@Ad CAC pllk' V UAVL »pCRC CilldiLG 1@ 10 7. # ""I '75qr50'3/~):'é6/'"<-/9'"/"" f Li es I ' 4 o | L1Iquor aies InCr2ease, I otal Is $48,995,591, f bermuimimmracniantincsien ¢ Gross Profits Reach Totc! of Nearly $10,000,000 --1928 Is "Prosperous f Year" for V ending oj : W' ares, -- Cominissioners . Say HLECAL SALESs | | STILL A MENACE Recommendation Is Made of Certain Revisions in Act to Improve Enforce-- * : _ ment and Mitigate Rigors + of Law Against Poor _ People Official figures of the Liquor Control + p Board, as tabled in the Legislature # yesterday, reveal that sale of all liquors in Ontario for the last five months of the fiscal year of 1928 was 34.5 per cent. higher than for the corresponding period of 1927. P ; Sale of domestic beer registered a | 50 pes cent. increase; imported beer y |a 5.5 per cent. increase; Canadian wine / f | a 234 per cent. increase; imported wines |\a 77.2 increase; and spirits a 21.3 in-- f | crease. ' §