Satur Aaq,\--e.\.. 16 th But the fury and frenzy with which the Government supporters on the. Privileges and Elections Committee are endeavoring to turn the inquiry from an investigation of how and why the ballots came to be where they properly ought not to have been--following closely on the amazing exhibition of misplaced wrath by the Premier in the House --is rapidly engendering suspicion and shaking confidence in the bona fides of the expressed determination of the Administration to "get to the bottom of the whole matter." Perhaps the week--end respite will cool the blood and produce clearer thinking. The public cannot help wondering why the party majority in the committee seems afraid to act upon the sound and sensible suggestion of Mr. Sinclair and pro-- vide for the production of all the ballots--those in the boxes as well as those found upon the streets-- at one and the same time, when there can be no shuffling or sleight-- of--hand, and no mysterious or mis-- chievous manoeuvring. It is good business, Mr. Premier, to '"play straight." And--if this as-- pect appeals more strongly--it is good politics, too.