point cur, but, 1 sky law ol' 1023 had beep "lea drpstie" i into 'tli.";';",")),]),?',',')" Itowatsui tolget,' me! on information secured by their own for adoption by the Fergusn Cavern- you the rumors cu the 52.32%)! telling officials alone. and that the arrest was 1 ment ot th, following yCltl', end to 1'3'1 City of Toronto I have a . e? in yy! made several hours before Ottawa had l veal that tir? Attorney-Tenn-al at th.ttl to mention it here as . T, cot right communicated the name of the firm to ' tt1Cntyn!., was preparing 1~gislatiozi Cr: m. _ ~.... ii, a - ' you now. mews Park. Permit; Security Frauds rm-cn im "fi))'").'), 12t,e.: If m s k I ,, , ... ct-tha aimed to deal Vvic IlZE'f'l'U'TJ- . V 'r." J."- , t '. Wea er, a Government Apo'ah'r,izes, ne Says. lens brp,'trrs 9nd ""; lr; "a." trill permit me again. it seems to ymg' At the outset of his remarks in IT- mt iii.e:'f.r.~ with can: 3133.3. b" (Zone [ it Ia hardly a strong position for the Card to the brokerage situation Mr. on tho SUITE; c::chai:p, r." _ Hrciycr:rb's the Lcader ct the Opposition Sinclair stated that in the Speech from Crr.slrcritnpr, thy 3:31.311. of Cul r.W'. to ilk". If he is going to state things the Throne the Government was apoio- Fr'ce m, that tirv.:t.thr/iCu:ci' keno tie-.1)y saying, "iam only repeating mmors'n3 giz:'ng for some of its own legislation. C 13.9 (5-; him a: tho Pl',' rut hour :;u'i- he shcuid rither have the courage to He observed that the reference in mined 1113115133131 Lradrr, On Jim. "innit? his charge here. or the hump! the Speech to the Security Frauds Pre- hr. Corny-1 p113: liar] P, l 1mm" whit IIC.", 'Act, Co say anything about it. 1 tcntion Act stated: "Certain objection- was gcinfr on. "I an: ll" :;ho'.".:l liars My. Cyinclair--Mr. Speaker, I will; able practices will be dcait with by known." said Mr. Sine-leis. 'c-rv:: tly, matter ot courage and manli-' further Iegis'stlcn." Tho Liberal Lcarler claizncd that a: tlcd", 3" ween my honorable friend Gel, "That." said he, "is the joker in tilt the 1020 spriyyn rf tha Lezisiature he H3333)?" and myself tor the public tot deck. It is: the joker in this Speech. had urging! 53331;,- 321,133,"; CclonN .Eil§:3>'.,buu I am not going to be ledi just as the handling ot the act has Price's amendmcnm i) the .131. on the #33!" 1CP1 the argument which I am1 been in the hands ct the Attcrney-Gcn- ground that they W'i'i'f' only a gesturc dcvelcying step by step this afternoon. cral." --that they did in: half lllC'". the si:- Inem n). cergpg the At,torney-0en-i He observed that Mr. Price was not ttation-and mg: Cro broker." audits ("1' I am ""th Saying it is rumor- _r. in the Chamber, being engaged in the they provided tor vsauid 31m, crpatrp, that)" 113:3 br.othyr-inrlay ..ho is en-' Attorneys-General conference. He the result cf people placing more ci. 5,151.? Lii'lyu3n this business, and a; stated that he hoped that Colonel Pricr flden:'e in th:? brokerage houses and ,33'11q1")?r J,' 81: on'the payroll of s. lr, might have been present to hear his gambling still m :re. (ii",', .. .133.:'1131{pan-J' I am not saying speech and get something ct bcn'fit. "What has happened)" he :tsltsd. of "11713: thi'hg 'mN'lil't" aInythlngg A Benefit to Whom? -Exa:'tly what I prophesied. And tho tying .1» do ishtd help the Governm'irrirt Continuing. Mr. Sinclair wondered to' 1Atjd'i',n'titif11"ii'?'irl.c',ah,C.td h" fic',"):',',',. and 311919 in this investigation. whom the Security Frauds Act had 1 "d ly.,' lurid lights bill oi 1920 "Tarn there is another report that proved a benefit: to the brokers or the in lagging-1min the sob-h [r., made warrants for certain brokers were is- public? Admittedly. said he, many ll, CII' '13an he said It, "OUldHNOC sued before the last election, and that members of the public had lost money. interfere mm in,n stick exchanger... they put., up campaign funds, and no. so it could not have benefited them. Refers to Timbgr Probe. 