uts ""'-------'-'--' 'm aommmmmmnnmmenmmmmmmmmen n | l h v vse\a.s', I\\}VQ\\ 2 %., WA / _Council Administration. ' Speaking at the C.M.A. banquet, Mr. * Ferguson proposed that the endowment RE I N MMITTEE f * be administered by a Council on which there would be representation from the educational and industrial organiza-- T SES tions. This picture of the Council he FR A q%énn pa.nteél in the House yesterday e o e e afternoon. eyond announcing Sir Jo-- f I seph zr:s the head of this body, he gave | WI" ."'eport on Changes n no information as to details of its con-- _ rmmomm c mmmmmmmememen mm stitution or duties. And also he was RU eS OAf Pro%?dure Of . . % silent on the point of remuneration, if | ssem ? Will Head Organization of ; ihihaokbe d | N W F i t Premier Ferguson assured Aurelien | € % oundatlon, Pre { s Dln A F {Belanger, Liberal member for Russell, mier Announces ALYILL GMGUFRE TNR 3A L4 yesterday that, at the next session of heeccedl ce is romircmmss !the Legislature, a committee would be GR ANTS BY appointed whose duty would be to re-- GOVERNMENT vise the rules of procedure of the As-- eemmmmnre omm 4 sembly and report back to the House * s i s e before it prorogued. In the meantime & No Intimation Yet as to Who Premier Says Appointments MJt A C. Lewis, Clerk of the Assem-- Memb t C il yS AppOINnIMEeNTS piy; will continue his work of collect-- . emners of Louncl Made Free From An ing data for the revision in prospect. '~'J|Il B y The Prime Minister's assurance came * C SO"Citation after Mr. Belanger had asked when, if en rnemennempgemithitrimers at all, his resolution favoring such a g 4 se n iemeamensenmatsamemmmem revision was to be called. The present Sir Joseph Flavelle will head the or-- session was speeding to a close, and the ganization of the Research Foundation QUERIES |N LEGISLATURE resolution would have no effect at all, if that is proposed as a joint undertaking feignircause ie imeraiendaecaly geldwgtgr:g:r fidnall1 dayidbefox;'e tcalllng. o e ed, he said, not to press by the ontario GW?""'"""' and indus From Premier Ferguson the Legis-- it if he had some undertaking from the trialists in the Province. lature had the 1 4 Ministry that the work which the Clerk 7 ature had the information yesterday This was announced by Premier Fer-- that T. B. Chalk, W. H. Chamb a was now doing would be implemented son in the Legislature late yvesterda us ' * * & ers an immediately after the 1929 session open-- pall 3 Y ': R t P i o . H. Marshall, three unsuccessful Con-- ed, by the committee appointment he-- afternoon, when he spoke in connection servative candidate the "G suggested with the second reading of the bill to 1Cs NJMIC OYErll* * on mnrrmmmamensmanmee P s ment Control" ticket of the last Pro-- . establish such a foundation. His PYO-- yincial election, were now liquor store nouncement came as the climax of a officials Mr. Chalk is in the Port lengthy address along the lines of that Hope store, while Messrs. Chambers and * which he delivered at the banquet of Marshall officiate in the Woodstock y store, in the capacity of vendor and Canadian manufacturers on Dec. 1 laSst. pssistant vendor,. respectively. On that occasion he had told industrial-- Fice From Soliciiation f ,000 for : jggve f fsls that if they put up .3'1'000 90 for 2 The Prime Minister vouchsafed this research endowment his Governme?nt jnformation to an order paper inter-- would contribute $200,000 annually for rogation from W. J. Bragg, Durham five years. County Liberal member. He tonk pains, + It will be remembered that in his P:t\gfev'?r:'{pgaooir?t?;;étntgmhggatbeigx]} rt!};;gfi L speech that night he spoke of the ImM-- free from solicitation of any sort from portance of industrial research, told of: members of the Ministry. Mr. Cham-- f the projects of the Dominion Govern--. bers l:ac} been asked locally, he said, ment in the research field, of his con-- ;81:':(;'0 }']?g] ap(':\'}'r"tm;géugg;)hagsco?(; ferences with Dr. H. M. Tory of the! whathe, he was ca'pable of handling the National Research Council, sketched the job. industrial research work being carried "I urged him to take the position," on in Cormany, in Japan, in the -- said the Premisr, "for he is just the United States and in England. type of man whom the Government Yesterday the Premier reiterated all wants in the liquor stores of the Prov-- these remarks. Then he told the House ; jnee." . how he had promised that the Govern-- Frovincial Treasurer Monteith in-- ment would share the financial Y€--| formed Hon. H. C. Nixon ,(Progressive, sponsibility with industrialists and the pBranty that the Covernment paid no } public of the proposed $2,000,000 fund. _ commission to the race--track pool which Aid From Otiawa. collected the tax on nari--mutuel wagers, ~PAAFE f * 4 but that a commission was paid the 'Ihelq \tould prgbubl_\. he _(vwnt on, bc' oepsrators who enllected the tax on the some assistance from Ottawa. This he rst is s w machines. In 1927. he said. a commis-- understood from his conferences with slon of §42 338 had bes a*" out on the Minister of Trade and Commerce.| ! 31 s TR ABD nuoll "t. n P¥ He had furtker discussed the project| 4 $1.9(°.63"9 cosuection. with Right Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, and Cost of Keenins Onen Road. understood that it would get the support y s ¢ s > 3 of the British Government, and prob-- ,Stf;'og} E;;;"'.g'fsomt{;e Sfioll;lggrt\;'.ad'\ltigo ably some financial aid from the funds jnformatin~ that the keening onbnen of evailable for Empire work. || 4 the _ Goderich -- Stratford _ Provin&'«1 > We hope," he continued, "that n 2 -- viighway during the winter of 192/ .27 faw years we will see rising in this Prov-- had cost the devartment $2.648.97. »aile intcs a ressarch laboratory that will be this wflifer the same job fi;'d fneimt an | of benefit not only to the Province, but _ outlay of $1.445.58. | s to the Dominion as a whole. gpray t "But," the Premier paused, "much depends on how these things are launchbed. Announcement as Climax. And then he staged his announce-- ment. He made out of it a little drama * of suspense and climax, and "put it f over" just as he "put across" the in-- ( x troduction of Mr. Hanna as the Strong * Man of the Province. Before the climax came he had the members guessing 'who's the man," and his final words of pronouncement came in a hush of expectation. He was giad that he was able to tell the House that he had secured the | ; consent of a man who was a leader in the business world, one well ac-- f s , quainted with educational development,-- \one with first--hand experience in the | ' industrial world, to head the organiza-- tion and give it the impetus necessary t# for success. "Sir Joseph Flavelle," he concluded.l "has promised to undertake the organ--| f ization and assist the Government and L the public generailly to bring about this undertaking." ;