Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Mar 1927, p. 2

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--e----"" , ' _ "" thuvsd'uqo /vlartvlt "Li ___, - _ _ Hr. o'wimeirtetureiC-Disiiiatc-- " " Flood PM" "lumen ("ii?ti, from the Border Cities--" "a One of the most objectionable tea- million and a half of thirsty souls in lures of the Government-control bill, dry territory. who are going to flock Mr. Lethbridge continued, was that down on us for their drinks." These lit was proposed toHIood the" Province people, he said, would buy beer (with liquor. "The Premier," he said, "illegally" if they could not get it "says it will bring US back to the old by the glass in R, legal manner. The days, when convention made it taboo situation would be a. serious one if." young people to indulge in for \Vindsor and the Border Cities, lliguor. 11kg"; something toot that old at least, he contended. if the Govern- t ys. ant i s go tn: o go its . a ,, " hack to those days I think it should ment did not GO the right thing. be the last thing to do. 1 have lived Praises O.T.A. 'and associated with young people, M. E. Scott (Liberal. South Ox- and as I go tip and down this Prov- ford) said that he had no construc- tince I see a wonderful improvement tive criticism to offer of the bill at :under the 0.T.A. on the days prior the present stage: that he would to the O.T.A." vote against it, but would support it Mr. Lethbridge Went on to deal if enacted. As for the O.T.A., he éwith the Government's estimate of said, it was the best temperance' ifhfyyl?"P a your profit from the measure his riding had ever had. vcontrol sale. If. as the Government "l'll not say much for the. enforce- !said. beer was sold at cost. said ho, ment. as far as this Government is ill meant that. to produce that Concerned," he declared. He hoped ',, revenue, $50,000,000 worth of that under the Control Act the. Ctl- thard liquor would be consumed. To- forcemcnt would be directed to pre- lronto. with its population of 600,- vent drunkenness. i 000, would have to consume $7,- The Speaker checked Mr. Scott. i998,000 worth of liquor to produce ND. saying "he was Slimming oft the ;its share of the revenue. And his subject." village ot (llchOc, with 900 in.. " was Just thinking the sumo," 'habitants. would have to drink $12.- said Mr. Flcott, amiably. 000 worth of liquor to provide its One objection to the new bill, be [share of the profits. "Why even to said, in conclusion. was that it dele- ,think of it makes me shudder." said sated too great powers to the Com- ' he. »missmn. "If we succeed in taking the busi- Edmond Proulx Iliibcral. Pres- ness away from the bootleqqor, would I cott) rose to say that he felt the you object to the Prov are accept- place. for Mr. lianey to introduce ing the profit?" asked Mr. Fisr..ihis amendment was when the bill guson. ,was in committee. lie emphasized "That's an awful big " tu,re,"ihis' stand in taVor of Government retorted Mr Tmthrrridsro. icontrol. and declared that, since the "Well, let. "S UV." said Mr. 1,~m.-§Raney amendment, it carried, meant guson, ' ,that the Control Bill be thrown out, "I'll do all in Inv power." implied-he would. therefore be compelled to Mr. Lethbridge. vote against that amendment. It seemed again as it the division Powers of Board. iwould be taken. But then Leslie W. Mr. Lethbridge continued to draw Skek(L.I:).O., East Lambton) rose to the attention of the House. to Scc- pea .' n the suggestion ot the ', o . " . . , Premier, he adjourned the debate, :tion 1.. of the hill, Subsection 1"'to continue today 'which reads: "The board may, with . . i the approval of the Lieutenant-Gov- (ei-nor-in-Council, (b) appoint such AMENDMENT SOUGHT 'officers, inspectors, vendors and agents as the board may deem neces- sary in the administration of this act. and by regulation prescribe the terms of their employment, fix their salaries or remuneration, and define . their respective duties and powers." l Here, said he, the board was em- I powered to choose officers, servants, ' etc, but with all the appointments subject to the Lieutenant-Governor- M in-Council. . "This. to my mind," Mr. Leth- iProper Books, Open to thm. bridge continued. "is not taking the ': . appointments out of politics. This i, Slgnorv to Be Kept by is the worst principle in the whole i . . bill. If you're going to have a Com- i, Commission Merchants mission, that Commission should be ----r-. above the Lieutenant-Governor-in- Council." Why waslnot a similar 'NTRODUCE PEDDLER BILL provision for appointment of Hydro men included in the Hydro-Electric . --.--- Act? he asked. While introducing several meas- Meeting in Glencoe. ures yesterday, the Government ' Mr. Lethhridge condoned to tell brought m an act to amend the , of an incident in which he figured in Fruit and Vegetable Consignment ;Glencoe. lie was invited to a meet-, Act. This, Premier Ferguson ex- ?19" called, so he "as tey, to de", plained, was aimed at certain com- ;Cide whether or not the village want- . . . god a liquor store. At the gathering; tntlilSttyn merchants Who. it was (ht was told that the information; thought, were not conducting their 12iP,.e'ieesi"v11etj' "all; 1th 'g,re/sienr',',a1t1e/ business with proper methods. (.Assotriation of Middle-sex. And the It provides that all .wh.o accept 1i,nf,,tr,t,y,t/ifJ, was that if they wanted consignments as commission mer- .a liquor store the application would chants shall keep proper books, show 23:9 goth: inatnheahands nt the Gov- the sales and transactions, and that m . . -o. ' fol tonld the meeting." he said. "that the books are to be available to the the Prime Minister would know bet- consignor. tor than send out word: 'Get busy it An amendment to the Statutes you want a store..' But you can see Act, 1919, brought in by the Gov- what's in the mind of some people _ . . . and the danger." At any rate, a ernment, gives the University of To- telegram was sent to the Premier ronto power to guarantee debentures 1703;",th ,mhltaitntrtr,e, added, andthf of the Conservatory ot Music to the rep y was a t ere was no truth in the association's information. extent of $300,000. . . ' " F. T. Smye (Conservative, Hamil- ATants sale by Glass. ton West) introduced as a private Frank r',',),,,',.,',']';',?,',," C?r"serv.a.tive, bill an act respecting the licenses $252022 "£2658; J?et'otreJeii',t.T, of hawkers, peddlers and transient hotel dining-rooms and by the. traders, a measure pracltigaltz" glass. He declared that while it similar to.fn act which we ' . , pass committee last year. Mr. Smye S was not feasible that the bill should ill hi i d t rv allows include "everything," the maximum bi ' , Ch 8 not man a 0., ' tees success for it would only be oh- municipalities to imam license tained bv .. according to an increased schedule . starting it out on the . f $250 road" with a maximum of sympathy set out, tlth a maximum O , behind it It provides for the licensing Ot . salesmen who sell on a future-de- livery basis. and it provides exemp- tion from license for salesmen deal- ing in nursery stock, medical and tscientitte books, sewing machines and office equipment machines. ------.-----------------

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