31:17" was taken," , So, said he. the great value must have Making his "quest fol a Royal Cum- Th? Prcmicy---We n2vcr heard about; been to 'he broker, "who profited mission into the. brolwragro bu.ssltrvr, 33"? . . PV" . l When the statute was in operation." Mr. Sinclair stated that he knew that , MP. Jruy2li1,ir--Tl"rci,ore, you did "Gt? He ref-erred to the "Conservative the Government war not strong on "1"" 30311: l campaignfunds, either.g Handbook" inthe? last campaign. quot- commissions. and referred in biting T111111 in"? '3' inchfurther position, ing statements therein which spoke of term-, to My. 1'oyp,wcrcn and (hc t.r.:b:r '53 Pr,'(,.jy/l1j,",':1vo,,1r'el1,',,tr,1t.)f.', the Pm- the Security Frauds Act in laudatory prclw. 31.1.1. ",,/;i'j,C,s'1rc7.'nndr,,tiei'afcj,lt'ief, 11451315: terms. So. he added. up to that tltne' Sparking again in yc:rctrrl ln til. SM 3-1.3 33:23-3-1'1111 mt p11" W J es. the Governmtnt had certainly not rcc- curity FYaur, Pl'ct'cniimi A12. hr slid l., q .lcrsici'.. ognizcd zany "objccticnablo practlcch." that C'llrh woaknrvv,s "US thut tho At- Nrc:l cf a Commission. or else the campaign literature was torney-General conducted his inquiry Etrcly, he continued. under these "absolutely fraudulent and dishonest." in secret Mid that thr, t'l'idt'ttt'i? ir, not circumstances thp Government owed Then he quoted at length a state- made public. "He is Judge. Hurt; and h to Its-"h to appoint a Royal Commis- ment from the .ltttcrney-Gcneral in the hangman. and ("-321 RC? Ul' ri'i'i-k' to "1"" to.intitigato the Situation. was on Jan. 13. two days after the act." Mr. Ginclair added. $311111". Ferguson again rose. Mr. Gc11oway-Mllls arrest. In this ncws- Th? Liberal headrr vmnnwnzed In: 9.1mm" 12..1'-ea"c'd, "should realize Paper report. the Attorney-General the Federal Government had him" in- hi: "sycre.r.i,rvu.ity as a me.m.be.r ot this stated that Ontario was planning no' terested in getting the tar: colicc'erl on "NT-'3. What was the object of this action against the mining brokers. the transfer of shares. and he declared 1T"'vC'yai.l0lt Pf. rumors, he asked, it it For the next half-hour Mr. Sinclair that this had brought about the in- WOS no'. to injure the Government? quoted n'2wtip3pt?r "stories" to show, as quiry in Ontario. MP. sy1y1al!' objected that, under the he put it, that, while the Speech trom Mr. Ferguson intorruptorl lo 5113' ml?" of tn: house. there should be no the Throne made references to "ob- _ that Ontario had taken action "before interruption Ill the form of , speech. jeetionable practices growing up" un-Iwo-d came from Ottawo." Mr. Sin- "Will," yr. Fergvson continued. "my tlor the Security Frauds Prevention Clair maintained that "till; state of af- hcnoialole friend have the ordinary cour- Act. Attorney-General Price. according, fairs" Wttti discovered as a "Stilt of tall": not to say courage: to reduce c, to his own statements and interviews, 1 the Federal audit. ""1131 the charges he IS endeavoring had had no knowledge of them as late Continuing. Mr. Sinclair said: "The Cr; make agairrit the Government?" as Jan. 17. Attorney-General owed me the courtesy "li:? heard that word 'eharge' hurled 1 "Suddenly Come to Life." , of being here this afternoon." li-Tj:'?.,"?-', "Y.' of .the House "We and But tour days later within thrce "How did he know what you were Tcr,ein. My, Shula" rctorted. 'to "y . b, y. " ' '- n .. F . W. "r" to make some member nervous. You're hours of the time he (Mr. Sinclair) gorng to tttlk about? Mr. FYrguscn -. _.-,,' " " de' was to make a speech at Waterloo. the I inquired. 33"" 3'1"" to scare me. .1 haven V ma. " ' .. ' charges. nor am I making charges, but Attorney-General and the Government," Wants Mmultaneous Audit. 1tts!linr...r rumors that are re orted down-3 hedsaid. 2r.1'-edt,ie1dgift'.Trt, "1:911:11": Going on. Mr. Sinclair declared t/rti/i.i"'aiii 3,; 1393351 cough" Thestl ha RTTCS C a mem er o a ro er- ', a Ro pl Commission was thn onlv so l -' I.'It, 1 r, . 