Fridaq,/\priil 3th 1 '. , imning. Farming, Education. I ' Efforts to improve agricultural Econditions, through measures re- specting the dairy industry, the pro- F tection of sheep and the restriction . l of the corn-borer. were also noted. I Mention was made of the work of the Agricultural Inquiry Committee ! _ in stimulating greater interest in l, farming; the unabated growth of the mining industry was particularly observed: and the Assembly was -r---r--- congratulated upon the facilities that . are being provided to bring adequate Lleutenant-Governor Says education to the remoter_ sections . . and more sparsely settled districts of Diversion Of Water tho Province. . . The improvement of conditions ot Menaces Ontario labor. and the close attention by ----- the Department of Health and Labor to the physical welfare of those en- IMPBOVED CONDITIONS gazed in industrial occupations were commended; as was the important q"-------- change made in the e,Tl',1t,t,iv,ut; sembl Act by the provson w c Hydro-Electric power develop-l 'ltlll'e'gd' with the necessity of ment, and its increasing importance? Ministers seeking re-election on to the Province of Ontario. occupied entering the Government, tg,hikt,,'.ts,' a place of prominence in the Speech 2c'xvi,ttie,'.ree mont 5 a from the Throne which his Honor . the Lieutenant-Governor read in the Legislature yesterday before Parlia- ment prorogued. "Timely steps have been taken," I said the Speech. "in noting the 1 Province's advancement in different '; fields ot industry," to increase the resources ot the Hydro-Electric -Power Commission. The construc- . tion of the new transmission line will bring to the central parts of the Province power generated in the Ottawa River. Northwestern On- l . tario power experience advantages 1 ----- from the increased development on . the lemon River. In the rural dis- Only Few Members Remain tricts the extension of electrical serv- . . ices continues to make headway and for Formal Closing of is proving a valuable auxiliary to . agriculture. Parliament The Chicago Steal. ' ------- "Navigation and power develop- . ment are being menaced more and ASSENT GIVEN TO BILLS more by the excessive diversion of I """"""'"-"-q--- the waters of the Great Lakes at ' " is o. li i ' . u Chicago. It has, tht retore, become tutu")? Par lament occupied less necessary to emphasize again the than a half-hour yesterday in writ- fact that the control of these waters his a formal tinis to its delibera- is a matter of treaty arrangement, tions of 1926. Sharp on the hour of t"admtQ,','ttd,tt (fit1tttlet1U/nhigrviti three, his Honor the Lieutenant.. have expressed on this subject re- (ilovernor entered the Chamber. fleets the sentiment of this Prov- Twenty-six minutes later Parliament nee." had t' r led.' and the fer e - In regard to representation, the b: .p , 03' ll 1% I y m Speech held that additional repre- 3rts 0 tty "use " o 1a re- sentation which has been given to mained over for the official cere- l'iortliiglrn Ontario: 'ie,fit1 the sub- many were scattering for bags and sant grow o popua on conse- ' ,E C quent upon the development of that bags, go and the first transportation portion of the Province. "By the home. re-arrangement made elsewhere . Pon , and Coremons. said the Speech, "the change will " , ' . not l'ncrease the number of seats in Tho ceremony was invested with the Legislature, but will serve to the cilSiomul'y "swans" attending effect a more equitable distribution ' any 1isit from thy, King's repre- of the representation of the people. sentutive. Guns which boomed an- The Speech noted. that progress nouncement of the House's opening made in the direction of restoring on Feb. 10 yesterday spoke loud- the balance between revenue and voiced declaration of its termina- expenditure was alike encouraging lion. Cavalry, mounted police and to the Government and reassuring "members of the Headquarters Staff to the people. "I have eonftdenee," of Military District No. 2 figured it continued, "that by the cortinued in Lieutenant-Governor Cockshutt's application of efficient methods of auspicious entrance to the Parlia- collecting the revenue, and close ment Buildings and to the Chamber supervision of expenditures, the of the House, where another page t1naneia1 objects my Ministers have of Legislative history was about to in view will 'speedily be accomplish- be turned. ed. In this connection I desire to' For a closing ceremony: the st- emphasize the value and the im-i itendance of visitors was fairly large. portance of the proposals lately; 'The Speaker's Gallery was filled, and imade for the retirement of the Pro- 3 the two other galleries made a good Fvinciai debt. There will be general showing in this respect. Many seats iagreement that the time is oppor-' in the Chamber were reserved for ltdne I for making provision for wives of Cabinet Ministers and mem:. eventually redeeming the outstand- (bers of the House. ing obligations of the Province."