7 L' Ci', age firm. I lion y to the present difficulties. le; I 'tilt1inti1i,,,.atij.," gglfgfjugc $3elagayéht2rggegt1 "We knew you were going to be at submit." he continued. "that the At- 'ir. {31. the Government to have 'iii Waterloo," gibed Premier Ferguson. I tru'ttv-Crth'neral has failed." As for anlit;i,ai Commission" 3 "Of course you did," replied Mr. Sin-, audit. said ire. a simultaneous audit1 'iii') Sinclair claimed that the Gov-1 Clair. "You had been sitting around, in all amp" was the only: one umberff'n'em 5t i' w ditto the ubli"; doing nothing tor a long time. and was worth while. I', t'"; in" rosne,'ed :0 . t 'I' all you wanted tc score first. You knew Then. he continued. he wished o/i'),.',),,',,",,),",.',';" "a"; d ipp°'"..i,; aft?" 1 was going .to make a speech, antiipcint out to the House. same of tie'1i'ir"vnla,?i1jbiifi2,/n1 "to/l%'l'dl,,,1 'Jge,f.lall,'," 1113;: I was 301:8 tits? segrething." _ rumors that were going about. tq.'3a'§;ien" _ " k ' _ "Every mem er at?. overnment' "o e." st ted, "ls that Ssllmvay-l UB' c. .. . . e shivered." said the Prime Minister.' Je,.'",','.)',,..),",,',",'.'),,',)',;'),),,';) in the fail cf1 Val-113110 Lawful?! "rteee'i',. T, 11105113531133? "when they knew you were going thcre." 1027, and it was found that. there j of. l reread? l s",ide"'itu1Jfsta ars--- "No doubt they did," rctorted the was; a short position in the market.' {541-2 3030151198 ltlpl' Jf con- Liberal Leader, "trom what I've heard' but no action was taken. They were! n ?/1?""P, m" e be ion ritus---ln downtown." l simply told that they ought to' carry, SCELIQ; \vithMthc can?! chagges 'el At this Juncture Mr. Sinclair cxpress-; more stock. It this is hil, why wag "1 11y,t ifi 1mg? gills?- , gren. ed surprise that the charge laid by1 no action taken? rigid ff rhier gong; 'd', If,' girlie than the Attorney-General had been one 011 "Another rumor," he continued, "isl "13.3 was standin bv indifferent to- conspiracy. That charge, he said, as that Mr Rogers of the Attcriiev-Gen-I d d ki A g lk tt ctif a every one knew, was most difficult to eral's Department "as at a meetingi 93y 3-" mg mg no e ("m tt re 1310, prove. It struck him as cdd that of the Standard Esch'tnge in 1928 andl FI ua.lon t at had cost e people charges more easily proved had not; told them to'cerrv. a l'irwer percenta'm! 0111"" a fortune: . been selected by the Attorney-General, ' _ , c i',,,,' c- /, i',,1 . Unless there is a Royal Commis- of st.tocks that tht'y ("ltd to clients, szon' Mr Sinclair concluded his at- Mr. Sinclair claimed that the atti- .t n c a I , , ' . and suggested at Mint 50 per cent. gument "this Government will suffer tude of the Attorney-General Iti all his: If this is so why was no action taken?" ' i press interviews and statements had) ba- . ' .. land the people will cont nue to su V Been to divert public opinion from him- . Tells of Rumors. fer.. The Government is unsympath tic, self and his department. On Jan. iial Mr. Sinclair-Then you hear stories m its handling of the Secruity ' uds) Goionei.Priee had answered the Van-311mm the relatives of the honorable the Act, and no matter What @9511 We' couver sun's appeal tor a conference Attorney-General being engaged in may put into that an we Shall have of AttorneYs-Generai on the ii'r1egr'ta1t,Wtrt, business. no assurance that t e pub"; will get question with, "Ontario is going on mi The Premier-About what? "the protection to which ith, 1tt1tltlM." her own way." And he had no soon-1 Mr. Sinclair-Relatives-his brother . er got his reply oft than he wasiand his brother-in-law downtown. You dictating 1eey.yy.i,P1te?y aequleseing put some whiskers on and go down- touthe newspapers appeal. town and you will hear it all. I am Another case of remarkable change only relating to this House rumors I of mind," gibed Mr. Sinclair. "rd like have heard. to know who changed his mind tor The Premier-Seriously, does my him. It looks as it somebody stepped honorable friend want to make the into the situation, saying, 'We've got to charge that the Attorney-General is in- get in line with the other Provinces; fluenced because some of his relatives we can't sit around here like this, do- are interested in some brokerage busi- ing nothing and saying nothing.'" mess? My honorable friend is taking Plans of 1927. a serious position. He is charging the Mr. Sinclair then referred to a speech Attorney-General with being improperly delivered by Colonel Price on Nov. 18, influenced in the discharge of his 1927, before a luncheon meeting of the duties by the fact that he has some Canadian Life Insurance Officers' AssO- relatives in the business. elation, to bring out the point that on Mr. Binelair---Yetr. Well, fortunately that occasion the Attorney-General had for me, I am not going to do it, and

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